Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Giorgo Ali - SAVATE seminar PACK
Friday, September 25, 2009
Branko Cikatic - teacher of K1 in University sport - Croatia
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dalila Adoui and Pierre Rysiewicz assaut demonstration
and from history to these days:
Savate seminar with Alain Tardits - 17th July Berlin, Germany - IMAG
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Luigi Alessandri - Imperia, Italy
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
European Wu-shu federation meeting in another continent?
IOC President visits the Belgian Olympic Committee

On September 4th the IOC President was attending a Belgian Olympic Committee event, our Director General Patrick Van Campenhout met the IOC President on this occasion
World Games Kaohsiung - Wushu as demonstration sport
For the first time Wushu was presented as an demonstration sport, this is a very important step for Wushu. This is the result from our lobbying during the last years in Sportaccord meetings. The next step is the application to become a full sport in the World Games. Next year in April we will have the next Sportaccord meetings and also the International World Games Congress. During this General Assembly a new executive committee will be elected and the agreement of new sport federations and sport disciplines will be discussed. The World Games are always considered as the "anti-chamber" of the Olympic programme.
The World Games editions are every 4 years, the next World Games are in 2013 in Cali, Colombia. Let's work hard to be accepted by the IWGA as a full sport on the programme.

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Savateur: Silvia La Notte on WAKO K1 kickboxing world championship in Austria in October 2009
She is a chosen one. For Italian BLUE team.
Kg | Cognome | Nome | Società | Regione |
senior | women | | | |
-48 | LA NOTTE | SILVIA | Pro Fighting Sesto | LOMBARDIA |
-52 | PANIPUCCI | ROSSANA | University of Fighting | LOMBARDIA |
-56 | PANU | DONATELLA | Real Sport SS | SARDEGNA |
-60 | CAPUCCI | PAOLA | Pro Fighting Prato | TOSCANA |
-65 | CURRO’ | CATERINA | Ski Sport Kombat Messina | SICILIA |
senior | men |
-51 | MARCEDDU | GIAMPIERO | Team Marceddu FI | TOSCANA |
-54 | LODDE | FABRIZIO | Real Sport SS | SARDEGNA |
-57 | VERZIERE | GAETANO | Tiger Sporting Club SA | CAMPANIA |
-60 | CAMPAGNA | ANTONIO | Pro Fighting RM | LAZIO |
-63.5 | ANGELINI | PAOLO | Pitbull Team KB Tivoli | LAZIO |
-67 | CAMPAGNA | ALESSANDRO | Pro Fighting Roma | LAZIO |
-71 | MOSCA | LORENZO | Pro Fighting RM | LAZIO |
-75 | SANTI | MARCO | Pro Fighting Prato | TOSCANA |
-91 | LUCCI | UMBERTO | Pro Fighting RM | LAZIO |
Muay thai fighter Petrosian in Italian kickboxing federation

Brothers Petrosian will become technical coaches for FIKB. But before - K1 max in October in Japan, Tokyo.
And who said that names are just names - just to cover the same players behind?
President of IFMA Member Federation in Belgium Visits the Thai Embassy In Brussels
On September 4th 2009, Mr. Patrick Van Acker, President of the Belgian Kickboxing & Muaythai Organisation (BKBMO), a member of IFMA together with Mr. Karl Lauwen, President of the Thai-Belgium Association paid a visit to H.E. Ambassador Pisan Manawapat, at the Thai Embassy in Brussels.
Mr. Van Acker discussed the development of muaythai in Belgium and told the Ambassador that he aimed to popularaise the sport to the Belgium people as it is a sport which blends together the Thai culture and traditions. He also conveyed to HE the Ambassador that muaythai is yet to gain recognition from the State Government of Flander, due to their judgement that muaythai is a violent sport. It is because of this that the BKBMO are having difficulties in obtaining monetary support from the government to participate at International events such as the IFMA World Championships and the 2010 Sportaccord Combat Games.
