Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Choi Joong Hwa's Speech - one of three non-recognised-non-olympic ITF taekwondo international federation
Source: http://www.itf-administration.com/articles.asp?arturn=1762
On April 10 2010, Grandmaster Park Jong Soo, Vice President of ITF-NK hosted the 55th Taekwon-Do birthday celebration banquet in Toronto Canada. Special guest of honour at this prestigious event was Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa, President of ITF.
Pres. Choi accompanied by Master Parm Rai arrived at the banquet hall and were greeted by Masters, instructors and guests. Grandmaster Park accompanied Pres. Choi to the head table where he was received by other distinguished guests. Once everyone was settled, Grandmaster Park stood up and began his speech. He emphasized that Canada was the second home for Gen. Choi as he spent most of his years in Canada. He told everyone that since Gen. Choi lived in Canada he will host Gen. Choi’s memorial cup as an annual event. Grandmaster Park during his speech told everyone how he was delighted even more as the son of the founder of Taekwon-Do and ITF President was amongst us. The evening continued with a magnificent display of Korean food which everyone enjoyed. Pres. Choi was then introduced by Master George Vitale as the President of the ITF. Pres. Choi stood up and spoke about how he was delighted to be amongst all the people present. He thanked everyone for continuing the teachings of his father, Gen. Choi. He thanked everyone for their endless work in Taekwon-Do. At the end of his speech he received a standing applause. In all the evening was very pleasant seeing many faces of the past and renewing and strengthening of many friendships.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Alsace savate
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
GBSL 2010 3/4
April - event hosted by CAMA in Cambridge, this clip is the final of the light heavyweight category (80 - 85Kg) and shows Rossy being beaten by James....
Unanimous descision by the judges....plus Rossy picked up a warning in the 3rd round for striking with the shin, which is forbidden in Savate.
Levallois, France: DANOIS HERBERT - champion of France "honneur" Savate Boxe Francaise 2004
DANOIS HERBERT - "Tournoi de la Mediterannee" 5th of june 2004 Savate Boxe Francaise France vs Italy
DANOIS HERBERT - Savate Boxe Francaise "TOURNOI DE FRANCE" 2002
CSEN - savate - Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale
CSEN - Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale
Carbone Romain vs. Courville Wesley - France Elite 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Croatian boxing and kickboxing UNITED woman powers
In Sesvetski Jelkovec, Croatia : national championship - final fights "english" boxing AIBA - women - senior and junior class
Senior women
Zeljana Pitesa (BK "Pit Bull"-Split) - kickboxing vs. Tonka Dervisevic (BK "Sveti Krsevan"-Zadar) - kickboxing
Won kickboxing: Zeljana Pitesa, 9:0
Antonela Begonja (BK "Zlatna rukavica") - kickboxing vs. Natasa Vaci (BK "Metalac") - boxing
Won kickboxing: Antonela Begonja, 3:0
Marija Kosi (BK "Omega") - boxing vs. Marija Malenica (BK "Pit Bull"-Split)- kickboxing
Won boxing: Marija Kosi, 5:4
Anamarija Marusic (BK "Pit Bull"-Split) kickboxing vs. Nevena Juranovic (BK "Pit Bull"-Split) - kickboxing
Won kickboxing: Anamarija Marusic, 3:1
Nives Radic (BK "Pit Bull"-Split) kickboxing vs. Ivana Habazin (BK "Pantera") - boxing
Won kickboxing: Nives Radic, 5:1
Ana Bajic (BK "Pauk"-Split) - kickboxing vs. Ksenija Koprek (BK "Omega") - boxing, (savate)
Won kickboxing: Ana Bajic, 10:5
Junior women
Marija Bodac (BK "Pit Bull"-Split) - kickboxing vs. Manuela Zulj (BK "Pit Bull"-Split) - kickboxing
Won kickboxing: Marija Bodac, 4:3
- 60kg
Marija Petric (BK "Omega") - boxing vs. Paula Lerga (BK "Zlatna rukavica"-Zadar) - kickboxing
Won boxing: Marija Petric, RSC, R2
Matea Tabak (BK "Pit Bull"-Split) - kickboxing vs. Antonela Smoljo (BK "Marjan"-Split) - boxing
Won kickboxing: Matea Tabak, RSC, R1
Nina Cigic (BK "Pit Bull"-Split) - kickboxing vs. Helena Jurisic (BK "Pauk"-Split) - kickboxing
Won kickboxing: Nina Cigic, 8:2
10 fights - 8 took kickboxing, and in 4 fights both competitors in final fights was kickboxing
Friday, April 16, 2010
World savate combat championship 2005 - final fights in Russia
Maestro Alfredo Lallo savate seminar in Naples, Campania region, Italy

Ramil Kurmantaev (Muay Thai) vs. Arsen Melikov (Savate)
Winner R. Kurmantaev (Muay Thai)
Ramil Kurmantaev - muay thai champion of mother Russia.
