Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Savate came from Asia - German statement
Universitysport-show - Hochschulsportshow RWTH Aachen 2010, Germany, Savate.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Savate Greece
Judges FIKB savate in Italy 2010
Judges F.I.KB - Savate, educated by prof. Luigi GALLO, responsible F.I.KB - division savate defense, with a help of M. Luigi ALESSANDRI and M. Marco COSTAGUTA.
Maurizio GIACALONE responsible for Savate – Assaut, Combat and Forme. (14 judges).
2nd of April in a club of Andrea Doria, Genova, M. (maestro) Luigi ILENGO with M. GIACALONE will show also practical part.
Dr. Chang Ung is talking something about merging (ITF 2 - with WTF.
And (ITF 3 - is talking about joining to CISM - military sport and after with WTF.
Can you understand something? Can Rogge understand this very complicated labirint of taekwondo ITF and WTF?

Prof. Dr. Chang Ung and Mr. Hein Verbruggen, the President of Sports Accord.

Prof. Dr. Chang Ung and IOC President Dr. Jacques Rogge
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mr. Karmaoui (Morocco) - World savate champion 1992 made savate seminar in Morroco
Founder and National Technical Director of Boxe Savate
Judge on a World championship (Paris-France 1993 / Belgium 1997 / France 2000)
African Boxe Savate Champion on African Championship in Cameroun
Delegue Officiel(B) in FIS - Féderation Internationale de Boxe Savate
Member of Technical Commision in FIS - Federation Internationale de Boxe Savate
Responsable for Boxe Savate in Morocco in F.R.M.F.C.K.T.S
Master in:
Black belt 5th dan Taekwondo (W.T.F)
Black belt 2nd dan Hapkido
Black belt 1st dan Karate
Gant d'argent Boxe française savate
Black belt Full contact
savate seminar in Morocco:
With savate fighter Enoch Effach in Morocco:
Enoch Effach at Mr. Karmaoui Abdelhak founder of savate in Morroco (also taekwondo practitioner).
Thursday, March 25, 2010
FISU Finance Director in Lausanne
FISU Finance Director Uyan Bekhbat (MGL)
FISU Finance Director Uyan Bekhbat spent two days in Lausanne attending working sessions and meetings with FISU partners and associates.
Mrs. Bekhbat represented FISU in a working group meeting with TSE Consulting and Maison du Sport International representatives planning the upcoming seminar on Accounting/Finance to be held in May at the MSI in Lausanne. This session is integrated in the 2010 IF Staff Seminars programme that aims at developing knowledge for all international sport federations based in Lausanne through exchange and sharing of ideas, knowledge and common experience.
This will definitively prove to be another great networking opportunity as well as an excellent chance for further exposure of FISU, its activities and its staff’s working experience.
A work meeting was also held with BDO specialist in finance and accounting Valentin Henny. BDO is FISU’s partner in this field and one of Switzerland’s leading providers of auditing, fiduciary and consulting services.
In closing, the FISU Finance Director had a work session with FISU Office Executive Assistant Paulo Ferreira, reviewing all financial documents and procedures of the first 6-months of the FISU Lausanne Office.
Savate club Vojvodina - morning TV
Should more martial arts represent in the Olympics; Chicago martial artists debate
There is argument that martial arts is already adequately represented in the Summer Olympics through Judo, Boxing, Wrestling and Tae Kwon Do. However, outside of the die hard fans of each discipline, aside from Boxing, those sports don't have the large following that many other Olympic sports garner. Many fans don't even realize they are part of the games.
With the ever-increasing popularity of mixed martial arts, it would seem that something similarly watchable would be a good candidate for addition. "Combative sports have always been a part of the Olympics," states Chicago martial artist Domingo Rodriguez. "Pankration being one of the most important competitions in the ancient games, and it being at it's most basic mixed martial arts. But I don't think the Olympic Committee will ever see MMA as anything more than barbarous, the same with brazilian jiujitsu or muay thai as sports are too brutal."
Classmate Sara Habert sides with Rodriguez. "I would love to see MMA in the Olympics." Habert says "I agree, however, that it is considered brutal by some and would receive a lot of opposition, so I don't think it will get there anytime soon."
Jun Fan instructor Lacey Bade adds an additional concern to adding mixed martial arts. "The real problem is the elimination style they use to determine winners in the Olympics. Often the winner of an MMA bout is too injured to go on the fight again later that day."
If MMA is out, is there another combative sport that may make a good showing at the Olympics? Judo and Wrestling, athletic as they may be, just aren't as exciting to watch from a spectator standpoint. Jui Jitsu has also risen in popularity recently due to it's connection with MMA, however, the intricate moves and chess-like skill that it requires makes it similarly difficult to become involved in from an audience standpoint.
