Boxe Francaise, Canne de combat, Baton, Savate defense, Savate forme
Sunday, August 25, 2013
EWUF - wu shu: European championship 2013
These days kickboxers can choose:
IFMA - muay thai, WAKO - kickboxing, (ITF taekwondo), IWUF -(EWUF) - wu shu, and even their older brother AIBA - boxing
I hope that they will not to decide to invade also savate. Or maybe it already happend?
RUSSIA: Sergey Bulanov about future Olympic sport - SAVATE
Большинство подопечных главного тренера российской сборной по французскому боксу Сергея Буланова после выступлений на проходящем сейчас в Пловдиве (Болгария) чемпионате Европы начнут подготовку к Всемирным Играм боевых искусств 2013. В Санкт-Петербурге наши саватисты будут представлены во всех весовых категориях. Тренер надеется, что после соревнований сдвинется с мертвой точки вопрос о признании савата олимпийским видом. Не в первый раз.
- И раньше сават мог попасть на Олимпийские игры, – рассказывает Сергей Буланов. – Таких случаев было два: в первый раз еще в 1924 году, когда на Олимпиаде в Париже французский бокс был представлен в качестве показательного вида. Но следующие игры прошли в Германии, потом Вторая Мировая война…
Второй шанс был, когда выбирали место проведения летней Олимпиады между Парижем и Лондоном. Французы на 99% были уверены, что выиграет их столица. У нас была тогда встреча с президентом Олимпийского комитета Франции, он заверил: «Если выиграет Париж – а мы на это надеемся – я вас уверяю, мы введем сават показательным видом, чтобы дальше он уже вошел в программу Олимпиады». Но выбрали Лондон.
И то, что сават вошел во Всемирные Игры боевых искусств – это действительно первый шаг к Олимпиаде, есть определенная «лесенка» (и Жак Рогге об этом говорил), это один из шагов. Сначала сават стал студенческим видом спорта, теперь мы вошли в Игры-2013 (в первых Играх в Пекине французский бокс не был представлен), дальше… Олимпиада?
RUSSIA: Nina Abrosova and SAVATE and many other martial arts especially kickboxing and boxing
Нина Абросова: «Приду болеть за старую гвардию»
Для известной спортсменки и общественного деятеля Нины Абросовой, встреча с которой прошла в пресс-центре газеты «АиФ-Петербург», Всемирные Игры боевых искусств – не только повод встретиться с друзьями, но и знаковое событие для развития детского спорта.
В свои неполные тридцать Нина Абросова: чемпионка мира по профессиональному боксу, чемпионка Европы и шестикратная чемпионка России по французскому боксу, чемпионка России по кикбоксингу, серебряный призер чемпионата мира по гонкам на воде (водно-моторный спорт) 2011, обладательница Кубка Европы по водно-моторному спорту 2012, победительница Гран-при Европы 2013. Рекордсменка России в Эко-ралли (дисциплина в автоспорте).
Общественный деятель, художник. Капитан юстиции. Президент благотворительного фонда Нины Абросовой, один из организаторов Региональной организации содействия физкультуре и спорту (РОСФиС). А начиналось все… с бокса.
- Бокс формирует характер, не важно, мужской или женский. – Считает Нина. – Бокс – один из самых красивых, зрелищных и перспективных видов спорта, в котором можно добиться результата практически на любом возрастном промежутке. У меня знакомый начал заниматься после тридцати, стал чемпионом Украины. Я тоже пришла в бокс достаточно поздно, в 13 лет. Выбирать между танцами, гимнастикой уже не приходилось – там в этом возрасте уже не добьешься результатов… Самым сложным было – пересилить себя и прийти в секцию. Я собиралась постучаться в зал полтора года. Начинала с айкидо, потом, набравшись смелости, поняла, что – пора.
- Как занятия «для себя» переросли в выступления?
- Все зависит от тренера. Тренер должен увидеть в ребенке, спортсмене перспективу, предложить ему выступать. Что и произошло. Я – авантюрист по жизни. Естественно, мне было интересно попробовать себя в боях. Тем более, что время позволяло, желание было. Соревнования, тренировки – та жизнь, которая мне была наиболее интересна.
- Почему же сменили бокс английский на французский?
