Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
FORUM: Canne de combat and troubles in France
About savate as a martial art system : canne + boxe francaise
And why always god choose the best ones first.
CV - FOELLER Yannick Class A 75 kgs

Prénom : Yannick
Age : 22 ans
Taille : 1m 80
Poids : - 75 kg
Discipline (s) : K1 , kick , full contact, Muaythai, chaussfight
Adresse mail :
Club :boxing club de la soig
Ville : strasbourg
Coach : Dominique SIEGLER
Manager : Lucien DEROY (06 10 13 35 67)
Palmarès : 66 Combats : 53 Victoires 13 défaites
(BF : 47 Combats ; Kick/K1/Thai/Full : 19 combats, 16 victoires, 3 defaites)
Titre (s) :
-Vainqueur du tournoi de France 2006
-Vice Champion de France Honneur 2006
-Champion de Belgique 2007
-Vice Champion de France Elite 2008,2010
- Champion du Monde ELITE SAVATE 09
- Vainqueur des German Golden Trophy 2007
- demi-finaliste du tournoi YOUNG GUNS 2010 K1 -74 kgs à houplines
Modibo Diarra (FRA) Vs Umberto Musso (ITA)
They always choose the best opponent - let 's see Umberto's BIO:
In 2006 there was European Cup - Assaut where Umberto Musso was the winner. I cannot remeber this tournament because in 2006 there was World assaut championship. 2007-2010 winner of Italy savate elite tournament?
Umberto was happy if he was involved in at least one per year savate tournament in Italy. Makes me laugh. Italian elite savate. Incredible.
But the best thing here is Sebastien Farina working for FIKB - Italian kickboxing federation, who prepared also Musso. His cooperation with Domenico Rutigliani Team is again FIKB - FISa paradox. Smart French behaviour. It is a phrase.
K1 going SOUTH

Source: WAKO
K1 Grand Prix, created by Mr. Kazuoshi Ishii more than 10 years ago, the famous Japanese circuit which have been the dream of hundreds and hundreds of top kickboxing fighters in the world, have stopped its activities. The reasons were different: from the fact they were full of debts (in the last two years the best fighters were hardly or not paid at all) to the lack of enough sponsoring support for their future shows.
Immediately after, also “It’s Show Time” , another important circuit in the hands of a Dutch Group, cancelled their most important event scheduled in the famous Amsterdam Arena and that for years it had attracted 20.000 spectators. The Golden Glory, one of the most important Dutch gyms – partners of Mr. Ishii in Holland, also cancelled their super-heavy tournament scheduled in the next few months.
It is logical that in such a bad scenario, the news that Wako-Pro will start soon its World Grand Prix comes at the very right moment to give our kickboxers still hopes for a better future in these moments of international financial crisis.
Belgrade just hosted a meeting where WAKO president Ennio Falsoni met the promoter of the first event of the series, Mr. Borislav Pelevic (SILVER GLOVE SAVATE - EDUCATED - INSEP PARIS) who took him and their guest, Mr. Eduard Irimia, the most famous Romanian Kicboxing promoter (he has been promoting K1 tournaments for more than 10 years now and he was also a partner of Kazuoshi Ishii), to see the sport venue which will host the team match Serbia Vs. Greece on next March 5th.
The venue is the same which hosted the Wako World Championships in both 2001 and 2007, and so it fits perfectly to WAKO needs being capable of containing 8000 spectators.
But during the meeting, Ennio Falsoni found also an agreement with Mr. Irimia who will join forces with Wako and Wako-Pro. How?
He was named “Executive Producer” of the 2011 Wako-Pro World Grand Prix. Thanks to his long experience in TV productions, he will supervise all Wako-Pro events and will take care of the setting of the sport-hall, the lights, the choreography, the TV production creating that uniformity which is a must to reinforce the Wako-Pro brand.
Mr. Irimia will also include only Wako-Pro title fights in his own shows (he has an exclusive TV contract with ProTV, the most important Romanian TV company which has links with dozens of different international ones) and will soon try to cooperate with Wako in the ring sports. Mr. Irimia, promoter of a K1 super-heavy tournament called "SuperKombat", will allow any Wako fighter to enter his circuit . He will also be available for all our members wishing to get any kind of support in the promotional aspects of their activities.