"Because savate can be competed in purely on points and form without excessive violence, that would make a good case for it to join Judo, TKD, boxing and wrestling." Rodriguez, ranked white glove in savate, offers.
Habert is also a fan of the kicking arts. "I would also like to see kickboxing included, both for men and women," she says. "I think it would draw an interest from a lot of people. It is athletic and fun to watch. It is just aggressive enough, not too violent."
Bade debates the merits of savate, American Kickboxing, Muay Thai and karate. "Which one really represents 'kickboxing'? Which one could you choose without somehow playing favorites? Would the Thai fighters get all upset if they added savate and not Thai?"
"I think savate might be the most interesting and probable," Rodriguez decides. "Besides the Olympics have obscure events like curling and biatholan as a huge draw, I'm sure a lot of Europeans would like to see themselves kick some butt in something else."
"And what about forms?" Bade adds. "They're a legitimate martial art, and there are a lot of competitive people who don't want to be combative but are good martial artists. Also, many styles have some sort of form you need to learn. It would be cool to watch, too, just like the gymnastic forms we enjoy during the summer games."
Between the dance-like quality of martial arts forms and the combative grace of savate, there is definitely room for more martial arts action in the Olympics. However, considering female boxing categories will be introduced for the first time since 1904 in the 2012 Summer Olympics in England, and wushu was rejected by the IOC when the Chinese attempted an addition in 2002, the savateurs will probably have a long wait.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Savate in International Olympic Committee
Written by Marc Fion (translated by Julie)
He went on to describe the next essential issue which faces savate on 30th April. In Dubai, at the General Assembly of SportAccord, Savate seeks recognition in the family of international federations and the opening of the way to acceptance within the Olympic family.
"Savate is in the hands of a good team today and will grow with your presence among us", Alexander Walnier explained to a very attentive Jacques Rogge. He followed with agreement with the President’s creed: to fight against the blights of modern sport. He referred to doping and the problem of “recognition at all costs” that is prevalent in so many environments. He proclaimed the will of the boxing family to fight criminals and sport outcasts that play with the health of athletes, scorn ethics, and idealize money.
Alexander Walnier finished by praising the initiatives of the president of the IOC (notably, the first Olympic Games for youth in Singapore in August). He underlined "the innate sense of ethics and of respect" he saw in the President that generate the respect and admiration of all.
Jacques Rogge applauded the resolute speech of FISav, recalling the culture of Savate that Prince Alexandre of Mérode, "great advocate of the cause", had earlier instilled in him. He congratulated the members of the Federation for their entry into international university sport and for their will to grow again at the end of the congress of Dubai. "Your recognition goes through the universalism that you succeed in conferring to your discipline." Recalling his close and determined following of the values described by Alexander Walnier in his preliminary speech, he described his concern for education, his refusal of a capitalism with perverse tendencies and too marked an ideology, his constant promotion of ethics in all his works. Before departing the following hour for Singapore, the President again mentioned the importance of good governance and of a good structure within a federation. "The IOC is open to you... Keep your enthusiasm and put it to the service of your beautiful cause."
Gilles Le Duigou, President of FISav, was given an Olympic gift by President Rogge. In turn Alain Piette, member of the executive committee, presented a plaque in recognition of the work accomplished by the late Prince Alexandre of Mérode, former member of the Belgian Federation of Savate, former Vice-President of the IOC and President of the medical commission of the IOC for several years.
Jacques Rogge promised to pass this on to his family.
This occasion was not just about praising the progress made since the federation began. Equally, it was about a song of hope for the next decades where it will need to call on the strength of all in their chosen areas of work. It is only in this way that Savate will develop its many competitions. The reward will be found in making full use of skills and in the respect of all.
Each can take their road. Some may work on bringing new technical information to the attention of the Board of Directors, others may set off again on missions to Iran or China while passing through Cameroon or Latin America.
Silambam competition - kids - 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Finals - French technical championship savate - Marzan
Julie Gabriel and Yonnel Kurtz savate demonstration
MMA: Josh Barnett and SAVATE
Josh Barnett in Japan - DREAM.13 trained savate on preparations.
4:07 --> move to this position
Savate Uruguay
Friday, March 19, 2010
French boxing - Savate: France (Melun) vs. Poland
The young ambassadors of Savate
The first objective was the promotion of Savate in Poland by giving demonstrations and training in the discipline as well as an international encounter between teams from Melun and Poland. The second objective was the involvement of young people from the neighborhoods of Melun. These young Savateurs initiated the Polish students in Savate and gave demonstrations in high schools and colleges.
