Thursday, July 01, 2010

EC 2010 canne de combat website

The Championships will be hosted by Cambridge Academy of Martial Arts®, between 3rd and 5th September, at the Leys Sports Complex, Cambridge. Set in the grounds of the The Leys Campus, the Sports Complex has excellent facilities, including a viewing gallery overlooking the sports hall:

Friday 3rd September:
Arrival of delegations
Registration of athletes

Saturday 4th September
Qualification phase of the Championships
Evening Reception

Sunday 5th September
Quarter- and semi-finals
Closing ceremony

Teams registered so far include the following countries:
Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
We are waiting for confirmation from several other countries...

Teams consist of 3 male athletes, 3 female athletes, coaches and officials.

And the president of Canne de combat European savate confederation is an Italian Daniele Parilli. The man who refused to compete on the first World Canne de combat championship 2004 - Reunion. And the man - who still didn't find a time to register Italy for the EC 2010.
I think good times for Canne de combat are really coming in these years in EUC.

And look his CV - you will be frightened as savateur in FIS - International savate federation because WAKO kickboxers are the one who take control over savate sport.

Kick Boxing

La Kick Boxing è una forma di combattimento moderna ideata in Giappone negli anni '70. Nella Kick Boxing si possono utlizzare tutte le tecniche di pugno e di calcio di un sistema di combattimento dinamico: unisce in un'unica disciplina i pugni propri del pugilato alle tecniche di calcio delle arti marziali tradizionali.
Essendo una disciplina che nasce per la competizione, il lato atletico dell'allenamento è posto come punto principale per iniziare correttamente questa pratica per cui viene curata in modo particolare la tenuta fisica del praticante.
I corsi sono tenuti da Daniele Parrilli.


Kick Boxing

Kick Boxing is a form of modern combat created in Japan in the 70s. In kickboxing that you can use all the techniques of punch and kick a dynamic combat system: it combines in a single discipline their fists in the boxing kicking techniques of traditional martial arts.
As a discipline that was created for the competition, the athletic side of training has set as a main point correctly to begin this practice which is treated in particular the physical condition of the practitioner.
The courses are taught by Daniel Parrilli.

And the most interesting thing:

Savate - Canne de combat

Pagina in allestimento. / Page under construction :)

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