Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Manchester - savate seminar USA

Belgium vs. USA

Belgium and Italian team helped USA on the east cost to progress in boxe francaise and canne de combat savate techniques. Alexandre Walnier, Ivan Umek (Belgium team).
Saturday, April 19-20, 2008, Manchester, NH hosted its first international tournament of Savate Assaut. The contest took place at Murphy’s Gym Boxing and Kickboxing Center, a renowned location for upcoming fighting athletes from New England. Here representatives from the United States, Canada, and Belgium competed in direct elimination competitions of assault (light contact) and attended a training seminar held by Yvan Umek, former European champion and now trainer of the Belgian Team. The tournament gave everybody a chance to display the variety of style and techniques associated with the practice of French kickboxing at different levels.
The event was promoted by Eugenio Traballano with the help of the United States Savate Federation. Many were the local spectators who came to see the event.
The results were excellent and the challenge was exhausting, but in the end everything went smoothly and without major delays and/or problems. There were a total of 26 fights but not all the divisions were represented. Six were the finals (see chart for results) in which Canada won two first places, Belgium attained three first places and one second, and the US won a total of one first place and five seconds.
The USSF had a chance to test the skills of some of its newly trained judges, and coach some new ones for the upcoming 2008 nationals, to be held this upcoming July in Los Angeles.
The US Savate Federation was extremely satisfied with the experience and so were the representatives from Belgium and Canada; we received many compliments for our efforts, with the intent of improving our relationship. We hope this was the beginning of an ongoing yearly happening, where our teams will be able to measure their technical skills on an international level on the North American Continent.

Emanuelle Toti (FIST - Rome) (border Canada - USA - above NY) december 2007.


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