Monday, July 09, 2007

Ag'ya, Danmye, Ladja = PRASAVATE (capoeira?)

Ste se kdaj vprašali kje je pravi izvor borjenja z nogami? In verjetno ste vedno pomislili na vzhod. Če pa bi vam kdo rekel da je Martinique in njegovi plesi, združenimi s številnimi mornarskimi preizkušnjami ustvarjal prave Popaje in tako imenovani Pra-savate iz katerega kasneje vlečejo ideje tudi veščine kot so Capoeira in Francoski boks.

In tu je video iz leta 1936

In še en Ag'ya iz leta 1947

The drummer is not only a referee but he may also be the main supporter because he can influence the course of the fight by giving advantage to his favourite wrestler. As a matter of fact, the tambouyé can indicate to the wrestlers the right time to attack or withdraw from the engagement. He can also disturb a wrestler in action by playing a jerky rhythm which provides improper information.
Drum language:
Signal to dance in a ring
Signal for assault
Signal to withdraw from the engagement
Signal to attack
The score:
a kick at the face means 5 points
a kick at the chest means 3 points
a kick at the leg means 1 point
a punch means 1 point
a series of punches means 2 points
zelo lepa pravila? seveda
a sweeping blow means 5 points

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