Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Roots of shoes fight
In Marseilles - sailors 200 years ago kicked with additional hand-grip on the floor (like capoeira) and on the wall or fence. Interesting video filmed for Human Weapons documentary.
6 Year Old Cage Fighters
The popularity of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) or caged matches are gaining popularity with very young children. The State of Missouri is one of the only USA states which permits public events to take place at this time. Children as young as 6 years old train for the events. Full contact is not allowed until the age of 18.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Souleimane Konate vs. Ferencz József - K1
K-1 Rules Tournament in Hungary 2007 in town of Debrecen. Ferencz József - savate fighter decided to step in ring with K1 stars, and as you see for the first time he was brilliant. Congratulations to Hungarian savate. Great job.
Canne in Quimper 22&23th March 2008
French Cup 2008 - Quimper 22&23th March 2008.
58 competitors - 18 clubs - 9 league
SENIORS man - 28 competitors
1. Florian ADAMI Nice 06, 2. Frodo VAN DE GEUCHTE Agen 47, 3. Benjamin LATT Schiltigheim 67
SENIORS woman - 7 competitors
1. Cécile SERRIS - SPUC Pessac 33, 2. Nicole CHANE FOC Rivière des Gaiets, 3. Chantai LUCAS Quimper 29
younger: man 7 competitors
1. Jean-Wieifried RECHICHOU La Réunion, 2. Juies QUENET Quimper 29, 3. Sébastien BLADOU Figeac 46
younger: man 6 competitors
1. Heimdai LESAGE Seaux 92, 2. Lény ViDAL Figeac 46, 3. Jérôme WEiBEL Schiltigheim
less than 12 years mixed: 4 competitors
1. Kéren DESCORSIER La Réunion, 2. Lucas MECHOUAR Schiitigheim 67, 3. Ivan SAGET La Réunion
VETERANS man - 6 competitors
1. Jean-Luc HAOUZI Seaux 92, 2. Armei CHESNAY St Herbiin 44, 3. Smaïn EL ADRHAM Avon 77
58 competitors - 18 clubs - 9 league
SENIORS man - 28 competitors
1. Florian ADAMI Nice 06, 2. Frodo VAN DE GEUCHTE Agen 47, 3. Benjamin LATT Schiltigheim 67
SENIORS woman - 7 competitors
1. Cécile SERRIS - SPUC Pessac 33, 2. Nicole CHANE FOC Rivière des Gaiets, 3. Chantai LUCAS Quimper 29
younger: man 7 competitors
1. Jean-Wieifried RECHICHOU La Réunion, 2. Juies QUENET Quimper 29, 3. Sébastien BLADOU Figeac 46
younger: man 6 competitors
1. Heimdai LESAGE Seaux 92, 2. Lény ViDAL Figeac 46, 3. Jérôme WEiBEL Schiltigheim
less than 12 years mixed: 4 competitors
1. Kéren DESCORSIER La Réunion, 2. Lucas MECHOUAR Schiitigheim 67, 3. Ivan SAGET La Réunion
VETERANS man - 6 competitors
1. Jean-Luc HAOUZI Seaux 92, 2. Armei CHESNAY St Herbiin 44, 3. Smaïn EL ADRHAM Avon 77
Nautico savate Genova
In Italy all savate teacheras and fighters joined FIKB (Federazione Italiana Kickboxing - Italian kickboxing federation). But some of them (not part of FIKB but members of CSEN - (Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale - National center for sport education few days ago were invited to Kranjska Gora (Slovenia) seminar - 1st European stage Martial art CSEN (28-30th March). And Daniele Colleto (ex IAKSA) should present Kickboxing and Savate in the name of CSEN (member of an Italian Olympic Comitte - CONI) . Denis Porcic - Slovenian rapper also demonstrated some ju-jitsu techniques.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Savate K1 in shoes
GB8 in Marseilles. Christian N'Ka (smaller fracture of shinebone)lost his match against Czech Roman Kleibl.
