Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Saturday, January 31, 2009
K-1 Style technical seminar with Silvia La Notte

WEKAF Italian championship 2009

From 29th February tp 1st March - AKEA
http://www.akea.it - Italian stick fighting
But look activities in GB also:
When we expect weight or height categories in Canne de combat? With more members on tournaments?
English and French Boxers (1903) - IMDbPro
When will this stupid SAVATE censorship stop? in 21st century. Incredible.
Please let us see this video.
Something new in boxing. An Englishman and a Frenchman come together, and as the Englishman lands hard on the Frenchman's jaw, the Frenchman goes to the floor on his hands, and lands with both feet on the Englishman's solar plexus. The Frenchman fights with hands and feet, and it is with difficulty the Englishman can ward off all the blows. Very unique and interesting. Written by Edison Catalog
Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0447019/plotsummary
Another one:
French Boxers (1902) More at IMDbPro »
Release Date: november 1902 (USA)
Genre: Documentary | Short
Two French experts in the art of Savate, in an interesting exhibition of their system of self-defence which employs both the hands and the feet.
Source: http://french.imdb.com/title/tt0390020/
TAEKWONDIX – it consists of four board games for Taekwon-Do practitioners and fans of board games, at every age between 6 and 150 years old. Each set is independent and has got different level of difficulty; depending on the age and level of advancement of players. Each set gives the possibility of introduction simpler or more complicated rules, without decreasing game’s attractiveness.These are:
* Taekwondix Mini
mobile set of games, which may be used in every place at any time. This is the game with dices and special counters Tae and Kwon. It is perfect game before training, during the breaks at school, on camps, etc.
* Taekwondix Tul
this set is regarded to nomenclature, rules of Tul (pattern) in Taekwon-Do. Because of the game structure, it is great method to remember names of the positions, movement sequences in patterns. During the play, the participants have to demonstrate a great memory, shrewdness and smartness. Big influence of luck on the course of playing gives possibility to display patience and perseverance (one of the Taekwon-Do tenets) in order to achieve the goal
* Taekwondix Matsogi
this set is for more demanding players. It is based on fight tactic, foreseeing and players’ calculation. This game, in its conception refers to the atmosphere, dynamism and a dramatic Taekwon-Do sports fight – gaining and losing points. Players in their fight’s conception try to surprise the opponent by using various tricks, hoping to achieve the highest score. Players have to be careful all the time, and look out for opponents’ actions, presenting understanding, patience and integrity (one of Taekwon-Do tenets).
* Taekwondix Mix
the tournament game – it is the highest level of advancement. This set is for old and young fans of board games, who have to think a lot and demonstrate a great memory and tactic. This set is compared to chess.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Christian Dabrowski - Lumpini's Mouscron, Belgium
Christian Dabrowski - Master of Boxe Française
Christian (born 31th october 1964), 20 combats silver glove - gant d'argent.
30th January 2009 RING RULES - Milano

Jasmin Becirovic (41 fights, 37 victories, 22 KO, 4 loses)

Jasmin Bechirovich ((non defined) Slovenia? - Croatia? - Italy?) vs. Umberto Lucci (Italy)
We see also Fast&up sponsor - like in Milano savate OPEN.
30th January 2009 started at 20.30 - RING RULES fight event in Alcatraz, Via Valtellina 25, Milano, Italy.
Link: http://www.ringrules.it
This club is: Satori Gym - address: Stradone della Mainizza 439, 34170 Gorizia - Italy (Satori Gladiatorium Nemesis | Muay Thai Team)
Source: http://www.team-satori.com/fighters.htm (you can find Jasmin as a member (Professional?) of club Satori Gym).
On the right - trainer Romanut:

Amateur or proffesional - nobody knows. I think both at once.
He is president of his own club THAI-BOXING CLUB TIGER in Portorose, Limnjanska street 83, Lucija, Slovenia, established 6th December 1999.
