Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Friday, September 30, 2011
CANNE DE COMBAT: Manusardi (Italy) and Julemont (Belgium) cooperation
18th of September - Canne - European seminar (????)
But also Manusardi as Julemont are not active in FISav - International savate federation.
club Viroflay, Paris, France
(here you can see also Apache canne team)
Stage de cannes europeennes avec Riccardo Corridori, Jean-Pierre Julémont, Reynald Némery et Lorenzo Ravazzani Manusardi au gymnase Gaillon de Viroflay.
European stick fighting workshop with Riccardo Corridori, Jean-Pierre Julemont, Reynald Nemery and Lorenzo Ravazzani Manusardi in the Viroflay Gaillon gym.
Test of new padded sticks made in France for Chambara. A short combat of italian canne beetwen Lorenzo Ravazzani Manusardi and Riccardo Corridori, Accademia Manusardi ENBF-Italia, during the last workshop in Viroflay (Paris) "Passages de panoramas".
Reynald started the morning hostilities by letting us appreciate his logical work and technique by presenting, beyond a pretext of defense-against-knives exercises, similar and even identical technics of percussion and disarming, first with and then without a stick. The purpose was to increase our awareness for bridges between armed and unarmed works and see the common points.
During the morning, Jean-Pierre Julémont gratified us, such as always, with stick techniques as surprising as « disarming » (in every sense of the word !) with an execution speed that would catch out even the youngest. His techniques are really invisible at first glance and need the slow motion demonstration to grasp all the subtleties.
We stopped at 1:00 pm, since it was time to have a little lunch before carrying on with the « big part » of the day : the one lead by Lorenzo Ravazzani Manusardi helped by his student Riccardo Corridori.
Even if the italian stick fighting comes, among other disciplines, from the Lafond method, its creators managed to draw out the best of it and to enrich it with their own reflexions and exercises that our two latin friends presented us with excellency.
After more than two hours of training, the free assaults let those who wanted to compare, experiment their own method in courteous fights with minimal or even unexisting rules, but above all without constraints. Of course every single assault occurred in an good and fair-play ambiance between gentlemen (and women).
At last, as a final touch, Reynald showed us his team assaults concept, with multiple weapons… This was enough to perturbate the fiercest duelists, while proposing supplementary work and games perspectives.
Around 5:00 pm, everybody went back with a full of techniques and powerful images mind, promising each other to meet again next workshop in Viroflay.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
FRANCE: Lucky french savate competitors and trainers
If only we could have that luck to have support like this in savate.
1st Cup assaut Savate Boxe Francaise - region Hauts-de-Seine (92) gym - doctor Jean BLOT (COURBEVOIE) Saturday 18th of June 2011.
Jelena (ARCOLE) vs. Lauriana (Levallois Sporting Club) - category: super legers (women -65kg).
Damien (ARCOLE) vs. Jocelyn (Club Olympique Multisport de BAGNEUX) - category: moyens (men -80kg).
1st Cup assaut Savate Boxe Francaise - region Hauts-de-Seine (92) gym - doctor Jean BLOT (COURBEVOIE) Saturday 18th of June 2011.
Jelena (ARCOLE) vs. Lauriana (Levallois Sporting Club) - category: super legers (women -65kg).
Damien (ARCOLE) vs. Jocelyn (Club Olympique Multisport de BAGNEUX) - category: moyens (men -80kg).
ITALY: WAKO - FIKBMS - WAPSAC - savate - Marco Gilotti - Who let the dogs out?
Transformation of FISav savate into FIKBMS - WAKO - WAPSAC - Robert Christian's savate version.
Probably FISav won't react ...
page 39: (translation)
FIKBMS - Italian kickboxing federation will compete in SAVATE discipline in WAPSAC organisation which is not Sportaccord recognised and is not the federation which can use the name of sport and brand savate.
Sia la Commissione “Pro” coordinata dal Maestro Zanotti Mario, che la Commissione Promotori, coordinata dal Maestro Davide Ferretti, sono state create dal Consiglio Nazionale per poter gestire al meglio tutte le attività complementari a quelle istituzionali e riuscire a sfruttarne al massimo il potenziale.