Christophe Canal (Ring Marseillais) won Laurent Long (Provence BF) by points.
Christophe Hourtal (Savate Club Valentine) won Nicolas Atmani (Punch Université) by points.
Benoit Bouhris (Punch Université) won Herbert Danois (US BF Melun) by points.
Roman Kleibl (Punch Impact du Golfe) won Christian N’Ka (Team Borg) surrender in 3rd round.
Myriam El Abraoui (Ring Marseillais) won Elsa Capell (Punch Impact du Golfe)
by points.
Cédric Castagna (Team Borg) won Ha Van Yoan (Savate Club La Valentine) by points.
Anthony Frémont (Corsaire Boxing) won Stéphane Scotto (Salle Mohamed Ali Nimes) surrender in 2nd round.
France ELITE 2008 - 5 th January 2008
Thanks to Dominique Siegler for this video. See the dress (black&white) with short sleeves. Very nice.
Monday, March 24, 2008
They forgot savate
Ju-jitsu and savate were teached hand in hand in old days. But the author of this clip didn't want to mention it. But all in all we can see brilliant retrospection through black and white eyes.
La Canne Demonstration - Dreynevent 2008
Olivier de Dupuis and Zsolt Sandor demonstrated La Canne on Dreynevent 2008. Hungarian - French teachers connection.
Djibrine on IDF technical savate competition
ASSP savate club from Paris, France shows us great savate duel.
Difference between combat (full contact) and assaut (light contact) fighter is just the fluidity of fight. Techniques are the same, control is perfect and Djibrine is playing with hius opponent. Great work
Difference between combat (full contact) and assaut (light contact) fighter is just the fluidity of fight. Techniques are the same, control is perfect and Djibrine is playing with hius opponent. Great work
19.3.2008 Gordon Brown and English boxing
Gordon Brown British Prime Minister meets British Olympic Boxing Team. English boxing is recognised in GB as traditional "gentleman" sport. Did French Prime Minister ever met French Savate team? Do you have some information about French national sport "French boxing" SAVATE in connection with goverment public-relations?
Gerard Gordeau 1991 savate fights
Legend of UFC 1, and K1 Gerard Gordeau was a competitor in French boxing - Boxe Francaise - SAVATE. Netherland is his homeland, and in 1991 he represented savate for his country. In Netherland savate team were also Mark Holland, Fred Royers, Ernesto Hoost. Oh yes Gerard is the man who finishes the last action in this video.
Kamel Chouaref mastery of savate in slow motion
9 times Champion of France, 4 times Champion of Europe, 2 times Champion of the world, 4 times winner of Cup France and 5 times owner of Golden Katana (the best boxer of all categories).
92 combats, 89 victories (43 K.O) et 3 losses, in French boxing - Boxe-Francaise-Savate.
3 times champion of the world in Kick-Boxing.
92 combats, 89 victories (43 K.O) et 3 losses, in French boxing - Boxe-Francaise-Savate.
3 times champion of the world in Kick-Boxing.
Best savate fighter from GB
Savate is sport for smart and educated people, and James Southwood gives us a good example. 00:45 speaks for itself. See double chasse (piston kick)in opponent lead leg and second chasse is just a feint (trajectorie) and in a second it transforms in fouette (roundhouse kick) in a head. Slow brains cannot produce such an intelligent action, for sure. Train hard and think hard.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Eric Quequet and Robert Paturel
Did you know that Robert Paturel was former savate - boxe francaise combat champion? You can see him here in savate defense actions done by ADAC and RAID methods.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Final cut and disqualification
00:38 is the time when one of the fighters (blue) fell down on his knees KO, and the other (black) punched him in the head. Judges were strict. Disqualification of the black.
Combat savate in Genova
Savate sport differs from country to country. Savate is not about the techniques... It is philosophy of fighting it is strategy and fineness of movement. There are many fighters who step in savate ring but only few of them are real savateurs. And remember this - savate is not when you fight under savate rules.
