Following good practice...
JJIF President Paul G. Hoglund about new JJIF Office...
The JJIF has opened a new office at the "Maison du Sport International (MSI)" (House of International Sports) in Lausanne, Avenue de Rhodanie 54, CH-1007 Lausanne, Switzerland. Our office is in the building in the middle, ca 10 minutes walk from the IOC (International Olympic Committee) Head Office in Chateau de Vidy on the same street.
This office is as said before mainly dealing with international sport development matters and direct information to members regarding news of general interest, such as this newsletter. It should also collect and feed the JJIF webpage with as much material as possible.
Another task for the office is to keep contact with the other 25 international sport federations registered in Lausanne and Canton de Vaud. Also to keep contact with IOC and other sport bodies of interest. Our immediate JJIF neighbours in the office building are WTF, World Taekwondo Federation (Olympic sport), and GAISF SportAccord office. Other important federations in the building are AIBA (international boxing) and FITA (international archery), both Olympic sports.
The city of Lausanne has just decided to have the flag of all the 25 International Sport Federations, registered and located in Lausanne, at the square Place d'Europe in the city. So the JJIF flag is swinging high in the Olympic Capital Lausanne!
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