3rd of February 2009 - president of WAKO kickboxing Serbia Mr. Pelevic (also Silver glove in Savate) gave an old OCS president Ivan Curkovic highest kickboxing award.
2nd of March 2009
Takeover of presidential powers
Vlade Divac completed his first working day as the president of the Olympic Committee of Serbia today. Having arrived to the Olympic House, Vlade Divac met with the going NOC Srb president Ivan Curkovic. A friendly conversation between two athletes also served as a formal takeover of powers of president of the Olympic Committee of Serbia.

OCS - Olympic Committee Serbia has a brand new structure - and new president is (ex. NBA Basketball player) Vlade Divac.
Changes in sport structures in Serbia are coming out rapidly.
What does it mean for Savate? Will this sport without AGFIS recognition move from Europe to Asian destinations and choose territories formally not so organized as it is practice in EU - European Union?
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