The Wako-Pro World Grand Prix have already confirmed the following laps:
Belgrade, Serbia, March 5th, hosting Serbia Vs. Greece
Bucharest, Romania, March 18th, with Romania Vs. Italy
Budapest, Hungary, April 30th, with Hungary Vs. Croatia
Spain, date and town to be named soon, June
Semi finals and final will follow from September to December 2011.
It is logical that the first ever Wako-Pro World Grand Prix have already created a lot of enthusiasm in all WAKO kickboxing lovers and there are requests from different countries, to try to do the same in at least 4 other continents in order to create a real universal tournament which, thanks to the TV exposure it will create, will generate a larger and larger credibility with all the benefits that means.
La canne Praha, CZECH republic
La canne Praha
Miroslav Zagrapan
tel: 731 166 377
In a city Karlovy Vari learned Wu-shu (Kung-fu). Studied asiatic and historical fencing. Active some years in a historical performing group called Fictum. His sword speaks German, French and Italian school.
Daniel Voženilek
tel: 721 015 225
Probably Apache group and Zsolt Sandor (Hungary) knows him very well. Canne de combat czech group exist several years but unfortunatelly there is no Czech savate federation at the moment.
In the same situation is non existing Slovak savate federation.
Don't worry savate you can teach without any licences or control of FIS. Especially Canne de Combat. Savate is a free sport influenced from everybody.
Canne de combat KATA or better 4 side fighting
Silvia La Notte and LEONE Italian official equipment
ORCA - Nicolas Chiummiento - Savate Club Ardres
Renaissance Combat From The 1595 Club
The 1595 Club was founded in Sussex, England in 2002 & is dedicated to the practise, study & re-birth of the lost martial arts of Europe.
The aim of the 1595 is a practical & innovative exploration of Saviolos work - his principles, techniques & philosophy; not only of his chosen forms but also the application of these criterion to other weapons, weapon combinations & as the basis for a system of unarmed self-defence & combat.
This art to be the beginning and foundation of the art Militarie - Vincentio Saviolo.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Savate SPAIN
What can we say about it?
About non-typical french boxing (similar to kickboxing and ITF taekwondo) and canne de combat that doesn't exist?
About the book called "Savate war beetween NORTH and SOUTH"?
About the French instructors visting SOUTH, and European championship organised in the NORTH?
About the english boxers from NORTH and ITF taekwondo practitioners from the SOUTH of Spain?
Is there really battle for savate in Spain? Opinions are different but many of us think about big dramaturgy of the same people.
Jose Gil Ibernon - Black Belt kickboxing 2nd grade - kickboxing trainer and judge
The only question is when we compare Italy with Spain that we have the same divorced situation and another big country where the status of savate sport is unidentified.
Two federations, two battles and both fractions doesn't specialize savate as the only one sport but they try to have savate just as an additional once a year competition discipline. (Follow the Serbian and Croatian (let's say Balcan way)).
Names are names, accusations are accusations but it all doesn't matter when we follow the idea - general idea of spreading savate sport:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
We have new International savate federation called Chauss Fight

NEW - INTERNATIONAL SAVATE FEDERATION. Do we have to pay also this one annual membership 2011? LINK -
Many years we talked about unique sport called savate. About one federation called FIS. Like Muay thai talked about one Muay thai sport.
These days we recognise an old and prooved tactique of mixing reality which is very easy.
What was done:
FIS - International savate federation created Chauss fight section with its head Christian Robert, Marseille, France in 2008 in Paris on FIS assembly after World assaut savate championship in the building of French Olympic Committee. Christian Robert assisted with savate and chauss fightin a TV documentary called Fight Quest. And Christian organised also World savate combat championship 2007.
But overnight after premier fights in Chauss fight with Silvia La Notte and her WAKO PRO manager Giorgio Castoldi, in 2009 Christian Robert became the main International savate federation enemy.

