Friday, February 19, 2010

Celebration 10 years Wushu activity in Montenegro

But there is no Wu-shu federation in Montenegro olympic Committee
. There is only Budo federation. And these things are not the same. (China, Japan, USA all the same budo).

“On December 9th, 2009 the Wushu federation of republic Montenegro celebrated her 10th anniversary in Hotel Premier in Podgorica, Montenegro. The best trainers and competitors were awarded for their achievements in the IWuF competitions. Mr. Darko Djurovic was honored for his good performance and representation for his country in the international Wushu sport landscape.
This celebration was attend by members of the Olympic Committee of Montenegro and San Marino (Mrs. D. Polovic), honored guests from the Chinese Embassy and the Sponsors and enthusiasts of wushu.
The celebration was broadcast on the National TV Montena, TV MBC and some articles in the Pobjeda newspaper. Several congratulations were received from Michel Barbone - CONI member President of National Olympic Committee of Puglia, Mr. . Ivan Brajovic - Ministry of Interior of Montenegro , Mr. Liu Wenshin - ex consul of China in Montenegro and Mr. Li Manchang Ambassador of China in Montenegro. The President Mr. Zoran Milovic was honored for his efforts to promote Wushu into Montenegro. The EWuF President congratulate the President of the Wushu Federation of Republic Montenegro for the efforts they are making to promote Wushu. Congratulations!”

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