Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Yes idiots with Karate they are Irresistible!!!Keep on posting retards!!I like!
what's karate got ot do with it all?good work on lots of videos though ... and while on topic check this out as well
I think you are quite free to face the guys on any western martial arts event and see, whether you can do it better. (I am not really for full speed practice without enough protection with weapons, however)called them retards and idiots really not leads to anywhere...
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Yes idiots with Karate they are Irresistible!!!
Keep on posting retards!!
I like!
what's karate got ot do with it all?
good work on lots of videos though ... and while on topic check this out as well
I think you are quite free to face the guys on any western martial arts event and see, whether you can do it better.
(I am not really for full speed practice without enough protection with weapons, however)
called them retards and idiots really not leads to anywhere...
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