Morne Swanepoel
Personal Details
Born on 5th March 1972
Resides in Amanzimtoti, Durban, South Africa
Married to Aileen Cusens
Children - 2 boys (Bradley + Dylan)
Religion - Christian
Weight 95kg's
Started training in 1976
Profession - Full time Martial Arts Coach/Student

Morne Swanepoel with Daniel Duby. Does anyboddy know anything about Daniel Duby?
He was one of after WW2 savte teachers in USA and teached also JKD - Jeet koon do
PFS School
Daniel Duby
23974 Aliso Creek Rd. Suite 337
Laguna Nguel, CA 92677, U.S.A
Tel.: 001 / 7148298211
Michel Leroux (Technical director - French federation Savate) + Morne Swanepoel + Kanfouah (French federation Savate)
Is Jeet koon do (Bruce Lee's style without style) connected with savate trough SIFU Daniel Duby, Paul Vunak, Michel Leroux, USA & French savate federation.
Is JKD another part of savate and why all savate knowledge in USA and outside is transfered to this Bruce Lee's style through special trainers profile: savate + JKD masters. After WW2 - second world war savate was JUDO + SAVATE master combination.
Does anyboddy know anything about Daniel Duby?
Is Jeet koon do (Bruce Lee's style without style) connected with savate trough SIFU Daniel Duby, Paul Vunak, Michel Leroux, USA & French savate federation.
Is JKD another part of savate and why all savate knowledge in USA and outside is transfered to this Bruce Lee's style through special trainers profile: savate + JKD masters. After WW2 - second world war savate was JUDO + SAVATE master combination.
Does anyboddy know anything about Daniel Duby?
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