Arsen Melikov: They call him savate fighter who does ritual muay thai walk just before savate fights. Weird? Not at all.
His achievements:
World savate combat champion 2007 (France),
European savate combat champion 2008(Turkey),
International savate combat tournament 2008 (Athenes,Greece),
International savate combat tournament - Bronze medal 2007 (Belgium),
Russian combat savate champion 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
Russian Cup combat savate winner 2005, 2006 ,
Fighting day 10 - Silvia La Notte (Italy) Vs. Zeljana Pitesa (Croatia)
Zeljana Pitesa won. Will we see her like kickboxer Agron Preteni this year in savate combat? Will she win European combat championship 2010?

K1 - Sesto S.G. vs. Pitbull Split in Imola on 11th of April 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Juego del Palo, Tacoronte, Tenerife, Spain 2007
Finals - National Championship 2010 Savate Forme, France
Florence - nice work. You created very attactive competition discipline.
Alessandro Caruso Vs Ahmed Chahidi - Savate PRO - Kickboxing superstar - 20th of March 2010
Wladimir Klitschko calls out David Haye
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Canne de Combat and Baton : Festival of Martial Arts 2010, Paris, Bercy, France
Savate Boxe Francaise Luxembourg
Bernard Le Prevost - European Savate champion 1975
Two Savate demonstrations:
Bernard Le Prevost vs. Xavier Lemoigne.
Both competitors from Savate club CS Villette under Christian Guillaume's lead.
first dates from 1971
and the second from 1977
About the trainer:

In 1969, French champion, Christian Guillaume traveled to Japan on a six week tour to take on the Japanese kickboxers. Guillaume fought five fights and won all. Three by KO in the first round.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
SAINDOU HIRACHIDINE - wako pro 2009 european full contact champion
Friday, April 09, 2010
Combat games - April 2010 report

The second Technical meeting successfully held in Beijing.
The planning of the Combat Games are on track when Sportaccord Delegates, the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and the Technical Delegates from each International federation met in Beijing 29 and 30 April. The games that will be held in 3 arenas in Beijing 28. August to 4. September this year will include 13 combat sports. All technical details in each sports where cleared as well as the cultural programme, facilities and competition schedule. The Opening and Closing Ceremony are in a bid process soon to be concluded and. A new promotion video are released and will be found soon on YouTube. A media programme are produced and CCTV, the national Chinese TV company will produce all TV signal for the total Games.
The schedule for Kickboxing will be:
31. August – Arrival of teams, referees and technical committee
1. September – Training
2. September – Medical Check, Weigh-In, Technical meeting,
Referee seminar, Training
3. September – Competition, Semi finals
4. September – Bronze finals and Finals, Closing Ceremony
5. September – Departure
The Mascot of the Games are launched – a Tiger. 2010 are the year of the Tiger in China and the explanation of the symbol is:
“The mascot named Dong Dong, is created with the core elements of tiger and drum. 2010 is the Year of Tiger in China's Lunar calendar. In the ancient China, warriors were used to be called Tiger Solider. Using tiger not only shows the time of the first Sportaccord Combat Games, but also displays the spirit of all competitors via the Chinese culture of Tiger Solider. The traditional percussion instrument Drum widely used in the ancient China in battlefields and festival celebrations played a part in encouragement and concert background. So, the drum in mascot design features the distinctive Chinese characteristics, couragement & head-on of competitors and the lively atmosphere of Sportaccord Combat Games.