Questa la procedura da seguire per le attivita “sport da ring”:
Premesso che FIKBMS ha un rapporto di esclusiva con WAKO e WAKO-PRO per la Kickboxing; con la WMF per la Muay Thai; con la WMMAF per le attivita di Shoot Boxe e MMA, e con la WAPSAC per la Savate e Savate Pro, ogni societa FIKBMS che desiderasse organizzare un avvenimento utilizzando i nostri “sport da ring”,
page 42-43: (translation)
Christian Robert (France) responsible Savate Pro-Chauss Fight (WAPSAC)
E’ nata una nuova Federazione Internazionale di Savate Pro-Chauss Fight (la WAPSAC) – che fa capo al presidente Christian Robert (Francia) che diventera il nuovo sbocco internazionale delle attività di Savate della nostra Federazione. A breve, il Consiglio Nazionale che si riunirà il 28 Settembre prossimo a Milano -, designerà il nuovo Coordinatore del Settore, un uomo di grande esperienza e professionalita nella Savate, che darà nuovo impulso alla disciplina all’interno della nostra federazione. A breve dunque tutte le informazioni a riguardo unitamente al calendario delle attivita.
page 43: (translation)
Oh, look our Marco Gilloti - Ecole de Combat - Rome (active in FIS also in 2011). He is now National competition coordinator for SAVATE in FIKBMS - Italian kickboxing federation.
Gli atleti Italiani invitati dalle altre nazioni per competizioni, stage, passaggi di grado, dovranno dare la comunicazione scritta alla segreteria FIKBMS e al Coordinatore Nazionale di Savate M° MARCO GILOTTI , almeno 20 giorni prima.
page 43: (translation)
You will be able to make glove testing savate exams, judging licenses - savate, everything, you pay we sell ...
I passaggi di grado fino al guanto bianco sono di competenza del Responsabile Tecnico Regionale di Savate;
I passaggi di grado dal guanto giallo all’argento 1°-2°-3° sono di competenza della Commissione Nazionale;
I corsi allenatori sono di competenza del Responsabile Tecnico Regionale di Savate;
I corsi per istruttori e maestri sono di competenza della Commissione Nazionale;
I corsi per ufficiali di gara Regionale, sono di competenza del Responsabile Arbitri e Giudici Regionale del settore Savate;
I corsi per Ufficiali di Gara Nazionale, sono di i competenza della Commissione Nazionale Arbitri e Giudici del settore Savate.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
FRANCE: Francophone games 2013 - Nice France - 6-15th of September 2013
Oh my GOD French people forgot for the 7th time their national sport SAVATE and of course all of us that work in their french boxing.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
WKBC kickboxing: WKBC savate champions belt
Did you know that ...
... and also with an old logotype of French savate federation ...
And after all impossible is nothing
... and also with an old logotype of French savate federation ...
And after all impossible is nothing
ITALY: Although not a member of FISav Savate - he received Liguria award for savate
Strange Italian CONI.
WAPSAC: WAPSAC FIKBMS Genoa convention, Italy, 17th September 2011
How desperate WAKO kickboxing wants SAVATE - please read and listen ...
(in this story there is also Italian Olympic Committee and all the actors that should play in that kind of game).
Same moment as European assaut championship 2011. Sinchronicity or do we have somebody new in the house?
New WAPSAC site
fasi della convention nazionale e internazionale WAPSAC il cui vice presidente mondiale e' il pluricampione mondiale di kick boxing MARCO COSTAGUTA
GENOA the 17th September 2011
126 units (trainers, masters, federation)
Mr. Vittorio Ottonello
Mr. Marco Costaguta
Mr. Glauco Pocobelli
Mr. Romanazzi Loris
Mr. Carlo Di Blasi
Mr. Stefano Anzalone
Mr. Nicali
Mr. Igor Lanzoni
Mr. Marco Bertoletti
Mr. Silvestro De Monstis
Mr. Bharamm
(in this story there is also Italian Olympic Committee and all the actors that should play in that kind of game).