For this club he received this results - which were rewarded by his local comunity PIRAN 2007/2008: (source: http://www.piran.si/index.php?page=news&item=142&id=1103)
- 5th place World championship WAKO K1 rules Beograd/Serbia september 2007
- 2nd place International professional cup K1 Alps ARENA Bolzano/Italy december 2007
- 1st place National Slovenian Championship K1 rules Ptuj october 2007
- 1st place National Slovenian Championship WAKO full-contact nad 91 kg Kranj june 2007
- 1st place National Slovenian Championship WAKO low kick +91 kg Kranj june 2007
Pictures from local community PIRAN rewarding:

But he competes for another club - Club of president of Slovenian Kickboxing Federation - Darko Filiput - Martial art club of KICKBOXING and TAE KWON-DO established on 30th September 1976. He competed for this club also in Portugal 2008 WAKO and before.
Link: http://www.kit-izola.si/news.php
Source: http://www.bizi.si/podjetje/o-podjetju.aspx?gzdM%2bBEitsDSdZ4IydCoOmoa6fn4jiqG2pgFjOY1h%2f0%3d
And finaly - his IFMA Muay Thai background in Slovenia and for Slovenia
Source: http://www.tajskiboks.com/zacetki.php
- In March 2003, the World Championship in Bangkok, Thailand, the Slovenian team comes with 2 fighters - Mirko Vorkapic (finished 9th) and Jasmin Bečirovic.
- 7th June 2003, the Slovenian Association of Thai boxing and Thai boxing club Scorpion re-organized open championships in Slovenia, Muay Thai amateur thai boxing. The competition was in the small town of Krsko. For the best fighter of the tournament has been declared Jasmin Bečirovic (Tiger Izola, super heavy weight category).
- In April 2004, four members of Slovenian muay Thai team attended the World Cup in Thai boxing in Chang Mai, Thailand. Jasmin Becirovic won for Slovenia highest medal in Thai boxing. In super heavy weight category he won 2nd place and the first silver medal for Slovenia on Muay Thai world championships (WMF).
- 16th - 24th October 2004, ) members of Slovenian Muay thai team at the European Championship WMF in Prague, Czech Republic . Jasmin Becirovic won gold medal and title of the European amateur Muay Thai champion. (Stanka Nahtigal won 3rd place. Joze Trlep, Dejan Madjarevic (now WAKO) and Rozle Jazbinsek (now WAKO) also took bronze.
- In March 2005, Slovenian Muay thai team at the World WMF Muay Thai Championships in Bangkok, Thailand. Jasmin Becirovic again won a medal with his 3rd place - brozne for Muay Thai Slovenia.
(you have to know that officially Muay Thai and Kickboxing in Slovenia didn't cooperate to these days ... or? ).
Maybe WMF and WAKO way can be observed through Croatian activities (Branko Cikatic - WMF (Croatian Sport Almanah 2006/07) and through Bulgarian activities - www.kickboxing.bg - they do WAKO kickboxing and also WMF Muay Thai. It is possible.
Later Slovenian Muay Thai competed also in IFMA. (correction from comments)
he competed in KUTINA:
12. - 13.12.2003
Best fighters:
1. Dinko Markovic SKBK "Kutina" Kutina
2. Jasmin Becirovic TBK "Tiger" Portoroz, Slo
3. Katarina Ilicic SKBK "Moslavac" Popovaca

Mr. Nasser Nassiri, WAKO Vice President and President of WAKO Asian Continental Division was in Bangkok Thailand from 16th to 20th January 2009 to meet with Thailand Olympic Committee.
Mr. Nassiri had a meeting with Maj.Gen. Mr. Charouck Arirachakaran “OCA Vice president” to discuss about the organization of Kickboxing sport during OCA 1st Asian Martial Arts Games which will be held from 24th April to 3rd May 2009 in Bangkok-Thailand.
Mr. Santipharp Intaraphartin, (the former member of the Kingdom Senate of Thailand and President of Muay Thai Association of Thailand), Pol.Gen. Mr. Tawatchai Pailee, (President of Association Kickboxing in Thailand), many officials of Thailand NOC and Thailand 1st Asian Martial Arts Games organizing Committee (TAMAGOC) attended the meeting and many technical issues for the preparation of the Kickboxing competition of OCA 1st Asian Martial Arts Games were discussed. The meeting took place in the head quarter of Thailand National Olympic Committee.