- Случайная цепочка событий. Я училась в Академии физкультуры имени П.Ф. Лесгафта, уже курсе на четвертом, работала на двух работах и тренировалась. Автомобиля не было. С утра с большой сумкой отправлялась в турне по Петербургу: на одну работу, на вторую, на учебу и потом на тренировку в другой конец города. Заехать домой времени не оставалось. Потом выяснилось, что школа французского бокса – причем лучшая в городе – находится в пятистах метрах от моего дома, в Петербургском СКК. Меня там приняли. Учитывая, что у меня хорошая база рук, через месяц тренер предложил: «Почему бы тебе не выступить». Чуть не была дисквалифицирована в первом бою за малую работу ног, но потом карьера сложилась.
- Одноклубники по савату будут выступать на Всемирных Играх боевых искусств?
- Да! Мой хороший друг Александр Сидоркин, недавно ставший мастером спорта, Андрей Студеников. Это ребята из старой гвардии, те, с кем я росла во французском боксе. С новым составом обязательно познакомлюсь, буду за всех болеть!
Игры – событие, которого мы давно ждали. Можно сказать: сбываются мечты спортсменов. Некоторые (как я) – уже даже ушли из спорта. Сейчас моя «работа» - помощь в развитии детского спорта.
- И с этой точки зрения как Вы оцениваете Игры?
- Ребенок – визуал. Ему не надо рассказывать, ему надо показывать. И очень здорово, когда проходят большие спортивные праздники. О чем мечтает ребенок? О том, что видел недавно. Очень здорово, что Всемирные Игры боевых искусств именно в Петербурге проходят. Значит – в нашем городе будет много новичков, пришедших в спортзал. Такие спортивные форумы просто жизненно необходимы.
Новость с сайта:
When you make trademark or brand you have to be very careful when you start building your identification.
Here we have again one of the few new videos as promotional about combat games with the same topic. Promotional clones.
Here we have again one of the few new videos as promotional about combat games with the same topic. Promotional clones.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
AIBA: Boxing as one in the future? Will you vote for AIBA president as future IOC president?
Steve Lillis and the Friday news round-up 23-08
23rd August 2013
DOUBLE Olympic champion Vasyl Lomachenko (above) will make his professional debut over 10 rounds in Las Vegas on October 12.
The Ukrainian amateur superstar will face Puerto Rican Jonathan Oquendo on the undercard of Timothy Bradley's WBO welterweight title defence against Juan Manuel Marquez.
"Lomachenko has been the most outstanding boxer in the history of amateur boxing, now we will see if he can become the greatest professional boxer of this era," said promoter Bob Arum.
Lomachenko, 25, had gained even more experience in the last 12 months competing in the World Series of Boxing.
Oquendo is decent test for many featherweights, but Lomachenko is special and will be fast-tracked towards a world title.
ABNER MARES (above), who is developing into one of the world's most exciting fighters, makes the first defence of his WBC featherweight title against Jhonny Gonzalez in Carson, Californa tomorrow night.
The pair were once sparring partners, but three weight world champ Mares says: "I expect the best Jhonny Gonzalez. He's going to come with his A game.
"That was many years ago we sparred. I appreciate my past sparring experience, because I learned a lot and gained some experience."
HATTON Promotions have won the purse bids for their stable star Sergey Rabchenko's (above) European light-middleweight title defence against Frenchman Cedric Vitu.
The pair first met last November when Belarussian Rabchenko took a split decision on the Ricky Hatton-Vyacheslav Senchenko undercard.
Rabchenko, 27, is also number one challenger for the WBC light-middleweight title held by Saul Alvarez.
Friday, August 23, 2013
FIAS sambo: Russian President Vladimir Putin at an International Tournament in professional Combat SAMBO in Sochi
Aug 18, 2013
President of Russian Federation, Honorary President of FIAS Vladimir Putin visited the International Tournament in professional combat SAMBO in Sochi. Fights between strongest Russian SAMBO wrestlers and representatives from other countries took place at the site of a sports and leisure complex "PLOTforma." Putin is not the first time on a professional combat SAMBO tournaments held in this city. The current competition "Platform S-70" is the fourth event of the Center of Education "Sambo-70" and «League S-70." In 2013 organizers changed the format and focus of the tournament by placing at the forefront traditional Russian sport - SAMBO.