Same moment as European assaut championship 2011. Sinchronicity or do we have somebody new in the house?
New WAPSAC site
fasi della convention nazionale e internazionale WAPSAC il cui vice presidente mondiale e' il pluricampione mondiale di kick boxing MARCO COSTAGUTA
GENOA the 17th September 2011
126 units (trainers, masters, federation)
Mr. Vittorio Ottonello
Mr. Marco Costaguta
Mr. Glauco Pocobelli
Mr. Romanazzi Loris
Mr. Carlo Di Blasi
Mr. Stefano Anzalone
Mr. Nicali
Mr. Igor Lanzoni
Mr. Marco Bertoletti
Mr. Silvestro De Monstis
Mr. Bharamm
ITALY: WAKO kickboxing FIKBMS and again Savate Pro
Now they also have education for trainers
La B.T.F.E.M. promuove corsi di formazione per Allenatori, Istruttori, Maestri con la frequenza di 2 volte l’anno per le discipline: Kick Light, Low Kick, K-1 rules, Muai Thai, Savate Chausse-fight, MMA e Submission.
Corso ALLENATORI - 30 ore
Corso ISTRUTTORI - 40 ore
Corso MAESTRI - 60 ore
I corsi saranno tenuti dai seguenti docenti federali:
M° Clod Alberton
M° Boris Viale
M° Filippo Leone
M° Filippo Stabile
M° Fabio Tumazzo
M°Omar Vergallo
M°Max Greco
C/O la University of Fighting in via Bernardino Verro 62 a Milano.
Le date del corso, salvo impegni imprevisti derivanti dall’attività istituzionale, saranno:
sabato 5 novembre
sabato 12 novembre
sabato 19 novembre
sabato 26 novembre
sabato 10 dicembre
Alla fine del corso, nel giorno dedicato agli esami di passaggi di grado che quest’anno sarà il 18 dicembre, ci saranno anche gli esami per gli insegnanti che dovranno presentare una tesi da discutere davanti alla commissione esaminatrice.
In concomitanza al corso di formazione insegnanti si terrà anche il NUOVO CORSO PER PERSONAL TRAINER.
Per informazioni:
Clod Alberton - - tel. 333 2656969
Boris Viale - -
La B.T.F.E.M. promuove corsi di formazione per Allenatori, Istruttori, Maestri con la frequenza di 2 volte l’anno per le discipline: Kick Light, Low Kick, K-1 rules, Muai Thai, Savate Chausse-fight, MMA e Submission.
Corso ALLENATORI - 30 ore
Corso ISTRUTTORI - 40 ore
Corso MAESTRI - 60 ore
I corsi saranno tenuti dai seguenti docenti federali:
M° Clod Alberton
M° Boris Viale
M° Filippo Leone
M° Filippo Stabile
M° Fabio Tumazzo
M°Omar Vergallo
M°Max Greco
C/O la University of Fighting in via Bernardino Verro 62 a Milano.
Le date del corso, salvo impegni imprevisti derivanti dall’attività istituzionale, saranno:
sabato 5 novembre
sabato 12 novembre
sabato 19 novembre
sabato 26 novembre
sabato 10 dicembre
Alla fine del corso, nel giorno dedicato agli esami di passaggi di grado che quest’anno sarà il 18 dicembre, ci saranno anche gli esami per gli insegnanti che dovranno presentare una tesi da discutere davanti alla commissione esaminatrice.
In concomitanza al corso di formazione insegnanti si terrà anche il NUOVO CORSO PER PERSONAL TRAINER.
Per informazioni:
Clod Alberton - - tel. 333 2656969
Boris Viale - -
Saturday, September 24, 2011
AIBA boxing: Match fixing or Olympic medals trade?
Source: BBC
Allegations made by BBC Newsnight that it has uncovered evidence of secret payments from an Azerbaijani to boxing organisers, which whistleblowers allege is part of a deal to secure two gold medals at London 2012.