The worst man in the savate world. FIS - International savate federation doesn't want to hear nothing about so called Chauss fight and they create their own style called SAVATE - PRO.
And Ludovic Fornes very efficient (French savate federation) savate combat fighter became recognised chauss fight face in France.
So at this moment the same people play two roles in two international savate federations. Christian Robert plays it for the side of Kickboxing and Muay thai and the other SAVATE - PRO group within FIS plays it for - hmmm (WAKO PRO?) - probably for nobody.
And in Italy we have interesting divorce of the same and unique savate federation in two groups. FISa - Alfredo Lallo group (we call it official) and on the other hand the other one full of money and much, much bigger which is in Italian kickboxing federation called FIKB - with the help of Mameli savate.
These days Marco Costaguta became representative of Chauss Fight also. And Marco Costaguta talked also about organising FISU world savate university championship in Genoa, Italy 2012.
Marco Costaguta with Falsone and Picaso:

People can you tell me please if this is not a creation of new savate section in Italian kickboxing federation?
The same way like Muay thai section was created although they have FIMT - Italian Muay Thai federation recognised by IFMA?
Mameli savate which is in the same FIKB group finished savate regional tournament under FISa (Alfredo Lallo group) on 22th of January 2011. But just few days before they became new Italian kickboxing federation member - FIKB savate group.
As the biggest CHAUSS (savate shoes - for example RIVAT shoes) buyers International savate federation and French savate federation cannot make special arrangement with RIVAT not to distribute their shoes to Christian Robert or FFSCda - French federation of contact sports or WAKO or FIKB. Also they cannot make nothing against Chauss fight which is protected name (Reserved , copyrighted - Hell yes).
The biggest police contact sport in France called savate is crying - God help us. And we shell beleive it.
Didn't the same story happen to Muay thai? IFMA, IAMTF, WMF, ...
And in kickboxing? WAKO, IAKSA, WKA, ...
Don't you think that the same player is playing the same BIG international game all the time no matter what is the name of the game or martial art discipline?
Where are now big people and honorary presidents of FIS International savate federation - like Ubaldo Paschini (Italian judo) and others that we don't see them on savate tournaments but we see them on apictures in Lousanne, Switzerland with Jacques Rogge (IOC - International Olympic Committee).
Cannot they help us now when we need their decision about where is savate at the moment in the eyes of IOC and Sportaccord? Or they have bigger future plans for us?
Report FIKB - Italian kickboxing federation (Italian language)
Inoltre sarà di scena la sfida di Chauss’fight Italia vs Francia che vedrà ad eliminazione diretta unica lo svolgersi di un cosi’ riuscito stile di Savate e kickboxing insieme. Il sig. Marco Costaguta, sempre all’opera, per la promozione e La divulgazione delle discipline da combattimento a giorni
Nominerà i vari responsabili nazionali di settore: formazione tecnici Chauss’fight, formazione tecnici Chauss’fight assaux, formazione tecnici Chauss’fight self défence , formazione giudici ed arbitri, i vari responsabili regionali e a presto verrà pubblicato il calendario con le date per la formazione dei primi allenatori, istruttori maestri giudici ed arbitri. LINK: documento ufficiale di nomina Sig. Marco costaguta.
Christian Robert recognition of Marco Costaguta (Italian kickboxing federation): (French language)
Je soussigné, Christian Robert, Président du Comité National de Chauss'fight, et fondateur de la discipline, a l’honneur de nommer au poste de responsable du chauss’fight en Italie Monsieur Marco Costaguta.
Ses prérogatives sont de structurer et développer le Chauss’fight en Italie. Il est de ce fait l’unique représentant officiel du Chauss’fight en Italie. Il pourra aussi organiser, dans le respect des règlements officiels du Chauss’fight, des compétitions et formations relevant de la discipline. Il est entendu que M. Marco Costaguta sera chargé, selon la loi sportive italienne (FIKB/CONI), de créer et faire fonctionner le Chauss’fight en Italie, avec les personnes qu’il aura nommé.