Together with the head of the Russian state competition was observed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, the head of the International Federation of Sambo Vasily Shestakov, President of European and Russian Sambo Federation Sergey Eliseev, Senior Vice President of FIAS Klyamko Andrew, head of the Center of Education "Sambo-70" Renat Laishev, the legendary Russian SAMBO wrestler, a four-time world champion in Combat SAMBO Fedor Emelianenko, and other distinguished guests.
The tournament brought together representatives of the host country - the Russian national team, as well as athletes from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, South Africa and other countries. In the main event of the evening met Vyacheslav Vasilevsky and an athlete from South Africa Trevor Prangley, who scored many brilliant victories in various forms of martial arts. 2013 champion of Russia in Combat SAMBO Vyacheslav Vasilevsky, who in August 2012 won a super fight within finals of Russian Championship of mixed martial arts, turned out to be the strongest at this time. He endured a lengthy attack by Trevor Prangley at the beginning of match, and then was able to change the course of the meeting and dictate the rest of the match, winning by technical knockout. As a result, a meeting between Russia and the rest of the world ended in a home win with a score of 4:1.
Vladimir Putin presented the award to the strongest and thanked all athletes for the show. "Strength, courage and nobility - that is what distinguishes men who are now in the ring and sporting fraternity, combat brotherhood. Exactly combat, because they represent the martial arts in the most striking manner"- said the president of Russia.
After that Vladimir Putin is once again brought to the center of the ring captain of the defeated team Trevor Prangley and thanked him for the fight. The president said that Russia has always appreciated and respected men who know how to fight until the end. The former U.S. Marine was really touched.
WAKO kickboxing: Intensive negotiations are taking place about the international situation of WAKO
In the picture:
- Mr. Ching-Kuo Wu, AIBA (boxing) President, IOC Executive Board Member (Candidate for a new IOC president in 2013)
- Mr. Marius Vizer, (judo IJF) SportAccord President
- Dr. Richard Leyrer, WAKO (kickboxing) Vice-President
- Mr. Ser Miang Ng, (ex sailing) IOC Vice-President (Candidate for a new IOC president in 2013)
IFMA: Muay thai IOC recognition
IFMA’s 20th Annual General Meeting
IFMA’s 20th Annual General Meeting
IFMA has come a long way from its inauguration in 1993. It all began with a small group of countries who decided to regulate and unify Muaythai towards the goal of achieving highest sporting recognition. The year 2013 will be the IFMA 20th annual congress.
IFMA has come a long way from its inauguration in 1993. It all began with a small group of countries who decided to regulate and unify Muaythai towards the goal of achieving highest sporting recognition. The year 2013 will be the IFMA 20th annual congress.
In 1995, the sport’s first success was inclusion as a demonstration sport in the SEA Games, in 1998 as a demonstration sport in the Asian Games, and in 1999 recognition from the Olympic Council of Asia and inclusion in a number of OCA-recognized Games.
A very historic year was 2006, when Muaythai was voted to be included by an overwhelming majority of the world recognised sports into the organisation known as GAISF, today known as SportAccord. Next came inclusion in the TAFISA Games and Arafura Games, full membership in TAFISA, cooperation with the organisations “Generations for Peace” and “Peace through Sport,” and inclusion in the World Combat Games under the patronage of the IOC.
The next historic step was the launch of the application by IFMA in 2012 for IOC recognition, and in 2013 IFMA’s achievement was recognition and membership in the International World Games Association.
Many social projects has been initiated such as “Muaythai against Drugs” and “Sport is Your Gang.” Ongoing work included the successful 2013 Junior World Championships, which fostered and promoted cultural exchange and fair play, helping the continued development of Female Muaythai, especially in countries where women don’t always have the same social opportunities as men, and the list goes on.
Many social projects has been initiated such as “Muaythai against Drugs” and “Sport is Your Gang.” Ongoing work included the successful 2013 Junior World Championships, which fostered and promoted cultural exchange and fair play, helping the continued development of Female Muaythai, especially in countries where women don’t always have the same social opportunities as men, and the list goes on.