In addition, during his visit in Bangkok Mr. Nassiri had the opportunity to meet important sport authorities of Thailand including Mr. Kanockphand Chulakasem ( “Governor” of Thailand Sport Authority ) and the Chairman of TAMAGOC, Mr. Sombat Kuruphan.
Mr. Nassiri had also the opportunity to meet with the TAMAGOC management in TAMAGOC head quarter and discussed about the organization of Kickboxing competition.
Mr. Nassiri thanks Thailand National Olympic Committee and TAMAGOC for their hospitality and confirms his full support in the organisation of OCA 1st Asian Martial Arts Games.
Mr. Nasser Nassiri, WAKO Vice President and President of WAKO Asian Continental Division, during his recent visit in Thailand inaugurated the Association of Kickboxing in Thailand “WAKO Thailand” and conducted a WAKO seminar.
For the first time in Martial Arts History of Thailand, the Thailand Sport Authority authorized the foundation of a Kickboxing Association in Thailand. This is another victory for Kickboxing sport and WAKO Asia being a leader of Kickboxing in Thailand.
Mr. Nassiri during his meeting with Pol.Gen. Mr. Tawatchai Pailee, President of Association Kickboxing in Thailand, assures active collaboration between WAKO and Association Kickboxing in Thailand in particular in 2009.
During his visit in Bangkok, Mr. Nassiri officially inaugurated the opening of WAKO Thailand activities holding the first WAKO seminar in head quarter of Association Kickboxing in Thailand where many official referees and judges were present. Many essential points were part of discussion during the seminar, including WAKO rules and regulations, official styles practicing in WAKO, athlete’s safety, safety equipments and WADA Anti Doping and its application to all WAKO members and athletes.
Master Helio Gracie (1913-2009)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Letter from GAISF President Mr Hein Verbruggen to the President of the NOC of Thailand in regard to the 1st Asian Martial Arts Games in Bangkok, April
Gen. Yuthasak Sasiprapha
Olympic Committee of Thailand
226, Banampawan Sriayuthaya Rd, Dusit
5th January 2009
Dear President,
We have been informed that your Olympic Committee is organising the 1st Asian artial Arts Games to be held in Bangkok coming April. Though acknowledging your right to organise this event, we must state that we are deeply concerned by the fact that you seem to invite a Muay Thai Federation, which is NOT recognized by GAISF as the official International Federation for Muay Thai (which is IFMA as you know).
We are aware of the fact that you do not wish to honour the official GAISF recognition of IFMA and we are equally aware of existing litigation in this case in your country. From our side, however we ask your understanding for the fact that GAISF member IFs start to have serious problems with the fact that they are invited in events where their athletes have to compete against athletes that are members of so-called “dissident IFs”. With “dissident IFs” we do not mean anything negative, but we just want to indicate the fact that these Federations are active within sports that have already an IF that – after thorough investigation and due diligence - has been recognized by GAISF as THE official international governing instance for that specific sport. This GAISF recognition brings also important obligations, such as e.g. acceptance and application of the WADA-Anti Doping Code. You will easily appreciate that - as a result - GAISF IFs have a clear preference to participate in events and championships in which other GAISF IFs exclusively partcipate.
GAISF has 13 Martial Arts & Combat Sports IFs as members and we have installed since several years a Working Group of all these IFs in order to discuss items and projects of common interest. During a meeting recently held in Moscow, Presidents, Secretary Generals and/or other representatives of these 13 IFs have clearly voiced concern about the participation rules of the coming up Asian Martial Arts Games. For the time being they have therefore decided not to confirm definitely their participation. Given the dates of your event (April), we understand that this is a rather urgent matter and that this may present serious practical problems. We are therefore willing to meet and discuss this important issue with you on short notice in order to find suitable and practical solutions. We inform you that this issue has been raised in a separate letter to the President of OCA who receives also a copy of this letter.