H.E. the Ambassador agreed to help to lobby with politicians and the Minister of Sport, to ask the media for help in publishing stories to help promote muaythai as a martial art rather than a violent blood sport.
This cooperation will endorse muaythai as a beautiful art form which reflects the respect each athlete has for his or her teacher as well as for one another. The Thai embassy in Belgium also sees it as a way to develop and nurture Thai-Belgium relations.
The embassy have proposed some projects specifically geared towards these aims pending the grant for funding from Bangkok. These projects include inviting a minister or politician with decision making authority together with some Belgian muaythai athletes and Belgian media to travel to Thailand, inviting Thai muaythai trainers to train Belgian athletes for a duration of one month and focus on the traditional aspects such as Wai Khru and arranging for representatives of the BKBMO to visit the Belgian Embassy in Thailand to lobby for the Belgian Embassy to support the cause.
We wish our Belgian member federation the best of luck and continued support in the goal of gaining recognition from their highest sport authority in the near future.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Savate fighters: Marina Horvat and Ida Kovacevic in jail in Ukraine

President of Savate federation Croatia Mr. Miljenko Rozmaric - selector of woman team - english boxing federation of Croatia was probably dissapointed.
No VISAS were obtained for both fighters. (Or maybe this was just a smart decision? kickboxing - savate - boxing internal problems?)
And they were prepared for European woman boxing championship - 2009 (Ukraine) but police had another strategy.
What is the moral of this story?
Don't mix savate - french boxing with other combat sports (and especially not with english boxing) - in other case you will go in jail.
Bulgarian lottery repeat probed
The chance of the same numbers appearing were one in four million |
The Bulgarian authorities have ordered an investigation after the same six numbers were drawn in two consecutive rounds of the national lottery.
The numbers - 4, 15, 23, 24, 35 and 42 - were chosen by a machine live on television on 6 and 10 September.
An official of the Bulgarian lottery said manipulation was impossible.
A mathematician said the chance of the same six numbers coming up twice in a row was one in four million. But he said coincidences did happen.
Minister of Physical Education and Sport Svilen Neykov said the commission established to investigate would provide answers towards the end of the week.
The lottery organisers described it as a freak coincidence and pointed out that the numbers were drawn in a different order.
Nobody won the top prize in the first draw.
But a record 18 people guessed all six numbers in the 10 September draw.
Each will win 10,164 leva (5,196 euros; $7,643).
Source: BBC
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Moring lontan in Toulouse, France
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Ethiopian Suri Stick Fighting - Last Man Standing
Friday, September 11, 2009
Savate almost with both feet in AGFIS
Seminar in Iran 6th of september 2009
Written by Julie | |
The President of the Iranian Savate Association, Mr. HamidReza Hesaraki, invited Mr.Mohammad Hamzepour, 2009 world championship bronze medalist (60-65kg) to participate and demonstrate Savate techniques. |
Anti doping - STOP drugs in savate
How will the structure of future savate federations in Europe look like
You remember ARISF
But their domain expired. Yes, they worked hard and serious and now you can see that Olympic movement is still alive.
Mr.Ching-kuo Wu knows what savate is?
INSEP integral savate dress
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Surname Zapata
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Asian Savate Federation
University Savate in Mexico
The Mexican Savate Federation is pleased to announce the opening of the Queretaro State Savate Association AC. It is the first University-based association in Mexico, and has been set up to encourage women to participate in Savate.
Samuel Ramos recently gave a seminar there and awarded grades to 18 participants. Although it is a 7 hour drive for Samuel, he intends to support them with regular visits, and is convinced that they will enter a team in the University World Championships in Nantes.
Summer training camp in Reims
Three of us from Sweden went to this year’s summer training camp in France: me, Ulf from Karlskrona and Katharina from Växjö. Ulf and I attended the preparation for combat fighters course and Katharina was there for the technical training.
The camp was in Reims in the north of France which made the travel easier than the last couple of years when it has been in the south.