The mascot with distinctive Chinese characteristics adopts the art of Chinese folk Cloth Tiger and the drum made in Shang dynasty featuring the square bottom and round drumhead. The square body of Dong Dong distinguishes its strong physics, the bright eyes and sliming faces shows its confidence, liveliness and vigor. The whole design presents the spiritual outlook of the host country China with optimistic and healthy national spirit as well as the continuation of the oriental spiritual connotation.”
Registration and booking: Espen Lund will come back with precise information about all registration processes.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Canne de Combat - sistematicaly
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Combat Grappling FILA
Combat grappling is a form of safe amateur Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) that incorporates techniques from most existing Martial Arts systems, creating a unique fighting environment that alternatively takes the fight from standing to ground positions. Combat grappling matches are either won by grappling holds such as joint locks and chokes, or by striking and kicking techniques.
pure wrestling with chokes and joint locks
barefoot low quality kicking and punching without any control and technique
Saturday, April 03, 2010
3rd University savate championship Serbia
Sunday 14th of March 2010 - Omladinski Sport Center „Pionirski grad“ in Beograd (and cadet savate championship assaut)
96 competitors and 20 clubs. Organisation: SK “Goran Ostojic” Beograd and Savate Federation Serbia
University savate championship Serbia:
- 60kg:
1. Sinisa Zeljkovic: Visa poslovna skola Novi Sad clan SK „Vojvodina“ N.Sad
2. Strahinja Jovovic: Fakultet sporta i fizickog vaspitanja N.Sad clan SBK „Ruma“
- 65kg:
1. Nenad Hornjak: Fakultet za sport i kulturu Novi Sad, clan SK „Milenijum“ N.Sad
2. Miroslav Belosevi: Visa zeleznicka skola Beograd, clan SBK „Ruma“ Ruma
- 70kg:
1. Goran Kasic: Fakultet sporta i fizickog vaspitanja N.Sad, clan SK „Banat“ Zrenjanin
2. Darko Knezevic: Visa tehnicka skola Novi Sad, clan SK „Vojvodina“ N.Sad
3. Marko Nenadic: Pilotska akademija Beograd, clan SK „Goran Ostojic“ Beograd
- 76kg:
1. Predrag Darijevic: Pravni fakultet Novi Sad, clan SK „Banat“ Zrenjanin
2. Fedja Piscevic: Fakultet za sport i fizicko vaspitanje Beograd, clan SK „Goran Ostojic“ BG
3. Mihajlo Paljevic: Fakultet za ekonomiju, finansije i administraciju Beograd, clan SK „Kralj Petar 1. Beograd
- 82kg:
1. Sinisa Knezevic: Fakultet sporta i fizickog vaspitanja N.Sad, clan SK „Gym Tonic“ N.Sad
2. Uveric Nemanja: Visa skola strukovnih studija Subotica, clan SK „Gym Tonic“ N.Sad
3. Nikola Sijack:: Pravni fakultet Novi Sad, clan SBK „Ruma“ Ruma