Savate world championships 2006 Assaut
If you want to buy DVD - it costs only 13 Euro and you can find it here:
Chauss fight 2007
GB7 Marseilles. Shin kicks allowed - is motto of new born discipline in savate. Like professional sport - this discipline will be more attractive than all other bare foot sorts of kickboxing. Shoes are advantage in fight and martial art world will find out what these words mean very soon.
Savate forme choreography
Nice part of savate training called savate forme. Like tae-bo but performed with more boxing and kicking techniques. Music? Of course, don't forget it. This is part 4 and we expect more, more and more.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Genova MAMELI savate 100 years
From 1908 to 2008 Genova italian school of savate uses the same sport techniques, chasse - croise like later Bruce Lee did. I think that this Italian school is one of the oldest in Italy although there are several Golden gloves like Manusardi, Mameli, ... Remember great fighter Nocentini who fought Panza, Paturel, May, and many others.
Savate HUNGARY in action
Hungarian TEAM in their gym in Budapest. Well equiped and highly motivated they prepare competitors for combat and assaut matches. You can find them on and ask them about their interview you see below.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Gédéon KABRE "le Katakarmabé"
Gre za univerzitetni klub Caen v katerem trenira temnopolti Gédéon KABRE Saint-Aignan-de-Cramesnil, Basse-Normandie v Franciji. Zanimivi "tajmingi" rušenja in čiščenja, ki jih špe nisem vajen oziroma jih sam verjetno ne bi uporabljal. Vsak dan se učimo naprej.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Greg Tony VS Alexey Ignashov
Za strašljivo uničujočo tehniko rdečega škorpijona Ignashova ste verjetno že slišali v K1. Zagotovo pa še niste slišali za fanta Gregorya Tonya, ki z Alexejem dobesedno pomete. No zgodba je podobna Khiderjevi, pa vseeno, verjemite v medijsko pojavnost , verjemite da obstaja le en svet in pohvale Slončku in trpežnemu sadežu ki sta razmajala ponosno slovensko dogmo do materne na Viktorjih.
Canne chausson in Luc Cerutti
Naj me pes poščije in se mi golob v glavo zaleti če ne bo to postala v kratkem ena bolj razpoznavnih vadb s palico v naših krajih. Seveda pa se računa tudi na širitev preko meja.
Emerik Veceric (CROATIA) vs. Angelo Valente (ITALY)
Friday, March 07, 2008
Topi meč seka kot za šalo
Nenanbrušeno rezilo lomi kosti in celo seka za šalo kot vidimo s posnetka. Kaj je vztrajnost, kaj ostrina in kaj pospešek se sprašujem tudi sam.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
California boing boing TV in savate
Nicole Sedmak, ki baje nima slovenskih korenin kot mi je zatrdila, prikazuje lokalnemu Jonasu Ž kako se približno trenira savate. No in ker je reklama dobro spremljana je efekt dosežen.
Tekmovalni moringue
Moring bi hotel biti drugačen od Capoeire. Hoče biti bolj tekmovalen. To mu lahko uspe samo s praktičnim preizkusom, ki bo deloval. In mislim da je na dobri poti. Talno borjenje gre naprej. Super.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Savate in FISU
This Saturday, 1st March 2008, in China, the Executive Committee of FISU unanimously accepted the candidacy of Savate. Alexander WALNIER presented the file to 26 members of the Executive Committee of FISU on behalf of the International Federation of Savate. The 1st World University Championship will be organized in Nantes in June 2010.
A big step forward for our sport!
The President of the International Savate Federation, Gilles Le Duigou, would like to express his thanks to all those who worked on the FISU bid:
"The two photos speak for themselves, at the Executive Committee of the International Federation of University Sport (FISU), he has presented an excellent case for the candidature of the city of Nantes (France) to organize the first official World University Championship of Savate in 2010. From this day, Savate is an official sport of FISU! Thank you Alexandre, you were the brilliant final voice of a file that testifies to what we can achieve together.