Authorized by the President of FISAV, Mr. Gilles Le Duigou and the Polish Federation, their trainer, Mr Mohamed Dehimi, ran technical gradings for the Polish savateurs and awarded diplomas for coloured gloves. The days were full, with demonstrations in the high schools and colleges in the morning, and in the clubs in the evening. With their trainer, the fighters braved the cold and the snow and travelled 160 km a day between the three cities.
A satisfactory result for the President, Mr. Gilles Le Duigou, and for Mr. Mohamed Dehimi - the Polish savateurs made good technical progress and the young melunais fighters proved to be ambassadors of Savate and were a credit to our discipline.
David Pauly (Melun, France)
Kaya Hasan
Malik Delalu
Badr Hari: 2012 BOXING Olympian in London?
K-1's Golden Boy Badr Hari is apparently considering an interesting move. Sources indicate that Hari has been approached to represent Morocco as a boxer in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. According to Simon Rutz, Hari's manager and the head of It's Showtime, Badr is considering accepting the offer and views it as a great honor.
Hari himself alluded to this idea a few months ago in an interview before his fight with Mourad Bouzidi: Is boxing your cup of tea? Because it was said that you have plans to represent Morocco at the Olympic Summer Games in London (2012) in amateur boxing. Is that true? Yes, we're working on it but it's not easy to realize this dream of mine. Negotiations are still going on. But the qualifications for the Olympics already start at the beginning of next year. Yes, but that's no problem. First of all, the Commission has to agree with me being an amateur boxer. We already had several conversations with the Olympic Committee and they will decide if I will be in consideration for it.
At this point, it looks like the door is open for Hari and it's his choice - if he wants the spot, it seems to be his. This brings up two obvious questions: How would he do? And is this a good choice?
To be honest, I am not sure about that first one. Hari is a good puncher, and clearly one of the best kickboxers in the world, but boxing and kickboxing are two different beasts. Some kickboxers almost solely rely on their hands, but Hari is not one of those - he uses kicks in his arsenal and he uses them well. Take those away, and it's a different sport, one that Hari has virtually no experience in. Is two years enough time to focus his boxing to get to an Olympic level?
Which bring up the second question: Even if he can try to compete, should he? Should he take the time to train in boxing instead of kickboxing and focus all his energies on this Olympic opportunity? When considering this, the name that I keep hearing in my head is Kid Yamamoto, a cautionary tale against pursuing your Olympic dreams if ever there was one. At the end of 2006, Kid was considered one of the top P4P MMA fighters in the world. Then he stepped away to try and gain an Olympic bid. He didn't make it, and upon his return, the "old" Kid was gone. In his stead was a less dynamic fighter, who has lost his last 3 pro fights. Kid took a break from top level MMA at the height of his skills, only to see nothing come of it except the permanent loss of his P4P status. That's not to say this is exactly what will happen to Hari, but you have to recognize that it's a possibility.
From a business standpoint, Hari would be taking a calculated risk if he accepts. If he does well, his stock will go through the roof. But if he fails, and fails spectacularly, he will loss precious time at the peak of his career, and potentially permanently tarnish his reputation as a top-level fighter. It's undoubtedly a very hard decision to make, no doubt made tougher by personal feelings of patriotism and pride in your heritage. Also potentially making the decision difficult - any influence by K-1, as whatever financial risk Hari takes here, K-1 also takes. You have to think they will have some thoughts about how one of their most popular stars handles such a major decision.
Thinking about it myself, perhaps it's selfish, but as a Hari fan, I want to see him competing in the sport he excels at, against the best in the world. Not putting those Grand Prix chances on pause in order to fight as an amateur boxer. If it truly is his dream, I would certainly not begrudge him pursuing it, and would root for him to take home the gold. But I would also be nervous about the possible long-term impact on the legacy of the definitive K-1 fighter of this era.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Croatian kickboxing blog writes ...
Are Croatian kickboxers angry of savate development? Are they afraid of somebody? Pukanic, Saric examples, are they connecting point with some sport called "BOXE AMERICAINE"? Let's see what it is written in their very popular BLOG caled kickboxing333.
Ah this Frenchmen ... always the first
In amateur kickboxing WAKO you can not see them, they have problems with national kickboxing WAKO federation - it can not develop this and that way. This is just because of savate which is to strong in France that it controls all other fighting sports. And they don't allow kickboxing and others to develop.
Croatian WOMEN savate assaut championship 2010

Croatian savate assaut championship - Savate club Kraljevec 14th of March 2010. assaut women - cadets and seniors.