Fait à Marignane pour servir et faire valoir ce que de droit
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Ashton Kutcher learned savate - film: Killers
Kutcher continued his training until the first day of shooting, surprising Luketic with the extent of his hard work. “He must have doubled his muscle mass,” says the director. “He was totally convincing as an action man.”
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Julia Irmen (WAKO kickboxing Germany) and Yonnel Kurtz (Savate federation France)
Police officers like savate because savate is actually "LE FLIC" sport. Remember Brigades du Tigre - episode. And Yonnel Kurtz - photographer and savate media (film) promoter - remember Deadly arts - SAVATE documentary, was the person to teach another police-woman from Germany Julia Irmen Goldner about savate "above the waist" techniques. Julia spent 3 days in Paris (near THE EIFFEL TOWER).
Julia is not just a kickboxer WAKO type but also - boxer AIBA - see her pictures on a woman world boxing championship 2010 - Barbados:
See savate French connection with AIBA and WAKO. This is regular way of spreading savate sport?
Irmen auf Werbetour - 15th of March 2010
Im Zusammenhang mit dem Weltfrauentag verbrachte Kickbox-Weltmeisterin Julia Irmen vom TSV Plattling mit ihrem Trainer Kai Becker ein Wochenende in Paris. Der für das französische Kickboxen verantwortliche Präsident Yunell Kurz hatte zu einer drei Tage dauernden Trainings- bzw. Promotionsveranstaltung eingeladen. In unmittelbarer Nähe des Eiffelturms war eine große Halle angemietet, in der alle Frauen, die Spaß an Sport und Bewegung haben wollten, neue Sportarten ausprobieren konnten. Dazu gehörte auch Kickboxen, das in Frankreich „Savate“ heißt. Julia Irmen und Kai Becker gaben den interessierten Frauen mittels einer kleinen Vorführung einen kurzen Einblick in die Regularien der für sie noch neuen Kampfsportart. Danach durfte unter dem Motto „selbst ist die Frau“ fleißig praktisch ausprobiert werden und das wurde zum Erstaunen von Julia Irmen von einem Großteil der Anwesenden sehr positiv angenommen. Es stand erkennbar der Spaßfaktor im Vordergrund, was für die Deggendorfer Bundespolizistin Irmen eine willkommene Abwechslung zu ihren momentanen Trainingsmaßnahmen bedeutete.
Nach Abschluss der Veranstaltung stellte man fest, dass vielen Frauen die Angst vor dem ersten Kontakt mit einer Kampfsportart genommen werden konnte und dass einige Mädchen sogar interessiert waren an „Savate“. Zwischen „Savate“ und dem „normalen“ Kickboxen gibt es einige Unterschiede. Beim „Savate“ darf man zum Beispiel auch unterhalb der Gürtellinie, das heißt auf die Beine, kicken. Die Kämpfer tragen dabei spezielle Schuhe und einen eng anliegenden Ganzkörperanzug. Im Herbst will Julia Irmen auch im „Savate“ an den Start gehen. - kö
Yonnel's BIO:
Expérience professionnelle
Concepteur/Réalisateur, Indépendant
2000 - 2007
Réalisations indépendantes de sites Internet et d’outils informatiques
• Plan professionnel : site de marque (I.P.B.I. : imprimerie professionnelle - fin du projet fin avril/mai 07), sites marchands (front et back-office) pour PMI/PME (boutique de livres anciens, magasin de sport – , …), outils de gestion de stocks et de commande (PHP local, société Marc Raze)
• Plan associatif : portails statiques et dynamiques pour des associations sportives ou autres (Comité Parisien de Savate Boxe Française – , Comité National de Canne de Combat – , Welsch Association – , Clubs – club EBF6, etc.)
Produits et services télécom - Internet
Président, Comité Départemental de Savate Boxe Française et Canne de Combat de Paris
1996 - 2006
Chargé de la promotion et du développement de la Savate Boxe Française, de la Canne de Combat et des discplines associées surla Capitale (Webmaster ).