We thank you for your attention to this matter and we look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Hein Verbruggen
GAISF President
IOC Honorary Member

Cc: IAF (Aikido) President, Peter A. Godsbury
AIBA (Boxing) President, Ching-Kuo Wu
IJF (Judo) President, Marius L. Wizer
JJIF (Ju-jitsu) President, Panagiotis Theodoropoulos
WKF (Karate) President, Antonio Espinos Ortueta
IKF (Kendo) President, Yoshimitsu Takeyasu
WAKO (Kickboxing) President, Ennio Falsoni
FILA (Wrestling) President, Raphaël Martinetti
IFMA (Muay Thai) President, Sakchye Tapsuwan
FIAS (Sambo) President, David Rudman
IFS (Sumo) President, Hidetosh Tanaka
WTF (Taekwondo) President, Chungwon Choue
IWUF (Wushu) President, Zaiqing Yu
OCA President, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah
IOC Sports Director, Christophe Dubi
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Canne de combat - learning "Esquives"
UFC - gyms (like Mcdonalds)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Farina vs El Quandili European Championship kickboxing 1994
Assaut and Combat - Carolo trophy - Charleroi, Belgium
Sunday, January 25, 2009
French invented modern sport wrestling
Source: http://wapedia.mobi/en/Greco-Roman_wrestling
Greco-Roman wrestling actually derived from a 19th century French form of show-wrestling popular for its high throws. It is speculated that many styles of European folk wrestling may have spurred the origins of Greco-Roman wrestling. The British wrestling styles that originated in Cumberland and Westmoreland have some holds that are not allowed in Greco-Roman, but restricted arm holds to the upper torso, and was quite similar to Greco-Roman. The styles of Devon and Cornwall also had the wrestlers using their holds above waist level. According to FILA, a Napoleonic soldier named Exbroyat first developed the style. Exbroyat performed in fairs and called his style of wrestling "flat hand wrestling" to distinguish it from other forms of hand-to-hand combat that allowed striking. In 1848, Exbroyat established the rule that no holds below the waist were to be allowed; neither were painful holds or torsions that would hurt the opponent. "Flat hand wrestling" or "French wrestling" (as the style became known) developed all throughout Europe and became a popular sport. The Italian wrestler Basilio Bartoletti first coined the term "Greco-Roman" for the sport to underline the interest in "ancient values." Many others in the 18th and 19th centuries sought to add value to their contemporary athletic practices by finding some connections with ancient counterparts. So, it was widely believed soon enough that Greco-Roman wrestling emerged from a Greek wrestling competition known as "upright wrestling" in which only upper body holds were allowed. The 18th century work Gymnastics for Youth by Johann Friedrich Guts Muths described a form of schoolboy wrestling called "orthopale" (used by Plato to describe the standing part of wrestling) that did not mention any lower-body holds. Real ancient wrestling was quite different; see Greek wrestling.
Was Savate’s Drop Kick from Pro Wrestling?
Unless you’re a youngster, you’re probably familiar with the numerous books Bruce Tegner published primarily in the 1960s, one of which was a text on savate. Therein, Tegner demonstrated first a jumping drop kick from the standing position and then a leaping sidekick from a moving start. Click on the thumbnail below for a close-up:
So where did it come from? Well, the obvious jumping ability and the high knee chambering does remind the reader of savate. A further reading of the history section of Tegner’s book reveals that he did go to Quebec at the age of fourteen for a year to learn savate from Jean-Claude Gautier. Tegner was born in 1929, so this was during WWII. Tragically, Gautier later died in that war as did so many other French savateurs. In fact, savate instruction was so severely depleted at that time that the art was nearly lost.
While Tegner may have very well learned the drop kick from Gautier, it may instead have been an anachronism. Tegner did not publish his savate book until seventeen years after his early training with Gautier. In the preceding thirty years, wrestling had introduced the drop kick as part of its aerial theatrics. Then once WWII began wrestlers were tasked with much of the hand-to-hand combat training and later published their methods, often including lip service to savate methods (think D’Eliscu, Cosneck, etc.).