Source: BBC
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
JAPAN: Poison savate glove and salute with the thumb held downward
Ankoku savate - dark side :)
and of course the beggining "show" of the Japan national savate championship
and of course the beggining "show" of the Japan national savate championship
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Historical fencing: FISAS - Italian historical fencing federation (one of them)
Savate - Federation Française
Settori: associazioni
Lingue: Francese
Savate - Federation Française
Settori: associazioni
Lingue: Francese
La Federazione Francese di Savate, antica disciplina Italo - Francese poi codificata in Francia e divenuta Sport agonistico.
La Federazione Francese di Boxe Francese Savate e Discipline Associate (FFSbf DA) e una organizzazione nazionale riconosciuta dal Ministero della Salute, Gioventu e dello Sport francese, che beneficia della delega di potere dal 17 febbraio 1975.
Il FFSbf & DA e un membro della Nazionale francese olimpico e dello sport e la Federazione Internazionale di Savate.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
AIBA: Boxing 16 and AIBA Professional Boxing (APB)
1. Description of Boxing 16
- Boxing 16 is a project initiated by AIBA to carry out various revolutionary strategies in order to truly govern the sport of Boxing at all levels
- Boxing 16 is designed to change the future of the sport of Boxing with AIBA taking the leading position in the following areas:
o Olympic Boxing (Amateur) and Professional Boxing
o World Combat and Fighting Sports
o Global Sports Marketing Industry
o International Sports Community and Olympic Movement
- The project is designed to accomplish all its missions by the time of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games
2. Why Boxing 16?
- In 2007, AIBA declared that its mission would be to govern the sport of Boxing in all its forms and since then, AIBA did not create a program to meet this mission: Boxing 16 is the one to fulfil this mission
- AIBA and WSB programs will face serious consequences if the ultimate outlet for boxers is not provided after the London 2012 Olympic Games
- It is the right time to launch Boxing 16 and Professional Boxing in AIBA in regard to the current global market situation
- AIBA should be the ultimate responsible body for the boxer‘s entire Boxing career
- AIBA should provide more support for all National Federations by generating more revenues and Boxing16 might be the only possible source
3. Goals
- Enhance and create three major properties under the AIBA umbrella as core development and commercial assets:
o AIBA Amateur Olympic Boxing (AOB)
o World Series of Boxing (WSB)
o AIBA Professional Boxing (APB)
- Redefine all different rules into a single, integrated system controlled by one governing body
- Launch a Boxing Marketing Arm (BMA) to lead and manage all commercial properties
- Develop a massive grassroots foundation to sustain a continuous high level of production of boxers
- Upgrade the global image and reputation of Boxing and AIBA to take the sport back to its “Golden Age”
4. Situation Analysis – Boxing in Past
- Believe in the sport of Boxing as a great commodity; however, it has been badly packaged and poorly managed for the past 30 years
- Currently seen as two completely separate Boxing worlds – Amateur and Professional
o Without cooperation and unity
o Two different rules, competition styles
o No crossover careers for boxers, coaches, officials, etc.