Chargé de mission auprès de la Fédération Française de Savate Boxe Française
• Conception des disciplines « canne-Chausson » et « Savate Forme »
• Chargé de la promotion et de la communication Nationale sur la Canne de Combat (Webmaster )
Chargé de mission auprès de la Fédération Internationale de Savate
• Missions de présentation, de découverte et de soutien auprès des délégations et fédérations étrangères sur Paris (Corée, Australie, Allemagne, Angleterre, Suède, …)
• Missions de promotion (documentaire de National Geographic sur la savate, émission coréenne sur la Savate, …)
Instructeur en France et à l’étranger
• Prise de contact et organisation de stages (France, Etats-Unis, Allemagne, Angleterre, …)
Dirigeant de club et enseignant
• Président de Bir-Hakeim (Savate Boxe Française)
• Enseignant de Savate Boxe Française (Masseran – 75006, Bir-Hakeim – 75015), de culture physique et gymnastique douce (seniors), ancien enseignant de Judo et Ju-Jitsu (Club des Arts Martiaux – 75009)
Association loi 1901
Chef de projet, Ministère de l'Intérieur
1991 - 2004
• Encadrement
o Chef de projet dans les applications nationales « Gestion de l’habillement de la police nationale » (encadrement de 5 collaborateurs dont 2 prestataires), « Balingo » (2 personnes), « Permis de conduire ».
• Analyse, conception et définition des besoins
o Analyse/Conception des projets nationaux « Carte d’Identité » et « Passeports »
o Analyse/Conception et réalisation de maquettes Internet pour les préfectures (sites collaboratifs sur le serveur d’application libre Zope) au sein de l’administration Centrale
o Consulting pour les préfectures dans la définition des besoins et le suivi de leurs projets Internet (Ain, Corrèze, Indre et Loire, …)
o Analyse/Conception et développement de sites Internet/Intranet pour l’administration territoriale (SIT - collaboratif, ARMES - gestion, CONCORDE - contrôle de gestion), l’administration centrale (TELETRANSMISSION - télé-services, ELECTION - centralisation nationale des résultats, FNI - permis de conduire) ou des organismes rattachés (I.H.E.S.I. - gestion documentaire)
• Formation
o Formation nationale auprès des préfectures pour la mise en place et l’administration de leurs portails Internet
o Formations techniques (Zope, Php, Mysql, Flash)
• Développements
o Développement pour la Direction de la Police Nationale du projet « Portail de recrutement de la Police Nationale » dans un environnement Zope/Python
o Maintenance évolutive et corrective sur des projets Internet et Intranet pour l’administration centrale
Administration et ministères
Ingénieur Principal / Consultant, IBSI / Société de service
1989 - 1991
• Missions de « consulting » sur les environnements Bull DPS7 et DPS8 (audits systèmes, administration base – IDS et Oracle et de conception des systèmes d’information - base nationale des « Etrangers » pour le Ministère de l’Intérieur)
• Chef de projet « Courrier Parlementaire », pour le Ministère des Armées
• Conception des dossiers techniques pour les réponse d’appels d’offre (Etat, assurances, etc.)
• Analyse et conception d’un système Expert pour le Bâtiment
Services informatiques
Ingénieur Système, Sécurité Nouvelle, Courtier en assurances
1986 - 1989
• Responsable système sur BULL DPS7/GC0S7 (suivi journalier des performances, optimisation, conseil, étude et planification de l’évolution du matériel, sécurité, réseau, etc.)
• Chargé de l’étude et de la mise en oeuvre d’une politique bureautique d’entreprise
Courtier | Assurances
Analyste, SEMA
1986 - 1986
Services informatiques
Analyste programmeur, ARO, Fabrication de machines à souder
1985 - 1985
Programm, BULL, Société de Services intervenant dans toute la France
1982 - 1984
Matériel informatique
Ancien élève de
1991 - 1993
Université Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne
I.A.E. Informatique
Another Italian savate stage - now Max Greco - PEOPLE ITS CRAZY
Dottore Nicola Guiducci in two savate federations
Will we see Mameli in FIKB and in FISa?