We flew to Paris on the Sunday before the camp, rented a car and managed to find Reims in reasonable time. The only difficulty was finding the CREPS once we were in Reims. At the train station I found a tourist office and tried to ask the way but the girl who worked there had the same level of English as my French - impossible to understand so asking didn’t make me any wiser but I managed to get a map. With the map and a lot of patience we managed to find the way from the city centre to the CREPS in a little more than an hour. Later we found out that the actual drive way took ten minutes but we were just happy to find it.
Once at the CREPS we found Jerome Huon who gave us our keys to our rooms and food tickets and all things practical. He also told us that the following morning at 7.30 there would be a morning run to wake our bodies up. So the next day started with a forty minute slow run together in a group and after that it was breakfast. The breakfast at CREPS seems to be the same no matter where in France you go and it consists of white bread, cereal with or without chocolate and coffee. Besides not being that healthy, it gets incredibly boring but after the morning training it went down easily.
The second training of the day for the combat group was physical evaluation where we did a number of different exercises to determine our physical level. There were static weights tests and running. Short explosive runs and also a longer one where you would run as far and fast for as you could for six minutes and after that see how long you had run and count your pulse.
The combat group was small, there were only seven of us in all which is less than previous years but it was also a good thing because we got more time from the coaches. The coaches were Jerome Huon and Tony Ancelin from Levallois in Paris. Jerome works for the French federation and is a former top level fighter and Tony is still fighting and came in second in the French Elite Championships this year.
After lunch, which was a lot better than breakfast, there was some time to rest before the afternoon training. The third training session of the day was to evaluate fighting skills and consisted of five rounds of hard sparring. It was interesting to see the others fight and they were good, especially one guy, Christoffe who was impressive. For me the sparring was ok, a lot more time has been invested in coaching than in training this spring so it was kind of tough to do a hard sparring session and for me it ended in the end of the third round when I blocked a fouette with my nose.
Tuesday also started with a run and then some other balance and strength exercises before breakfast. The second session of the day was French boxing. First we got some evaluations from the coaches - they told us what to think about and what to concentrate on during the week. After that we did a lot of different themed assaut and the same thing in the afternoon.
Wednesday morning, there was no running, but instead there was some kind of relaxation exercise together with the whole group. Since it was done completely in French it was difficult to understand what it was all about but it was nice to relax a bit, together in a group.
The second session was pure physical training. After warming up we did explosive short runs of thirty metres where we started from different positions and just ran as fast as possible when the coach blew the whistle. After this there was circuit training where you did different exercises like pushups, sit ups, some static exercises and so on where we worked for thirty seconds and then changed exercise. We did this for two blocks of twelve minutes each and after that everyone were really tired and there were actually some small old injuries showing their ugly faces.
Because we were all tired Jerome and Tony took pity on us and the afternoon session was a little bit shorter, only about an hour of sparring.
Besides us three Swedes there were two Finns, two Germans and an English girl and because the Finns understand and speak Swedish and so did the Germans (one being Gerhard who is a language wizard) the second largest language at CREPS this week was Swedish (!)
Thursday morning was no training before breakfast so we got to sleep in. The first session was English boxing and in the afternoon we had some personal training with Jerome, everyone got a couple of rounds of pad work. In the evening a couple of us foreigners went to the nearest shop and bought some champagne, being in the heart of the champagne district and all sat down and talked about how things are going for Savate in our different counties and future plans while sipping on the beverage. It was a really nice evening watching the sun go down and learning more about how the Savate family is developing in the rest of the world.
Friday there was only one session and it was sparring and since there were not so many of us in the combat group Jerome went and got some more fighters from the youth group that also was attending the training camp. They were young but good and some of them were crazy fast. Fighting the fastest one of them I felt like the bullet in The Matrix that Keanu Reeves ducked under, I felt like I was moving in slow motion.
It was a really nice training camp and Reims was a nice city to have seen and training wise it is the absolutely best way to spend a vacation week.