Today IFMA can look back over 1000 years of Muaythai history, and 20 years of sporting unity and recognition, but there is still so much more to do: Ensuring the continued, healthy growth of Muaythai as a cultural art form, fitness programme, self-defence training, and competition sport.
The agenda for IFMA’s 20th AGM has 36 points to cover, and the Federations Commissions Meeting will take place over 3 days. The future of the sport has just begun.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
FRANCE: Mohamed Dehimi - MMA-SAVATE?
WMMAF - France - WAKO type ogf MMA - family Falsone is part of it
Commission BOJITSU-CHINESS MMA : Responsable : Roger ITIER
Membres : Pascal GIRODET
Commission Full DEFENSE-MMA : Responsable : Yves LE MEE
Membres : Yannick BURBAN
Commission Full Contact-MMA : Responsable : Eric LANGLAIS
Membres : Serge PRYSTUPA, Hervé TERRIER, Gregorie MADELEINE
Commission Savate-MMA : Responsable : Mohamed DEHIMI
Membres : (en cours)
Commission Muay Thai-MMA : Responsable : Cedric PANIZI
Membres : (en cours)
Commission Pancrace-MMA : Responsable : Jean BIAMONTTI
Membres : (en cours)
Commission BOJITSU-CHINESS MMA : Responsable : Roger ITIER
Membres : Pascal GIRODET
Commission Full DEFENSE-MMA : Responsable : Yves LE MEE
Membres : Yannick BURBAN
Commission Full Contact-MMA : Responsable : Eric LANGLAIS
Membres : Serge PRYSTUPA, Hervé TERRIER, Gregorie MADELEINE
Commission Savate-MMA : Responsable : Mohamed DEHIMI
Membres : (en cours)
Commission Muay Thai-MMA : Responsable : Cedric PANIZI
Membres : (en cours)
Commission Pancrace-MMA : Responsable : Jean BIAMONTTI
Membres : (en cours)
WORLD COMBAT GAMES: Dress code is accepted - JUST IN TIME
The coaches of SAMBO wrestlers, who will take part in the “SportAccord” World Combat Games, should take not only sports clothes, but also a regular suit to Saint Petersburg with them. The Organizing Committee obliged all the coaches, who will second the athletes in the final block of competitions, to stick to the dress code – suit and tie. This and other requirements were under discussion in Lausanne at the meeting of the technical delegates of international sports federations with the preparation works for the coming “SportAccord” Games as a core issue.
There is not much time left before the start of the tournament. It means that the majority of preparation issues are settled. In particular, the beginning of August became the deadline for the application submission of athletes, coaches and representatives of the federations for the participation in the SAMBO competitions listed in the program of the Games. The same deadline applies to other Martial Arts that will be represented at the tournament in Saint Petersburg.
The technical delegates of all 15 international federations of combat sports, represented in the program of “SportAccord” World Combat Games, took part in the meeting held in Lausanne. The meeting gave an opportunity to discuss and settle the remaining issues connected with the organization of the sports event. The specialists spent 2 days, analyzing in details all aspects of the preparation works for the event that is scheduled to start in 3 months. As Mr.Vlad Marinescu, Director General of “Sport Accord” underlined, the very unity and effective cooperation of all the participants of the event would let us organize the Games in Saint Petersburg on the level, which will set the pattern for all “SportAccord” events in the future.
It is worth noting that the event is being prepared in the interests of the main persons of each and every competition – those who attend and watch it. For the sports fans it is the visual appeal of a competition that matters. When it comes to SAMBO competitions, they will comply with the modern requirements of television, as well as the rules for conducting the most spectacular show. The new sports complex “Spartak”, which will be commissioned on September 1, allows us to bring to life completely everything that we planned.
“The experience of SAMBO tournament at Kazan Universiade shows us that all the participants of multi-sports competitions must strictly follow the requirements of the organizing committee. Everything matters here – from the access zone according to accreditations to the way people look” – as Sergey Tabakov, FIAS Executive Director and technical delegate at the Games, says.
