Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Sunday, October 31, 2010
WKA world championship 2010
Opening ceremony and emotional speak of the man.
All kind of disciplines and many, many categories.
Thaiboxing: Montenegro vs. Germany
Boxing: Marina Horvat vs. Vaci Natasa
Marina Horvat won.
Same as Silvia La Notte also Marina Horvat is very active in AIBA - english boxing.
When you read savate history and all that hate and rivalship beetwen english and french version from the times of Carpentier (who was stollen by English boxing) you get that funny feeling that some group of people on international level all the history try to present us some weird pictures of reality that never exists.
There are always enemies, people in confrontation, indians and cowboys, good cops and bad cops but at the end this only group always collect all the money. Always. And control everything. And this is the point of all this story.
Savate PRO - Hrvoje Kisicek - Boxer and MMA fighter

Is this really Croatian boxer - Hrvoje Kisicek in Spanish integral dress?
+85 kg : Kisicek Hrvoje (CRO) vs Fabrice Aurieng (FRA) --> Try this link
Savate PRO is open to everybody - exept savateurs who sistematicaly wants to progress from the beggining. AIBA, WAKO, IFMA, IWUF and FIS is just one big friendly family - except people who really love and really invest and specialize savate. The same words used Croatian boxer Mate Pralov (RIP) who said - yes I am Amateur boxing world champion but only half of champion, because there is also another organisation.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Muaythai Chanpuek Kiatsongrit (THA) vs Rick Roufus(USA)
Look at this "well known" intro campaign. The same principles were used at the times of karate, judo, ju-jitsu when small Japanese masters won small circus tournaments against wrestlers and boxers during last century.
and another one - with kissing at the end
Verona savate?
Because there was no savate official FISa club in Verona all these years:
As we know in Italian region Veneto - there is just FIKB - kickboxing, and in Friuli some kind of MMA and Penchak Silat with Marko Brondani.
Maybe that kind of savate exist in FIKB - Italian kickboxing federation, but we all know that FISa and FIKB are separated and also savate is not kickboxing?
But to be real Italian savate club - the best way is to join FISa and to start also with canne de combat and assaut as parts of savate - the whole sport.
My comment on tryings to join kickboxing and savate is this video:
Kamel Jemel vs. Somrak Sor. Khamsing
Friday, October 29, 2010
Abdelaziz ALIK and Ismaila SARR
ABDELAZIZ ALIK : University champion of Boxe Française
Ismaila SARR :
4 times champion of France - Boxe Française,
3 times Champion of Europe, 1
1 time World Champion,
You know why are they afraid of assaut?
They would be disqualified in the first seconds of every assaut fight because of the "NON SAVATE TECHNIQUE". But there is another posibility. You go to combat where nobody except French team knows nothing about savate and in this way you compete in the same kickboxing brotherhood. There is no technique, no strategy it is just that "Tough Guy" expression on your face. So typical for a Balcane region nations.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Multi Silvia La Notte
(English) boxing: Silvia la Notte - National championship 2010 (--> 5:03 )
WAKO PRO Kickboxing: La Notte VS Kougioumtzoglou 2010
Is Alexandre Walnier leaving savate because of his major FENCING activities FIE?

Spain and Belgium organised junior and cadets world championship 1997 on Tenerife islands.
On a picture - 1997 - president of Belgium fencing federation Mr. Alexandre Walnier, Rene Roch and Angelo Martinez Vassallo - trainer of Spain fencing.
And these days can you imagine one person - SUPERMAN of course on two very important positions
FIE - FENCING: general secretary - Federation Royale Belge d'Escrime
FISav - SAVATE - FISU university savate
One life in most cases is not enough to fly on two planes at the same time unless if you are 007. James. James Bond.
italians still block SAVATE sport on University level
After several months Italian student sport called CUSI still blocks information about the first SAVATE University world championship 2010. Check it for yourself.
Isn't this very complex international game?
Probably there will be some letter adressed to FISU about well known LATIN games.
Let the play goes on.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
1st Open International Savate Pro tournament

TV - FR3 Bourgogne - 1st Open International Savate Pro tournamentle 23th of October 2010 in Chevigny Saint Sauveur. 8 Elite fights. Many similarities with the ussual combat fights. If this discipline will remove all kickboxer, muay thai, kung-fu and boxing fighters from combat regular competitions we will say thank you Savate pro. In all other cases we would say just - nothing new.