My thoughts and my thanks go also to the devotion and the passion of the many people who worked on this candidature, my recognition goes also:
- To the City of Nantes, supported by Alain Guillard, Franck Legoff and Bertrant Gautier, who always believed in this plan, for the excellent file of this candidature and for their work;
- To Valérie King and Neil, her husband, who worked hard on the translations into English of the candidature file;
- To Julie Gabriel and the British Federation, for the translations, their ability in communication and their support;
- To Collette Andrusyszyn, regional director of university sport, who organized the first University World Cup of Savate in Lille (France), in 2005, and who showed us the way;
- To President Serge Boulonov and the Russian Federation, for their support, the supports in the University world and their offer to organize a World University Championship;
- To the President Miodrag Rakic and the Serbian Federation, for their support, and their rapid response to show that savate is practiced in Serbian Universities and that the Serbian National University Championships will be officially recognized in 2008 (the Serbian representative within FISU is also the person in charge of combat sports);
- To the President Joseph Scholz and the American Federation for their support, likewise to Barbara Marry;
- To President Jean Paul Coutelier and the French Federation for their support with the French Federation of University Sport and for the work done by their staff;
- To the President José Savoye and the French Federation of University Sport, without whom the candidature file of Savate could not have been submitted, and also because they believed in the success of our candidature;
- To the President Alain Piette and the Belgian Federation, for his contact work with the FISU, enabling me to present the file of candidature of Savate in January 2008 at the headquarters of FISU in Brussels, in the presence of Mr Walnier;
- To Alexandre Walnier who understood, from the first days, the importance of this candidature, for his contacts with the people able to help us with the recognition of Savate within FISU, for his work representing Savate in China and for the quality of presentation of the file, for his love of Savate.
On behalf of all Savateurs, thank you to everyone, and thank you Alexandre for this success.
We won a first victory, because this was the result of the work of a lot of people, we should understand that we will only gain by working all together, for there are other candidatures (on which we already work) awaiting us: The African games, the Mediterranean Games, the games of the french-speaking world, the Asian games, and especially on the file that is my principal objective: the recognition of Savate within AGFIS.
Savate deserves recognition within the international athletic movement! FISU have given it to us!
It was with much emotion that I welcomed this news, more than my victories in combat in my youth, for I know that I share this victory with many Savateurs around the world."
A big step forward for our sport!
The President of the International Savate Federation, Gilles Le Duigou, would like to express his thanks to all those who worked on the FISU bid:
"The two photos speak for themselves, at the Executive Committee of the International Federation of University Sport (FISU), he has presented an excellent case for the candidature of the city of Nantes (France) to organize the first official World University Championship of Savate in 2010. From this day, Savate is an official sport of FISU! Thank you Alexandre, you were the brilliant final voice of a file that testifies to what we can achieve together.
My thoughts and my thanks go also to the devotion and the passion of the many people who worked on this candidature, my recognition goes also:
- To the City of Nantes, supported by Alain Guillard, Franck Legoff and Bertrant Gautier, who always believed in this plan, for the excellent file of this candidature and for their work;
- To Valérie King and Neil, her husband, who worked hard on the translations into English of the candidature file;
- To Julie Gabriel and the British Federation, for the translations, their ability in communication and their support;
- To Collette Andrusyszyn, regional director of university sport, who organized the first University World Cup of Savate in Lille (France), in 2005, and who showed us the way;
- To President Serge Boulonov and the Russian Federation, for their support, the supports in the University world and their offer to organize a World University Championship;
- To the President Miodrag Rakic and the Serbian Federation, for their support, and their rapid response to show that savate is practiced in Serbian Universities and that the Serbian National University Championships will be officially recognized in 2008 (the Serbian representative within FISU is also the person in charge of combat sports);
- To the President Joseph Scholz and the American Federation for their support, likewise to Barbara Marry;
- To President Jean Paul Coutelier and the French Federation for their support with the French Federation of University Sport and for the work done by their staff;
- To the President José Savoye and the French Federation of University Sport, without whom the candidature file of Savate could not have been submitted, and also because they believed in the success of our candidature;
- To the President Alain Piette and the Belgian Federation, for his contact work with the FISU, enabling me to present the file of candidature of Savate in January 2008 at the headquarters of FISU in Brussels, in the presence of Mr Walnier;
- To Alexandre Walnier who understood, from the first days, the importance of this candidature, for his contacts with the people able to help us with the recognition of Savate within FISU, for his work representing Savate in China and for the quality of presentation of the file, for his love of Savate.