“Jumping Joe” Savoldi had begun using the drop kick in the squared circle as early as 1933 and took credit for its invention. Likewise, wrestler Abe Coleman claims he invented the drop kick after seeing kangaroos on a visit to Australia in 1930. Either way, the method was firmly established well before Tegner went to Canada to learn savate.
In 1934, the press made a to-do over an anonymous wrestler complaining about Savoldi’s use of the drop kick. (Washington Post, Jan. 30, 1934). This was likely Jim Londos complaining before his January 31, 1934 rematch with Savoldi. Savoldi won the rematch after previously double-crossing Londos earlier in 1933, although in the meantime Savoldi had lost the title to Jim Browning.
But back to the relevant point: in 1934, the press referred to the drop kick as the “American savate,” giving initial credence to the idea that the drop kick may have been a technique introduced to wrestling from savate, but I think that also is a red herring. My take is that the term savate was just being used as a generic term for a foot technique in the article because of savate’s strong association with kicking techniques. I don’t believe the term was used to indicate an actual connection to savate.
Therefore, I conclude that Tegner’s use of the drop kick was idiosyncratic and not a widespread technique commonly used in savate. I suspect that instead the drop kick was incorporated at some point from the influence of wrestling. I’d love to be proven wrong, though, so if any of you savateurs can set me straight, don’t hesitate to speak up!
FISU Recruits Technical Chair Aerobics in Shenzen Universiade 2011
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Innovation, Global Reach and Friendship Promotion in the Largest Online Game Portal Ever Created
The FISU Web Games will be much more than an Internet Portal that will offer online international competitions, based on leisure and knowledge games, devoted exclusively to the university students’ community in the world. Under the official sanction of FISU, it will be the only online game initiative to offer the world’s university students the opportunity to become the official World Champion in various areas of competition. Students from around the world will compete through exciting, healthy educational videogames. The FISU Web Games will also achieve unprecedented social results. It will provide not only prizes, awards, scholarships and international recognition to the best players. It will promote fair play, ethics and friendship, besides offering international career opportunities. In order to compete, students will not need athletic skills. They will participate in the championships playing from their homes, in an unmatched world-scale promotion of knowledge and fraternity among the youngsters. If your federation is interested in participating in these new dynamic FISU championships in the virtual world, please return the participation form in pdf with the required information. For further questions do not hesitate to contact us by phone, fax or e-mail. Contact person: Eric SAINTROND Phone: +32 2 640 6873 Fax: +32 2640 1805 E-mail: fisu@fisu.net
International Martial Arts Sports Delegates Visit FISU HQ
Today, January 23rd, delegates from the International Martial Arts Sports Commission from GAISF visited the FISU Headquarters in Brussels. Mr. Patrick Van Campenhout (Treasurer International Wushu Federation) and Mr. August Dragt (board member International Aikido Federation) met with FISU Secretary-General Eric Saintrond and a number of FISU staff members for a working session. The Martial Arts Sports Commission will stage the first Martial Arts Games in 2010 in Beijing, China. As FISU already incorporates six martial arts sports in its sports program (judo, taekwondo, karate, wrestling, boxing and in 2010 for the first time savate) the Martial Arts delegates consider FISU as an important partner for their educational program and the academic development level of martial arts sports.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Jiany Allamele vs. Predrag Simunec
Jérôme Huon in Finland
From 9th to 11th Jan 2009, Jérôme Huon was in Finland for a seminar for savate instructors. He enjoyed a warm welcome and excellent organisation for the seminar. His program for the development of the trainers included:
educational methods, processing of information, planning of training programmes and 2 training classes.
Jérôme was impressed by the organisation of Savate in Finland, with 1200 members, 120 lessons per week and about 40 teachers. He believes this must be one of the biggest clubs in the world.
Jérôme has been involved in Savate for 20 years, as a fighter and now as a trainer at the "Pôle Espoir Ile de France de Savate boxe française" at Eaubonne, France.