56 kg : Jesus Branco Gallardo (ESP) vs Dimitri Suire (FRA)
60 kg : Hernandez Navarro (ESP) vs Damien Malard (FRA)
65 kg : Mathieu Bernard (BEL) vs Boris Essere (FRA)
70 kg : Goran Borovic (CRO) vs Georgy Fernante (FRA)
75 kg : Karim Benmansour (FRA) vs Tony Ancelin (FRA)
80 kg : Luca Sacco (ITA) vs Ludovic Chevalier (FRA)
85 kg : David Siviera (ITA) vs Mike Lambret (FRA)
+85 kg : Kicisek Hrvoje (CRO) vs Fabrice Aurieng (FRA)
Monday, October 25, 2010
University of fighting - Claude Alberton and Alfredo Lallo
Professor Mathieu Stehlin - World savate champion 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Dress or not to dress
Sport Sieben:
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Anti doping and savate multi-discipline finals
How can WADA accuse organiser if the MMA or muay thai competitor is doping positive on SAVATE finals competition? Who will be responsible?
If the logo below is WAKO, FIKB, FISav, FPI (Italian boxing federation)... ?
Federazione Italiana KickBoxing
KickBoxing, Muay Thai, Savate, Shoot Boxe
Promo: Kickboxing Superstar
Source: Giorgio Castoldi
KICKBOXING SUPERSTAR! Milano, Saturday 23th of October - Palaiseo.
KICKBOXING SUPERSTAR - Lino Guaglianone - DORIA BOXING TEAM organise this mixed International event of Savate Pro, K-1 rules, Kick Boxing, Muay Thai. Italian way.
Palaiseo - Palalido di Milano 18.00.
SAVATE PRO: ANGELO VALENTE (Doria Boxing team) vs. IVAN SFORZA (Fight gym Lugano, Switzerland)
Angelo did not fight in savate for the last 10 years but the new formula of SAVATE PRO made him to put on savate shoes and fight this weird new savate discipline.
SAVATE - European title: SILVIA LA NOTTE (Doria Boxing team) vs. OUIDED ABDELAZIZ (FRANCE)
Muay thai: FRANCESCO CERRIGONE (Team De Pro Calzolari) vs. GIUSEPPE D'AMURI (Profighting Santeramo) 75 Kg
Savate Pro: ANTONINO LA RUSSA (Doria Boxing team) vs. MAURIZIO PAVONE (Bulldog Gym)
Pro K-1: OVIDIO MIHALI (Doria Boxing team) vs. FEDERICO GALLIGANI (Grifa Gym) 71kg (3 minute rounds)
K-1 Rules: ALESSIO MARTINO (Team De Pro Calzolari) vs. MARCO SIGISMONDI (Milanonfight) 65kg. K-1 Other fighters: ELENA MANGIARDI (DORIA BOXING TEAM), FLORIAN LUNGU, .....
Federazione Italiana KickBoxing
Andrea Vittori - World savate combat champion
Where on Tuesdays and Thursdays savate world champions are produced ...
Via Pietro Mascagni 6 - 20122 Milano tel. 02 794815
Orario segreteria: da lunedì a venerdì 11.30 - 21.30
Monday | 13.00 - 14.00 15.30 - 16.30 16.30 - 17.30 17.30 - 18.30 18.30 - 19.30 19.30 - 20.30 20.45 - 22.15 | |||
Tuesday | 17.30 - 18.30 18.30 - 19.30 19.30 - 20.30 20.30 - 21.30 | 19.30 - 21.00 | 13.00 - 14.00 | |
Wednesday | 13.00 - 14.00 15.30 - 16.30 16.30 - 17.30 17.30 - 18.30 18.30 - 19.30 19.30 - 20.30 20.45 - 22.15 | |||
Thursday | 17.30 - 18.30 18.30 - 19.30 19.30 - 20.30 20.30 - 21.30 | 19.30 - 21.00 | 13.00 - 14.00 | |
Friday | 13.00 - 14.00 15.30 - 16.30 16.30 - 17.30 17.30 - 18.30 18.30 - 19.30 19.30 - 20.30 20.30 - 22.00 | |||
Saturday | 15.00 - 17.00 | 15.00 - 17.00 |
Semifinals vs. France
Finals vs. Russia
Very talented guy works also professional version of kickboxing - WKN
And Alfredo Lallo as speaker on WKN tournament. President of FISA - Italian savate federation.