- Recognized permanently as poor people‘s sport with a violent attribute – led to limited commercial value
- However, positive gradual acceptance as a potential health-related exercise
- Stained and unpolished Sport Giant in International Sports
5. What to Accomplish – Boxing for the Future
- To enhance and manage Boxing as one of the most beloved and demanded commercial sport products
- To integrate all Boxing organizations and bodies worldwide:
o Work under the supervision of AIBA for the protection and security for the best interests of the boxers and of the Boxing family
- To be respected as one of the most popularly supported sports around the world for addressing the social development problems of young men and women, especially in developing countries
- To create an environment in which the boxers can enjoy Boxing with some transparent and fair judging in competitions · To change the image and reputation of the sport of Boxing as:
o Genuine human competitive sport – no violence
o A sport for all, regardless of background and social status
o A sport that provides all young people with hopes and dreams
6. Situation Analysis – AIBA in Past
- Declared to be the leader in the worldwide sport of Boxing; however, it is not possible to be the true leader unless it reforms and directly manages the professional world
- Constrained by limited resources to govern the Boxing world globally
o Overly political without constructive ambitions and visionary missions thus unable to build on the sport‘s potentials
o No connections with global business partners or strategic alliances
o Struggling for financial independence · Participation of members with outdated knowledge and experience – lack of innovation and future-orientated thinking
o Needs stronger and more revolutionary reforms than ever before
7. What to Accomplish – AIBA for the Future
- To become the true leader in managing and supervising all levels of Boxing worldwide
- To govern all levels of Boxing under one integrated set of rules to generate a more respected, exciting and attractive sport for TV, commercial partners and spectators
- To become a controlling and safe financial resource for all boxers in developing countries around the world
- It is now time to move up to either A or B level Olympic sports in the Olympic movement
8. Main Strategy for Success
- Create AIBA Professional Boxing (APB) starting 2013
o Become the ultimate outlet for boxers so that unless they become professionals, the highlight of their career is their AIBA career
- Consolidate all properties and market them under one operational umbrella by creating AIBA marketing agency – Boxing Marketing Arm (BMA)
o Targeted at global penetration
o Forge strategic partners with all key sectors interested in sports and Boxing
o Create, own and distribute innovative sport & entertainment & legacy programs
- Concentrate on essential core products for success – best boxers (champions) and coaches
- Solicit and manage support from IOC, National Federations and all existing Boxing stakeholders
9. The Structure of Boxing 16 – The Background
- AIBA properties are all Amateur level events managed by National Federations competing among nations
- WSB is a competition among franchised teams with professional rules
- AIBA now intends to form its new professional property which will be named “AIBA Professional Boxing (APB)” as follows:
o Only AIBA amateur boxers can turn to APB boxers
o APB boxers should remain as members of National Federations
o Details conditions are also described in the APB property pages
- As the sole governing body of all 3 programs, AIBA needs to find a way to synergize all efforts and manage them
10.The Structure of Boxing 16 Chart
11. Technical & Competition Rules
- With the launches of the World Series of Boxing (WSB) and AIBA Professional Boxing (APB), it is strongly recommended for the fundamental rules of all 3 programs to be identical
- Through the demonstration of attractiveness and public interest coming from WSB competitions, the rules should be based on the WSB Technical & Competition Rules
o No headguard in all elite competitions of AOB, WSB, APB
o Keep headguard for Women, Youth and Junior categories
Gloves o Current WSB gloves for all elite competitions of AOB, WSB, APB
o Women, Youth and Junior categories should have different sizes
Vest o Only boxers in AOB competitions, men, women, youth and Junior should wear a vest in all categories
Scoring System o Current WSB Scoring System to be used in all competitions
1. Core APB Programs
I. Individual Ranking Competitiono Individual Ranking Competition is the program in which all APB boxers will compete at different levels following individual rankings
o Each boxer will still represent his country; however, the focus will be on individual glory
o This program will start immediately at the time of the APB launch
II. Worldwide Competition