He is the main savate instructor in FIKB (which FIS - Intrnational savate federation don't recognise) and regional master of savate disaster in the Italion region called Liguria in FISA - Italian savate federation (which FIS - Intrnational savate federation recognise)
Big savate STAGE in ITALY - Savate can teach everybody

Gant Argent - GAT 1 - Giampaolo Ropa
PLACE: Palestra Podium Olympic Center
Via Quintino Sella (zona crocetta)
DATE: 29th of January 2011 DURATION: 10:00 - 13:00
It looks like savate:
Mameli savate started savate in Italian kickboxing federation called FIKB
Listen to the wise man pierro Picasso: ( start 5:52 )
Interpretation: Americano, Italiano, Francese. Different styles of behaviour.
FIKB - Italian kickboxing federation without any permition of FIS - International savate federation promotes savate sport as its own in Italian Olympism. Isn't it weird?
FIS - International savate federation recognise in Italy only FISa - Italian savate federation which is not part of FIKB.
And FIS - International savate federation doesn't react?
17 January 2011
Rome, 15 January – on occasion of the remittance of the Olympic Order to the Italian Foreign Minister Mr. Franco Frattini, CONI President Giovanni Petrucci, Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, and IOC members in Italy Vice President Mario Pescante, Franco Carraro and Ottavio Cinquanta went to Lausanne last Thursday, where they met President Rogge.
The Olympic Order, the IOC’s highest distinction for those who distinguish themselves in activities for Olympism, was awarded to Minister Frattini for his commitment towards sport and Olympism, and in particular for his contribution to obtaining permanent observer status with the UN General Assembly for the IOC.
The presence of the IOC within the UN Assembly – where it is represented by Vice President Mario Pescante – was strongly supported by Italy and its Foreign Minister, in the belief that sport is a fundamental component of political culture and of development, and that it greatly contributes to bringing peoples closer.
In his address to Mr. Frattini, IOC President Jacques Rogge also congratulated CONI, defining it a “worldwide model for the way it is organised and how it works.”
The award will be further celebrated at the next CONI national meeting.
FIKB - Italian kickboxing federation without any permition of FIS - International savate federation promotes savate sport as its own in Italian Olympism. Isn't it weird?
FIS - International savate federation recognise in Italy only FISa - Italian savate federation which is not part of FIKB.
Ichiban tournament - Silvia La Notte

Professional fighters - K-1 - round 3x3 min – category -50 kg.
WAKO - PRO system. FIKB - kickboxing federation of Italy is also part of this system, but Silvia La Notte is part of FIKB (FIKB registered fighter) and not anymore part of FISa - Italian savate federation? Hard to beleive?
Is savate really divided in Italy? Hard to beleive?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Armenian national kickboxing team to participate in world championship in Belgrade
June 11, 2009 - 17:22 AMT 12:22 GMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian national kickboxing team will leave for the Serbian capital Belgrade on June 17 and take part in the qualifying round of the European kickboxing (French boxing) world championship between June 18 and 20.
According to the founder and president of the French box federation of Armenia Robert Rostomyan, the national team will be represented by 4 boxers: Smbat Haroutyunyan (65 kg weight class), Aram Margaryan (70 kg weight class), Gevorg Torosyan (75 kg weght class) and Vahe Gevorgyan (60 kg weight class in the tournament among juniors).
"Our federation was founded in 2003. Since then we have been very successful. In 2005 we brought the Silver from the world championship, in 2006 we won Bronze in the European championship, and in 2007 in the international tournament in Greece 6 our sportsmen took first places, and two were awarded silver medals," Mr. Rostomyan said, adding that he now has big expectations from the coming championship in Serbia.
Manager of the Armenian national team is Volodya Khalatyan, who has trained the team for the last half a year.
French boxing is a synthesis of French Savate and English boxing. Savate, which is also known as boxe française, French Kickboxing or French Footfighting, is a French martial art which uses both the hands and feet as weapons and combines elements of western boxing with graceful kicking techniques. Savate is perhaps the only style of kickboxing in which the fighters habitually wear shoes. Around 500 sportsmen are involved in kickboxing in Armenia.
According to Mr. Rostomyan, in the case of successful play in the qualifying round in Belgrade, Armenian boxers will obtain the right to take part in the final combats of the world championship, scheduled for November and December.