Savate Switzerland - Ivan Sforza
And with Franco Scorrano - Chauss fight promotor and FSI
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sportaccord website with SAVATE !!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Melissa Imbert - Savate world champion 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
FISA - New Italian savate federation - no more FIKB - no more kickboxing
Viale Zara 9
Mi 20159
Italian university savate championship 2010
Giorgio Ali seminar of forbidden savate kicks
Is this ex-FIKB promotion of savate sport as Falsone talked his stories to FISav?

European combat savate championship 23th of October 2010 - Finals - Silvia La Notte vs Ouide Abdelaziz
European combat savate championship 23th of October 2010 - Silvia La Notte vs Ouide Abdelaziz in MILAN (Palaiseo), Italy
Italian Golden League - European savate championship 2010?
In this year it was World assaut savate 2010 championship in Paris.
And now we see assaut fight (- 75 Kg) on 4th of December 2010 in Italy:
LUCA SACCO ((Andrea DORIA - GENOA, Italy) trainer: Luigi ILENGO) vs. TONY ANCELIN (France). Strange.
Probably it is combat fight for European mens title 2010.
Palazzetto dello Sport PALACUS, GENOA in Viale Gambaro (zona ALBARO).

The work ahead for FISav - New president - Julie Gabriel
Written by Julie Gabriel (traduction: J-M Rousseau, Agnes Aubert) | |
On the 26th September 2010, I had the great honour of being elected as the first female President of the International Savate Federation. In recent years, I have worked closely with FISav staff and officers and have been able to observe the issues faced by the federation, the areas of work, the successes, and what works well and what does not. The main challenges for FISav in the coming years fall into four categories: Finance and budget, Management and organization, Consolidation of our position and Progression I believe it is necessary to have a period of consolidation for FISav itself, including updating our statutes and operating procedures, strengthening our member federations and our links with them, and making our organisation more transparent and accountable to its members. Finance and budget Our recent achievements - recognition by WADA/AMA, FISU and Sportaccord - bring with them increased expenditure. I propose a review of expenditure to identify efficiency savings and forecast expenditure for future years. Along with this, we need to increase our income, for example, by showing sponsors and partners (public and private) the benefits they can gain from working with us. We should also acknowledge the differing levels of financial support in our member countries, and look for positive ways to support those countries with the biggest need. National federations with a stable financial position should be identified as potential hosts for future championships, and be given a sufficient amount of time and support to gain sponsors. We must also make improvements in the collection of affiliation fees and give national federations clear benefits for paying on time. Management and organization Currently the work load for FISav officers is very high. As an organisation, we need to strive for efficiency and provide an appropriate level of support through paid staff. We also need clarity in senior roles; the areas of responsibility for FISav officers and Commissions must be more accurately defined and published for all to see. This will also help with transparency of the organisation and representation. The method of operation of the continental confederations, their duties and rights should also be clear to all, and be discussed and approved by the FISav General Assembly. National federations should be able to identify a route to having their views heard and considered by the continental confederations and by FISav. Consolidation of our position FISav must consolidate the number of active federations and help them to become stronger, as well as develop ways of supporting new federations. Statutes, procedures, resources and training materials should be available in several languages. We have, within our membership, individuals who are willing to help with this; however, there are also documents which require professional translation. Our Championships are judged on the quality of the athletes, but also on the quality of the judge-referees. We need to improve the training of the judge-referees, provide them with feedback on their performance, and develop a FISav passport to record their activities. Their responsibilities are great: being protective of the health of the athletes, the respect of the rules and ethics of Savate, and being just in their decisions. Progression Many of our members will know that Savate was a demonstration sport in the 2010 Sportaccord Combat Games in Beijing. I worked on this successful project with Gilles Le Duigou and Jean-Marie Rousseau, and was delighted to hear of the welcome and encouragement given to our delegation by the President of Sportaccord, Mr Hein Verbruggen. Our aim is for Savate to be a full participant in the next Combat Games in 2013. Looking ahead, we should not neglect opportunities to showcase our sports and increase participation, whether this be in the Mediterranean Games, the Masters Games, the Paralympic Games... Many of our national federations are in Commonwealth countries; their members would value the opportunity to take part in the Commonwealth Games. All of our work should benefit any future application to be accepted as an Olympic Sport. We should embed the Olympic ideals and ethics in all that we do. We should be a model for excellence, respect and friendship, encouraging fair-play, just decisions, and participation at all levels from the newest beginner to the elite athlete, from the trainee judge to the most senior Delegate Official, and from the club volunteer to the international management. |
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Chicago savateurs represent United States at World Championships
Over 40 countries were scheduled to participate in the 2010 Savate Assaut World Championships which were held in Paris, France on September 24 and 25. The United States represented with a small team of three fighters who qualified at the National Championships in New Hampshire in May.