+ 82kg:
1. Goran Bajsanski: Fakultet za biznis servis Novi Sad, clan SK „Vojvodina“ N.Sad
2. Dane Bokan: Visa poslovna skola Novi Sad, clan SK „Gym Tonic“ N.Sad
Cadets savate championship Serbia:
men cadets:
- 45kg:
1. Dragan Hajdukovic-“Ruma” Ruma
2. Nebojsa Bozic-“Ruma” Ruma
3. Srdjan Popov-“Jedinstvo“ N.Becej
- 52kg:
1. Olcan Goran-“Jedinstvo“ N.Becej
2. Nikola Parac-”Goran Ostojic” Beograd
3. Petar Maglovski-“Vojvodina“ Novi Sad
- 56kg:
1. Marko Ruzic-”Goran Ostojic” Beograd
2. Vuk Vesic-“Ruma” Ruma
3. Luka Stojanovic-“Brodarska“ Beograd
- 60kg:
1. Moma Reznic-“Jedinstvo“ N.Becej
2. Srdjan Bunjevac-“Ralni aikido“ Senta
3. David Maslic-Spartakus“ Novi Knezevac
- 65kg:
1. Lazar Vujovic-”Vojvodina” Novi Sad
2. Bljend Martinaj-”Goran Ostojic” Beograd
3. Petar Bozickovic-”King” Sr.Mitrovica
- 70kg:
1. Marko Vuckovic-“Brodarska“ Beograd
2. Aleksandar Dragovic-”Vojvodina” Novi Sad
3. Andrej Gavrilovic-”Goran Ostojic” Beograd
- 75kg:
1. Andrija Pantic-”Goran Ostojic” Beograd
2. Nikola Cukic-”Goran Ostojic” Beograd
3. Milan Kalaba-“Brodarska“ Beograd
- 80kg:
1. Marko Susa-”Goran Ostojic” Beograd
2. Milan Prijic-“Brodarska“ Beograd
3. Milos Jovic-“Feniks“ Vladimirci
- 85kg:
1. Aleksandar Savic-”Goran Ostojic” Beograd
2. Milan Milijancevic-“Feniks“ Vladimirci
3. Nikola Capin-“Brodarska“ Beograd
+ 85kg:
1. Dejan Dragicevic-”Galaktik” Sombor
2. Aleksandar Petrovic-“Brodarska“ Beograd
3. Milos Udovicic-“Brodarska“ Beograd
women cadets
- 45kg:
1. Marijana Rakic-”Jedinstvo” N.Becej
2. Radana Knezevic-”Milenijum” NS
- 52kg:
1. Jovana Trifunjagic-“Best“ Becej
2. Dragica Bolozanov-”Banat” Zrenjanin
- 56kg:
1. Ademi Aida-“La Farge BFC“ Beocin
2. Jelena Kovacevic-”Ruma” Ruma
- 60kg:
1. Teodora Manic-”Goran Ostojic”Beograd
2. Milena Svonja-“Best“ Becej
3. Dragana Ilic-“Vojvodina“ N.Sad
- 65kg:
1. Bojana Andrejic-“Ruma“ Ruma
2. Bojana Bradic-“Sirmijum“ Sr.Mitrovica
3. Andjela Kunic-“Galaktik“ Sombor
- 70kg:
1. Halas Aniko-”Ringfighter promotion” Kanjiza
2. Sladjana Topalov-“Galaktik“ Sombor
Clubs - medals : Gold. Silver Bronze
1. SK “Goran Ostojic” Beograd 5 3 1
2. KBS “Jedinstvo” Novi Becej 3 0 1
3. Savate boks klub „Ruma“ Ruma 2 3 0
4. SK “Brodarska” Beograd 1 2 4
5. SK “Vojvodina” Novi Sad 1 2 1
6. KBS “Galaktik” Sombor 1 1 1
7. SKBK „Best“ Becej 1 1 0
8. SK “LaFarge-NFC” Beocin 1 0 0
9. BK “Ringfighter promotion”Kanjiza 1 0 0
10. SK „Feniks“ Vladimirci 0 1 1
11. SBK “Sirmijum” Sr.Mitrovica 0 1 0
12. Savate klub “Banat” Zrenjanin 0 1 0
13. BK „Realni aikido“ Senta 0 1 0
14. Savate klub „Milenijum“ Novi Sad 0 1 0
15. Savate klub „King“ Sr.Mitrovica 0 0 1
16. SBK „Spartakus“ N.Knezevac 0 0 1
17. Savate klub „Tigar“ Beograd 0 0 0
18. KBS „MS GYM“ Senta 0 0 0