On behalf of all Savateurs, thank you to everyone, and thank you Alexandre for this success.
We won a first victory, because this was the result of the work of a lot of people, we should understand that we will only gain by working all together, for there are other candidatures (on which we already work) awaiting us: The African games, the Mediterranean Games, the games of the french-speaking world, the Asian games, and especially on the file that is my principal objective: the recognition of Savate within AGFIS.
Savate deserves recognition within the international athletic movement! FISU have given it to us!
It was with much emotion that I welcomed this news, more than my victories in combat in my youth, for I know that I share this victory with many Savateurs around the world."
Neodločni sodnik
Neodločni sodnik lahko omogoči slabšemu tekmovalcu prednost in celo zmago. V tem primeru se tekmovalec v črnem dresu zaganja in dela premočno živčno tehniko. Ker sodnik ne uporabi zagroženih opominov in minus točk, razbije drugemu tekmovalcu motiv in ritem v borbi. Na tak način odstopanje od enotnih pravil v lahkem kontaktu izkoristi borec v črnem dresu in niza točke nepravilnih in premočnih tehnik, saj izkorišča omahljivost sodnika. Dogovor je pač lahki kontakt, ki pa se ga eden izmed tekmovalcev ne drži. Taka borba se kasneje sprevrže v cirkus ki nima ne repa ne glave in kaj hitro se zgod da se izrodi na tak način celo tekmovanje. Že videno.
Odlične nožne tehnike vrhunskih combat borcev
Vrhunski francoski polnokontaktni combat borci znajo brcati izjemno dobro. In ne sanjajo o nobenih drugih kompenzacijah z ostalimi tehnikami. Brcanje je prvo saj prinaša 4 krat več točk kot udarjanje z rokami. Seveda pa je kombinacija ročne in nožne tehnike izjemnega pomena. Djibrine Fall Télémaque in Ismaila Sarr(popravek od Janeza in Tine :) ) prikazujeta hitre in tekoče nožne brce, visoke večkratne brce v skoku, obratu, skratka vse kar si lahko izmislite na temo brcanja. In to je recept za dobrega trenerja in borca. Savate - francoski boks je znan po svoji raznovrstnosti in ocenjevanju le te na tekmi assaut. Zakaj potem hudiča tudi combat borci nadvse odlično brcajo z nogami vse te nepotrebne tehnike?
Genova savate
Zelo zanimiva italijanska savate šola (Genova), kjer so se pojavili prvi uspešni italijanski mednarodni borci se v marsičem razlikuje od ostalih (Milano, Rim...). Uporabljajo vse značilne prvine savate športa - pravi timing, namesto površinske brce uporabi kratek impulz, tekoča tehnika, mirnost v borbi in značilno igrivost. In to je recept za uspešen Mameli savate.
Smael na predstavitvi tehnik
Zelo tekoča in fluidna tehnika, ki ji bomo v UKBV kmalu kos. Zanimivi elementi v pravem timingu, ki jih znanec Smael (skupaj sva bila na seminarju v Franciji) prikazuje.
Canne in svetvno prvenstvo SP 2008
Letos bo v Nemčiji potekalo SP v Canne de Combatu. Napovedujejo največje SP doslej. Želja je združiti Canne in Francoski boks disciplino na enotnem SP, kar bi še povečalo atraktivnost prireditve.
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