Of the three fighters, two hail from Chicago, as well as the United States Savate Federation President, Greg Znadja, who also attended. Mike Illic of Chicago made this his third trip fighting for the United States at Worlds, and Chicagoan Meredith Lyons fought for her second time on the world stage. Each fighter scored a win and both represented well. U.S. fighter Cindy Vander Schueren made her World Championship debut. "The United States should be very proud of the performances of our three fighters," said Znajda. "They represented the country well and look forward to the next competition."
Federation president Znajda was pleased with the fighters' performances and hopes to continue to grow savate in the U.S. Both Chicago fighters expressed a desire to continue their training and increase their involvement with international competition. U.S. fighters made contact with the Canadian and Mexican federations at the event and hope to work together to grow the North American savate environment.
"The U.S. Team performed excellently despite the overwhelming experiential deficits," Znajda said. "In Europe they can fight in savate every other week if they want to. In the United States a yearly fight is about the best you can do short of informal sparring sessions. Despite this discrepancy Meredith and Mike's movements, counters progressive attacking style and form were on par with all countries including France. What was lacking was timing and tactical expertise which can only come with more competitive ring time. This opinion is backed up by the closeness of the scores and the long deliberation times that were necessary to decide the winner."
When asked if more opportunity for competition will be available for savate practitioners in the future, Znajda was positive in his response. "The USSF's plan is to increase local and regional interest by sponsoring competitions and seminars, attaching single fight competitions to other disciplined events and we are well underway in accomplishing that goal. The overall goal is to have a complete team to head to France for the next World Championships in two years."
Saturday, October 09, 2010
3rd ITF taekwondo federation wants to join WTF olympic version
(Croatian ITF taekwondo - Jung Hwa group -
(But Croatian taekwondo WTF federation cooperate with Ung Chan group which wants to be inedependent of WTF , so they ask for Sportaccord recognition in 2010. Ussualy we know WTF and ITF merging activities through Jung Hwa group. Weird.
(And there is also another one - Ung Chan group (they say official in Croatia) -
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Feedback rating: 10/10
We have returned from Korea exhausted and tired from a long jurney (around 12.000km), but alive and well, and with wonderful impressions and memories for a lifetime.I assume that everyone of us who has ever dealt with taekwon-do skills at least once wanted to see the homeland of taekwon-do and meet the culture, history and present of these distant lands and peoples.
Dream I have dreamt together with my family and four of my students, but also friends, was just as beautiful as in dreams before coming to Korea, and perhaps even better. Courtesy and kindness of people, their sense of responsibility and honor, and dedication to this art entirely impressed me. I would like that this dream once more could happen. Unfortunately I could not share this dream with some nice people, my students that I wanted to be next to me and a lot of times I thought of them there.They all deserve to be with me there and be a part of everything up there these 10 days occurred. It was a privilege to share a gym and the arena, and thus compete with the best individuals and the best teams in the world. Even a defeat from such could not create a feeling of anger because you can not disrespect such opponents when you see their skill and that effort. Friendships that were created or restored from before are the invaluable gift and a privilege for those who were there .Common happy and sad moments from the competition, the joy of night life, sadness at parting on the last day, to change shirts in between have a wealth of memories that they will all remember for the whole life.
To receive first gold as a coach and climbing of your student on the podium during the medal awarding is the valuable privilege and reward for all the effort of all those who in any way assisted in the realization of this dream and privilege. When you are on the highest pedestal, and beneath you are major countries like USA, England, Canada and Argentina, then you can not feel anything but pride and honor. The privilege of me as a coach is in the fact that I led a team of wonderful people who worthily presented themself, their country and their school, and me as a coach. Every each of them gave their maximum in their current knowledge, skills and willingness to be competitive in all disciplines they competed in. Sanda Livia Maduna, world champion in sparring, ranked fifth in the special techniques after losing the battle for the bronze medal from th competitor from England and Adam Filipovic, from an Argentinian with whom he celebrated the night before and looked forward to. To all of my other competitors, I would like to thank them for representing both them and me as a coach in a positive light and because they left a wonderful impression on others.