-25 kg
1. HELENA BELJAK – SK Stubica - D. Stubica
2. MARTINA ŠILIPETAR – SK Stubica - D. Stubica
-30 kg
1. TIHANA BEDEK – SK Stubica - D. Stubica
2. KRISTINA BOSKOVIC – SK Kraljevec - Zagreb
-35 kg
1. BRIGITA GASPARIC – SK Djidara - Zabok
2. MONIKA BENCI – SK Kraljevec - Zagreb
-40 kg
2. LARA CAR – SK Kobra - Marija Bistrica
-45 kg
1. LUCIJA KARAJICA – SK Hrvatski Vuk - V. Trgovisce
2. LUCIJA DAMJANOVIC – SK Kraljevec - Zagreb
-50 kg
1. NINA SANTEK – SK Omega - Varaždin
2. KRISTINA SOKOLIC – SK Omega - Varaždin
-55 kg
1. BARBARA STRUCIC – SK Omega - Varazdin
2.IVANA MIKULCIC – SK Hrvatski Vuk - V. Trgovisce
-60 kg
1. JOSIPA BARISIC – SK San - Garesnica
2. STJEPANA HORVAT – SK San - Garesnica
-65 kg
1. EMA ZGREBEC – SK Omega - Varazdin
2. MARIJA PETRIC – SK Omega - Varazdin
-52 kg
1. JASMINA BELJAK – SK Stubica - D. Stubica
2. VALENTINA BALAZINEC – SK Kneginec - Kneginec
-56 kg
1. MARINA HORVAT – SK Ban Jelacic - Zagreb
2. MIA ZUKINA – SK Stubica - D. Stubica
-60 kg
1. STEFICA BUBNJARIC – SK Kneginec - Kneginec
2. MARIJA KOSI – SK Omega - Varazdin
-65 kg
1. LUCIJA KUTLESA – SK Kraljevec - Zagreb
2. ZELJKA JAREC – SK Ban Jelacic - Zagreb
-70 kg
1. IRENA ZUNEC – SK Omega - Varazdin
2. KSENIJA KOPREK – SK Omega - Varazdin
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Nicola Guiducci - as judge
Proudly presents: SAVATE - Sportaccord 2010 - confirmed
Savate (capital letters and bolded) - see Number 102 - lucky number !!!!
- 2010 SportAccord Combat Games
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
WSB Board approves significant tournament details
The budget and outline of a global public relations campaign were approved by the WSB Board. This will help to promote the brand identity of the World Series of Boxing (WSB) at global level and assist WSB franchises with the development and implementation of their own plans at local level. In parallel, the WSB website will be further developed to include complete franchise information, boxer biographies and a more prominent news focus. A competition database will also be developed to integrate all schedule information, results and statistics relating to the tournament.
The Board also approved the budget for the first WSB test event, which will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan on 21st April, prior to the start of the AIBA Youth World Championships. Before the test event, boxers, coaches, referees and judges will attend a training camp to help them prepare for the test event, which will be a dry run for a full evening of competition using the WSB competition format and rules. The training camp will be held at the Italian Boxing Federation's flagship facilities in Assisi, from where all participants will fly directly to Baku for the test event.
Preparatory work is well under way regarding the appointment of match officials. The Board heard that all AIBA 3-star referees and judges have been contacted regarding the possibility to officiate at WSB matches. Furthermore, a substantial number of AIBA registered coaches have applied to be considered for the WSB. These names are automatically entered into a pool from which the franchise teams can select their coaching staff. The Board also agreed in principle to the league schedule for the regular season.
Due to the excellent working relations with the International Olympic Committee, the WSB head office staff will be able to move into the MSI (Maison du Sport International, the House of International Sport) in Lausanne in April. The agreement will see the IOC move into the premises currently occupied by the WSB, while WSB staff will in exchange occupy one entire floor of the MSI "A" vacated by the IOC, with a second floor to follow in July.
In order to monitor closely the significant expenditure committed to by the WSB over the coming months and beyond, Mr David Francis, Chairman of the AIBA Finance Commission, was appointed as the WSB Treasurer and thus becomes an ex officio member of the Board. Furthermore, the WSB fiscal year was adopted as 1st July to 30th June in order to coincide with the WSB season.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Reverse lateral - jambe avant
Monday, March 08, 2010
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Westcoast 2010 - Jean Piere Julemont and IAKSA Lemmens
video from 2008:
5 days - 100 Martial Artist on Westcoast 2008 event. Forest games.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Savate club Banat , Vojvodina, Serbia - on a radio
Friday, March 05, 2010
Croatian national savate championship 2007
senior -70kg
Danijel Stefanec - Sekulic (Savate Club Stubica) VS Emerik Veceric (Omega Varazdin)