"We also project to held championship in Armenia. Belgium will host European championship and we have already been invited to take part in it," Mr. Rostomyan said.
Mike and savate kicks
kicks - demos
Straight leg lateral reverse kick (savate)
Chasse bas (low side kick)
Reverse (hook kick)
Frontal reverse (crescent kick)
Jogo do Pau - Portugal, Fafe (1986)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Giorgio Castoldi - leader of WAKO PRO kickboxing and of course savate developer - if you beleive
Mario Zanotti
Marco Franza
Giorgio Castoldi
You remember small Giorgio with Silvia La Notte in Japan?
Technical National savate Assaut commission 2010:
Giorgio Castoldi
Marco Biroli
Stefano Masani
Italian kickboxing FIKB apetites for savate sport and usual Italian monkey busines

Genoa, Italy 11th of January. Marco Costaguta (left), president of Kickboxing federation Italia - region Liguria and Piero Picasso (right), CEO Unicredit and ex "Mameli Savate ASD 1908" and Ennio Falsoni (middle)- president of Kickboxing federation Italia - FIKB met to "renew" Italian Savate. Picasso should become new coordinator of Savate sector in FIKB - Kickboxing federation Italia. Nicola Guiducci (Mameli savate trainer), became technical director for savate sector in a region of Liguria as a part of Kickboxing federation Italia FIKB.

His supporter will be also Secci Boido (remember Mauro Boido?) of national technical level.
They talked about incorporating also all other FISa clubs (Alfredo Lallo group) in Italy in FIKB - Italian kickboxing federation.
Croatian media reported about merging Italian savate federation FISA and FIKB Italian kickboxing federation as a possible future activity: CRORING
Friday, January 14, 2011
Modibo DIARRA vs Aziz HLALI
WAKO Kickboxing federation of Vojvodina, Serbia
Do you recognise your savate friends that you meet twice or once a year? And you name it typical savate behaviour? Yes it is. Outside France of course.
Kik-boks savez Vojvodine - Kickboxing federation of Vojvodina was established 8th of August 1998 No.: 661-02-2609/98-03 - control No.: Ministry of Youth and Sport Vojvodina.
Kickboxing federation of Vojvodina was established by:
* Savate boxing club “Ruma” Ruma - Miodrag Rakic (later president Savate federation of Serbia)
* Martial art club “Vojvodina” Novi Sad
* Martial art club “Goc” Stara Pazova
* Taekvondo club „Becej“ Becej.
An old friends taekwondo, kickboxing and savate before 2003 - Savate federation of Serbia was established.
Oh by the way:
KUNG FU WU SU SAVEZ VOJVODINE - Kung fu Wu shu federation of Vojvodina was established - 23th of December 1999 in Kikinda by:
-Kung Fu Wu Shu club - Mladi Zmajevi - Dolovo
-Kung Fu Wu Shu Kik boks klub - B F C- Beocin
-Kung FU Wu Shu club - SENTA -Senta
-Kung Fu Wu Shu club - Dragon - Sefkerin
-Savate Boxing c lub - RUMA - Ruma (Mr. Miodrag Rakic)
-Kung Fu Wu Shu club - Bruce Lee (just name :) that has a strong effect in Balcan regions) - Kucura
-KBV FUTOG - Futog
-KBV KIKINDA - Kikinda
All in all - small group of people do all stand up martial arts and sports in different sport dresses. The way it is.
And Wu shu federation of Vojvodina is a member of Kickboxing federation of Vojvodina. Like skiing in skating. Nice..
Does French savate federation needs promotion and communication?
To many FISU world university championships?
BRUSSELS - On Thursday, January 13th, a WUC CTI meeting took place at the FISU HQ in Brussels. The meeting was attended by FISU CT Chair Sinisa Jasnic, its vice-chair, Matjaz Pecovnik; the FISU Secretary-General/CEO Eric Saintrond and FISU Directors Laurent Briel, Marc Vandenplas, Milan Augustin, and Sports Manager Michal Buchel and Nicole Mangelschots, WUC Assistant. Two members of the Executive Committee, Alison Odell and Kemal Tamer also joined this meeting.