Also for me was a privilege and an honor to be a father and coach and team leader, of World Champion Sanda Livia Maduna who was elected on behalf of the ITF competitors (700), together with a WTF competitor from Australia on behalf of a total of around 3000 competitors from 60 different countries to take an oath at the opening ceremony of the 11th World Taekwon-do festival and 15 ITF Taekwon-do World Championships.
Another privilege for me was to be the participant of first historic taekwon-do Seminar with Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa IX, and many Masters such as Nestor Galaraga, Jose Maidana, Rudolf Kang, Don Dalton, Muleta, Kruk, Ligaj and others, which was held in the World Taekwondo Educational Center built and situated in Chung Cheong University. And together with all of them and many participants to visit the ancient shrine on the mountains and feel the breath of the history of taekwon-do through another dimension that you do not have the opportunity to feel and experience outside of Korea. To get to the presidential suite at 20th floor of Ramada, at the invitation of the President of ITF Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa himself and to spend time in conversation with him and his closest associates and to receive the gifts of memory is an unforgettable privilege for me and our world champion.
The duty of every loyal member of the ITF is, if the higher force doesn''t stop you, was to come to Korea for this event because it was not the usual World Cup, which happens every two years, but it was a historic world championship which opened the door for ITF in South Korea which is the birth place of Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa, and a big step in rapprochement of the two federations WTF and ITF, mostly due to friendship of Mr. President Choi and Oskar Oh.
As the only representative from the Croatian INO (INO # 366). I had the honor of participating on the World Congress ITF in which they made many important decisions and conclusions. We were witnesses of the promotion of two prominent VIII DAN Masters (Master Troiano and Master Creedon) which is a rare opportunity. Therefore, it was the duty of every one of us to come, participate and contribute to greater strength and reputation of the ITF organization which we belong to. To be participant in this historic event and a to incorporate themselves into the great moment of history and future of taekwon-do were my dreames, privileges and duties that have been realized. By returning home, this dream continues to live on transformed into the realization of departure and participation at the next European Championship in Ireland 2011th and the World Championships in Ottawa 2012th, the European Championships in Barcelona 2013th or the World Championships in Sardinia 2014th.Who knows, maybe again, and at festivals in Korea.
In the end would like to thank all participants of the World Championship on beautiful moments and to congratulate to all of medal takers.
Dominik Maduna IV. Chairman of ITF Taekwon-do Academy "Semper Fidelis" Croatia.
Kickboxing and Muay thai federation Austria - WAKO + IFMA
Two different Sportaccord recognised federations work together in Austria. Is this hidden model used also in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia?
Probably yes?
And probably they don't ask for cooperation with savate sport.
Offizielles Mitglied der:
* World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO)
* International Federation of Muaythai Amateur (IFMA)
* SportAccord (ehemals “General Association of International Sports Federations” (GAISF))
Friday, October 08, 2010
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Bambous family in action - Mauritius island
most of the time they dance true Waikru Muay thai dances - NICE
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
WC 2010 - French boxing, Paris, France, assaut
Guillaume Mercure (Canada) vs (Brazil)
Gerard Monseur (Belgium) vs. Nicholas Chiumiento (France)
Mariko Hara (Japan) vs. Monica Torchio (Mexico) 1
Erica Huile (France) v. Ivana Popadic (Serbia)
Lee Boutin (Canada) vs. Germany
Marie-Pierre (Canada) vs. France
Rachel Shore (GB) vs. Germany
Lee Boutin (Canada) vs. Brazil
Lee Boutin (Canada) vs. Ireland
Lee Boutin (Canada) vs. Serbia
Lizzie Hawkins (GB) vs. J. Arnould (Belgium)
Rachel Willis (Great Britain) vs. Janesse Leung (Canada)
H. Akodad (Marocco) vs. C. Boisbineuf (France)
Mariko Hara (Japan) vs. Erica Huile (France)
James Antill (Great Britain) vs. V. Michaux (France)
Y. Bouaissa (France) vs. C. Van Hoecke (Belgium)
Richard Carbone (ITA (ex. FRA)) vs. (FRA)
Bruno (Portugal) vs. Belgium
Bruno (Portugal) vs. Victor Lovazsi (Hungary)
Belgium vs. The rest of the WORLD