Tuesday, March 08, 2011

WoMAU - World martial arts union and SAVATE (Chungju)

The Agreement


World Martial Arts Union


As Amended

2003. Oct. 1 : Article 11, 12

2006. Oct. 2 : Article 12

The Agreement of World Martial Arts Union

We, the undersigned, representatives of the national organization of traditional martial arts of the countries concerned.

Being aware that countries have particular martial arts with unique forms and features which originated and evolved through the ages in response to the particular security needs of the people concerned, and that such martial arts, an important cultural heritage of the people, share in forming their national character and outlook,

Noting that martial arts, originally in the past age various combinations of the combat skills and fighting technique for self-defense and survival, are today practiced for and applied to a wide range of peaceful uses, such as physical fitness, recreation,

self-defense, law enforcement action and competitive sports, and contribute in a significant way to the promotion of peace and security of the society as well as the well-being of the people,

Believing that an international union of the martial arts will provide to the world martial arts community an institutional center long since needed for its members to better organize their efforts at contributing to the world peace by promoting friendship between peoples through marital arts and by spreading worldwide its underlying values of peace and justice, and

Being encouraged by the success of Chungju World Martial Arts Festival, the annual event at Chungju, Korea since 1998, and desirous to provide the Festival with an institutional support framework to ensure its continued growth,

Have agreed as follows.

Article 1(Designation)

The organization established in accordance with the present agreement shall be called World Martial Arts Union (hereinafter in this agreement referred to as "the Union").

The Union is a worldwide federation of the national organizations of martial arts and international organizations of a specific martial arts.

Article 2(Purposes)

The Union shall carry out the work to promote exchanges of personnel and information between the member organizations with a view to helping develop their martial art skills and techniques and encouraging the world martial arts community to contribute positively for the world peace.

Article 3(Undertakings)

Serving its objective set forth in Article 2 above, the Union undertakes to do, among other things, the following on or relating to martial arts.

(1) collection, exchange and dissemination of information and materials

(2) organizing study and research activities such as seminars and conferences

(3) organizing or sponsoring demonstration or exhibition events

(4) rendering cooperation to Chungju World Martial Arts Festival and providing

administrative and technical assistances to the member organizations with a view to facilitating their participation in the Festival and other such events.

Article 4(Membership)

(1) The membership of the Union is open to the national organizations of martial arts of all countries, on the principal of "one member for a country"

(2) Those national organizations that signed the present agreement and are present at the in augural meeting are original members of the Union.

(3) Admission of member(s) other than the original members shall be effected by majority of the members at a general meeting.

Application for membership shall include introductory material of the applicant's martial arts and be addressed to the secretary-general, who shall report it to the general meeting for its decision.

(4) In case where there are more than one national organization in a country each representing the unique tradition of martial arts distinct from the other's, two of such organizations may become members independently despite Article 4(1) above. The additional membership application under this sub-paragraph from a country which already has one member shall be accompanied by the written consent of member from that country. When there is no member from a country yet and two of such organizations file applications simultaneously, a mutual consent in writing shall be presented along with the applications.

Article 5(Membership due)

(1) There will be annual membership dues. The details of membership dues,

including the amount of money to be paid, shall be decided by the

general meeting at its regular meeting each year.

(2) The Union may accept monetary contribution, donations and subsidies

of voluntary nature.

Article 6(Member facilities)

All member of the Union shall enjoy access to all events and activities organized and sponsored by the Union. Information and materials meant for the general membership shall be made available to all members without discrimination.

Article 7(Membership withdrawal)

Any member that may wish to withdraw from the membership shall tender a written notification to that effect to the secretary-general of the Union. A withdrawal notice shall take effect ten days after its receipt by the secretary-general, who shall inform thereof to the presidents of the general meeting and all members immediately.

Article 8(Basic organs)

A general meeting and a secretariat shall be established as the basic organs of the Union. Such other organs as may be found necessary for the purpose of the present agreement may be established in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Agreement.

Article 9(Regular general meetings)

(1) The general meeting, consisting of all members, shall be the

principal deliberative and decision-making organ of the Union.

(2) The general meeting shall meet once a year in a regular session at Chungju, Korea.

The meeting may well be held during the period of Chungju World Martial Arts Festival for

convenience' sake and the date for the meeting shall be made known to the members

at least 60 days in advance by the secretary-general.

(3) An extraordinary session of the general meeting may be called by the

request of one-third of the membership submitted to the president of

the general-meeting through the secretary-general.

Article 10(General meeting's decision-making)

(1) At the general-meeting, each member organization shall have one vote.

(2) The quorum for the meetings of the general meeting shall be a majority

of the members. Decision by the general meeting shall be made by a

majority of the members present and voting.

Article 11(General meeting's competence)

The general-meeting shall deliberate, among other things, the following matters and make decision thereon, if necessary.

(1) Election of its president and vice presidents

(2) Admission of new member(s)

(3) Amendment to the present agreement

(4) Annual report of the secretary-general, which shall include the accounts

for the membership dues for the reporting period.

(5) Program of work, especially those plans which are likely to incur financial obligations to the members.

(6) The amount of the annual membership dues for the next year.

(7) Review and evaluation of the Chungju World Martial Arts Festival.

Article 12(General meeting officials)

(1) The general meeting shall have as its elected officials one(1) president and six(6) vice

presidents. The term of office of the officials shall be three(3) years from the date of

respective election to his or her successor's election. The retiring president and vice

president(s) shall be eligible for immediate re-election.

(2) The president is the presiding officer of the general meetings and represents the general meeting and the Union.

(3) When the president is not available the most senior vice president on hand shall preside at meetings as president ad interim. The seniority for this purpose shall be determined according first to the order of election and then of age.

(4) The president, the vice presidents and the secretary-general as a non voting member constitute the steering committee, which may meet at the call of the president for consultation about business of the Union. The outcome of the meeting shall be reported to the immediately following general meeting.

Article 13(Secretary-general)

(1) The secretary-general, being the chief administrative officer of the Union and the head of its secretariat, is responsible for the general administration and management and for carrying out programs of work adopted by the general meeting and other works to fulfill the purposes of the present agreements.

(2) The secretary general shall submit an annual report to the regular annual session of the general meeting, such report shall cover the previous 12months period's events and activities sponsored or organized either by the Union or member organizations, and the accounts of the membership dues by an independent auditor, among other things.

(3) The secretary general may be present in that capacity at the general meeting and other meetings without the right to vote.

Article 14(Secretariat)

(1) The secretariat is the executive organ of the Union composed of the secretary general and his or her staff.

(2) For the economy of the running costs of the office of the secretariat and other possible pragmatic advantages anticipated, the municipal governments of Chungju may be authorized to act as the secretariat for the Union by nominating the secretary-general and forming a special setup for the purpose.

(3) The secretary-general shall inform the members of the roster of secretariat immediately upon its formation.

Article 15(Amendments)

(1) Any member may propose an amendment to this agreement presenting in writing to the secretary-general the text of the proposed amendment along with the reasons there for, which the secretary-general shall communicate to the members as well as the president and vice presidents of the general meeting.

(2) The proposed amendment(s) shall be acted upon by the general meeting as the priority agenda item at its regular session meeting unless an extraordinary meeting is called for the purpose.

Article 16(Incorporation)

The Union may be incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Korea, when the general meeting so decides.

Article 17(Entry into force)

The present agreement shall come into force for and between those national and international martial arts organizations the day it is signed for them.

Article 18(Depositary)

The signed original texts of this agreement shall be placed under the custody of the Mayor of Chungju. Each signatory member shall be provided with a certified copy of the original text in English language.

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