Facts and recommendations to the number of sports at the program of the World University Championships were studied.
A policy statement for the management and development of the World University Championships program was written.
The purpose of this policy, the key aims and objectives, as well as its process, time line of the bidding process for the WUC, process for the application and inclusion of news sports, criteria for selection of a new sport or withdrawal of an existing sport at the program of the WUC were analysed.
Finally, recommendations of the FISU Regulations Committee after the 2010 WUC edition was transmitted to the group for their examination and recommendations to accept those suggestions from the CTI chairs were made.
General matters such as the program of competitions, the level of referees and the selection of teams and the team draws were also discussed and proposals were made.
All those recommendations will be forwarded to the FISU Executive Committee tomorrow morning for their examination.
This meeting has been prepared in view of the next Executive Committee meeting on January 25th in Erzurum, Turkey.
(Source: Nicole Mangelschots, Assistant WUC)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Belgium vs. The rest of the WORLD 2010 assaut
- France
- Belgium
- Croatia
- Monte Negro
- Slovenia
- ????
Saturday, January 08, 2011
New surprise - Croatian savate federation recognised by Croatian Olympic Committee

Congratulation to Croatian savate and to Zeljko Jarec.
But on the other hand he invited an old and traditional taekwondo-kickboxing club Osijek in Savate federation Croatia (wherever it exists).
KICKBOXING CLUB VIKTORIA-HRVATSKI SOKOL - Vjekoslav Beck (new "savate" man)
(connected clubs and stories in the same city : KICKBOXING CLUB SLAVONIJA-OSIJEK and KICKBOXING CLUB SVETI DUH)

Picture: Vjekoslav Beck (taekwondo ITF man) on a visit in Ptuj at a president of Kickboxing federation Slovenia Vladimir Sitar (the man who changed left wing party to right wing party in the last political season (tried to be a mayor of a small city)).
Don't forget that V. Sitar is a good friend also of Jotic (Novi Sad) - remember Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Savate expert from 2009 World combat savate championship.
This move of so called Croatian savate will probably extend very good relations with Slovenian kickboxing, and on the other hand they have already very good connections with Slovenian Muay Thai.
The only problem is when they will start to cooperate with savate?
And another problem of their friend - Croatian ITF taekwondo and very similar sport WAKO kickboxing is - why they want to control savate in a year when Sportaccord AGFIS/GAISF will recognise ITF taekwondo as another official sport federation.
To start savate in Croatia - there should be established first specialized university french boxing and canne de combat club in the capital of Croatia - city of Zagreb. And don't forget - only savate club.
Savate Mondiale - Tricky connection beetwen FIS an WAKO
Perfect marriage which I hate the most. Be careful and beleive in god. :)
Fresh news from Italy:
JKS GYM Pavia club returned from FSI to FISA. Italian chess.
1st European Universities Games - Cordoba 2012
Tatiana Vassilieff vs. Croatia (combat)
WKF Premier League [karate1]
The project comprises up to 10 competitions yearly starting with the first competition in Paris in January 2011. It is the first time that WKF organizes competition with prize money for the winners and additionally the karate 1 big winner of the year per category who will be coming from the ranking list existing in each WKF competition from now.
This announcement had the total acceptance of all karateka world-wide as this will give them the opportunity to participate in the WKF Premier League with up to 10 competitions per year. From the one WKF event celebrated once a year, this new programme will automatically raise the number of WKF events to eleven per year allowing the participation of all competitors interested and not just the elite of karate as it was the case until now with the World Championships.
This new competitive reality will be also be completed by the Masters' Cup in which the 8 best athletes of the world will be competing in an open category in 3 yearly competitions in order to have the best of the best. The WKF President stated the following in relation with the new competition announcements.
"The Premier League-Karate 1 is the Formula 1 of Karate. When this project is complete will have 10 competitions in a year giving the possibility to many good karateka in the world to take part in the best events after the World Championships. The new series of WKF competition activities will be complemented by the Master's Cup with the 8 best karateka of the world competing in an open category in 3 events per year to declare the best of the best".