o In addition to the Individual Ranking Competition, APB will also have a global event to which each National Federation will be able to send APB boxers to represent their country
o This program will be developed a few years after the APB launch
2. Individual Ranking Competition
APB should have the following 3 different divisions:
I. World Ranking Competition
a. World Ranking #1 – 20 (20 boxers) in each weight category
b. 10 Rounds for Ranking Competitions
c. 12 Rounds for all Title Matches
II. Continental Ranking Competition
a. World Ranking #21 – 50 (30 boxers) in each weight category
b. 8 Rounds for Ranking Competitions
c. 12 Rounds for all Title Matches
III. National Ranking Competition
a. World Ranking #51 and below in each weight category
b. 6 Rounds for Ranking Competitions
c. 10 Rounds for all Title Matches
3. Eligibilities of APB Boxers
a. AOB Boxers
- Current AIBA (AOB) registered boxers who want to turn to APB with a record of, at least, one participation in an AIBA 3-Star event
- Age limit to be from 19 years old until 40 years old
- For the 1st season only, APB will accept current professional boxers with limited terms and conditions
- APB boxers will be able to compete in the Olympic Games with limited terms and conditions
b. Current Professional Boxers
- Current professional boxers who have a record of competing in AIBA events by representing AIBA National Federations
- Boxers who turned Pro within last 2 years
- Boxers who competed less than 10 or 15 bouts · In exceptional cases, APB can consider to accept some boxers who can add much value to APB
- Total number of current professional boxers should be less than 20% of total APB boxers
4. APB Boxers Eligibility for the Olympic Games
a. Olympic Eligibility
- Age limit is from 19 – 34 years old
- Any AIBA (AOB) boxer who turned to APB within last 3 years
- All boxers from current professional organizations will not be eligible
- All APB boxers registered in their National Federations
b. Olympic Qualification
- Proposed APB Boxers’ Olympic Quota:
o 36 APB boxers (compared with 5 boxers from WSB)
- 4 boxers in each weight category until 81kg – 32 boxers
- 2 boxers in each 91kg and 91+ kg
- Olympic Qualification:
o All 8 weight categories – 32 boxers
- APB Champions and 3 winners from playoff match among top four APB ranked boxers
o Heavy and Super Heavy categories – 4 boxers
- APB Champions
- 1 winner match between ranking #1 and #2
5. Identifying Future APB Boxers and Proposed Timelines
- AIBA (AOB) top ranking boxers
o Potential medalists and good performers in both the AIBA World Boxing Championships Baku 2011 and London 2012 Olympic Games
- WSB current top ranking boxers
- Selected current professional boxers
- Recommended boxers from National Federations
- Non-AIBA (AOB) ranking boxers evaluated with great potentials by AIBA Boxers Selection Committee
6. Relationship between APB and National Federations
- Eventually, all National Federations should have both Olympic Boxing and Professional Boxing programs under one NF governance
- APB will work only with National Federations for boxers
- National Federations producing APB boxers will receive a revenue share from APB via BMA
- APB will support the training programs of talented and potential APB boxers from National Federations in AIBA Boxing Academies
- APB will support National Federations’ management of the National Level APB programs
- Additionally, due to the inclusion of APB programs in National Federations, these may be able to receive additional funding from NOCs and governments
7. APB Promoters
- BMA will be the main APB promoter:
o BMA will be responsible for both World and Continental Level APB Programs for the following areas:
- Contract all APB boxers
- Organization of all World and Continental competitions
- Through the National Federations, manage the National Level promoters in regard to
· APB/BMA will also have National Level promoters:
o These promoters will be responsible for National Level APB program
o These promoters should be licensed by APB/BMA
- In case current professional boxing promoters wish to be APB National Level promoters, they will need to terminate their relationship with current professional boxing organizations
8. APB Coaches
- APB coaches can be from either AIBA Olympic Boxing (AOB) and current professional boxing coaches who wishes to be in APB by terminating their involvement in current professional boxing
- APB coaches can be AIBA (AOB) coaches and vice versa by obtaining the proper certificates
- Coaches must obtain certification from APB
9. APB Referees & Judges
- APB R&Js should be from:
o AOB R&Js
o Current professional R&Js who terminated their involvement with current professional organizations
- Qualification for AOB and APB:
o AOB R&Js and APB R&Js should be completely different persons
o R&Js must obtain certification from APB
10. APB Supervisors
- APB Supervisors should be from:
o Trained AIBA EC or Commission Members and other qualified officials
o WSB Supervisors
o Current Professional Supervisors who terminated their involvement with current professional
o organizations
- Qualification for AOB and APB:
o AOB and APB Supervisors should be completely different persons
o Supervisors must obtain certification from APB
11. APB Ringside Doctors
- APB Ringside Doctors should be from:
o ABO Ringside Doctors
o Current professional Ringside Doctors who terminated their involvement with current professional organizations
- Qualification for ABO and APB:
o ABO and APB Ringside Doctors should be completely different persons
o APB Ringside doctors should be certified by APB
12. Roles of Academies for APB
- AIBA will have the following 6 Academies in the future:
o A central one in Almaty, Kazakhstan
o 1 additional Academy on each continent · Timeframe:
o The central Academy will open in 2013
o AIBA plans to identify each continental Academy in 2012
o Thus, from January 2013, boxers’ training will be possible
o AOB, WSB and APB boxers will use AIBA Academies’ facilities
- Boxers
o New World Level and Continental Level APB boxers who do not have coaches, managers, etc.,
o will use Academies’ facilities
o Young (16-18 years) signed boxers who cannot take part in APB as yet will train in Academies (especially those from developing countries)
o Academies will also provide post career programs for APB boxers
- Officials (R&Js, Coaches, Supervisors and Ringside Doctors)
o Officials APB will be trained and certified in main and continental Academies
- Leaders/instructors will be trained to be dispatched to the continental Academies
13. APB Organization Structure
a. Main Duties of APB
- To manage all official functions for running APB competitions
- To develop the APB Technical & Competition Rules
- To assist BMA’s marketing activities and contractual relationships with the boxers
- To support the competition management in all National Level APB events
- To certify all APB officials and development
- To appoint all APB officials for the competitions
- To select boxers for APB programs
- To further develop future APB boxers and cooperate with Academies
- To license all commercial rights to BMA as granted to APB by AIBA
b. Status of APB
- APB must be a non-profit organization under the registration and umbrella of AIBA
- APB will receive shared revenues from BMA to maintain its operation
- APB will also generate its own revenues
- APB will report to AIBA Executive Committee
- Independent operation from AOB program and WSB
14. APB and WSB Relations
- WSB Franchise can select current APB boxer
o WSB Franchise pays salary during period of boxer’s stay
o APB boxer can be called by BMA in order to fight during the season and WSB Franchise must agree to it; however, profit share still has to be decided as Franchise is penalized by not having the boxer
- WSB Franchise has currently a boxer under contract who has not been contracted by APB
o If the boxer wants to compete in APB, the WSB Franchise will be his promoter/agent for the first season and receive a profit share for it
- Mutual exchange of boxers between APB competitions and WSB Franchises will be possible and increase the value for WSB Franchises
- Organization APB events involving WSB boxers
o WSB boxer – APB boxer: BMA gives the WSB Franchise of the boxer the first right of refusal for hosting the event
o WSB boxer – WSB boxer: BMA gives the WSB Franchise of the highest ranked boxer in APB the first right of refusal for hosting the event
- Establishment of a common calendar will be important for the success of both organizations as otherwise tensions will rise between WSB and APB because their interests are different
1. Areas of Business
a. TV Right Sales for AOB, WSB and APBb. Sponsorship Sales
c. Television Production
d. Event Management
e. Athlete Management
f. AIBA Fitness Boxing
g. Boxtainment Channel
2. Structure of BMA

3. Finance
a. BMA will have a combination of private and strategic investmentsb. BMA will be the financial resource for Boxing Academies
c. BMA will share the revenues with AOB, WSB, APB, Boxers and NFs
a. Timelines of Boxing 16 (2011)
- After the AIBA EC approval, hire consulting firms to develop the APB Business Plan including the BMA Business Plan
- Start to organize the APB structure in AIBA
- Identify and appoint the APB CEO and APB staff in 2011
b. Timelines of Boxing 16 (2012)
- Launch of APB Structure:
o Registration and recruiting
o Rules development
o Training of Supervisors, R&Js, Coaches and Ringside Doctors
o Host the APB Congress among key nations
o Develop manuals and guidelines
- Launch of BMA Structure:
o Registration and recruiting
o Rules development
o Implementation of sales of TV and sponsorships
o Identify key boxers and sign the APB agreements before the London 2012 Olympic Games
o Contract all strategic alliances and confirm all funding
c. Timelines of Boxing 16 (2013)
- 1st Season of APB in the Spring
- Announcement of One set of Rules for AOB, WSB and APB
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