A great number of the organization issues were raised and discussed in detail during the meeting. Though the participants looked tired after two busy days, they were satisfied with the outcomes. Technical delegates of international sports federations were irradiating optimism and were charged with enthusiasm about such an important and big sports event of international importance as “SportAccord” World Combat Games in Saint Petersburg. We’ll see very soon whether they will manage to realize everything planed to the fullest extent. The tournament will take place from October 18 to 26.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Saturday, August 10, 2013
KUNG FU: Foootwork they make better than all historical fencers
When they hold one sword with another in a point and do their brilliant footwork it reminds me of classical fencing european masters and techniques when they come in clinch. And canne the combat uses very stupid techniques of repetition of the same strikes when in clinch at the same spot (static). And this is the answer how to change rules. Back to the forgoten European classical fencing roots and follow this video.
European knowledge was exported to Asia and back again imported to Europe with so called masters translators:
There we have something called CANNE-CHAUSSON and now imported from Tai-chi saber from China. Universal principles some would say.
Like Marconi and Tesla.
Canne de combat - Chinese import/export
Canne de combat - Chinese import/export to USA
the same people who sell historical fencing in Europe sell the same asian sword techniques imported form Asia.
But the book and the techniques are the same. As people as well.
CHINA: Kung fu masters - like american wrestling
Like american Hollywod/Bollywood production
Every action is success...
Sunday, August 04, 2013
In another major development, Vizer and Arkady Rotenberg, President of the International Judo Fund and one of Russia's most influential businessmen who is close to the country's President Vladimir Putin, have been nominated to take over as heads of the SportAccord International Convention, the biggest annual gathering of sports leaders in the world.
In another major development, Vizer and Arkady Rotenberg, President of the International Judo Fund and one of Russia's most influential businessmen who is close to the country's President Vladimir Putin, have been nominated to take over as heads of the SportAccord International Convention, the biggest annual gathering of sports leaders in the world.
Arkady Rotenberg
Career ladder to PAP
Rosspirtprom is part of the financial-industrial empire of the Rotenberg brothers who are friends of Vladimir Putin. Arkady and Boris Rotenberg went to the same judo classes as Putin, but they saw no opportunities to rise above this level. Everything changed in 2000. In late February Arkady Rotenberg through his friend Sergey Zivenko and Viktor Zolotov, chief bodyguard of Vladimir Putin who at that time was acting president, reached the establishment of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosspirtprom which united about a hundred state-owned distilleries. At first the "Ministry of alcohol" was headed by Sergey Zivenko. The official partnership of Rothenberg and Zivenko focused on wholesale company Zirot.
UNNUSUAL: Imperium World Martial Arts Games 2013 – FILA World Championship
Imperium World Martial Arts Games 2013 – FILA World Championship

Dear friends,
It is our pleasure to invite You on Imperium World Martial Arts Games 2013 wich will be held in Split, Croatia from 14.-18.08.2013.
On this event, wich will be held in Split, Croatia (Sport Hall Gripe), under Jujitsu Dojo Croatia, Croatia Grappling Federation, FILA, Croatian Kickboxing Federation, Ronin Do International and more then
14-th international federations, will be official World Championship in grappling, MMA and pankration (under FILA) for cadets, juniors and veterans.
IMPORTANT: Also, on the same event will be held Open World championship for seniors (grappling).
We expect more than 30 countries (Croatia, Russia, Portugal, Marocco, USA, Serbia, Spain,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Hungary, Nederland, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Slovenia,
Pakistan, Iran, Romania, etc.) and more then 800 competitors.

Competition Venue
Gym: Sports Center Gripe
Address: Osječka 11, 21000 Split, Croatia
Coordinates: 43°30′32.9″N 16°27′4″E
Sports Center Gripe is an indoor sporting arena located in Split, Croatia.
It is part of Sport Recreation Center (SRC). It features two halls.The capacity of the smaller arena is 3,500 people. The seating capacity of the larger one is 6,000.
It is used for many sports and concerts.One night clubs are incorporated in the center, as well as numerous shops, coffee houses and restaurants.
Dear friends,
It is our pleasure to invite You on Imperium World Martial Arts Games 2013 wich will be held in Split, Croatia from 14.-18.08.2013.
On this event, wich will be held in Split, Croatia (Sport Hall Gripe), under Jujitsu Dojo Croatia, Croatia Grappling Federation, FILA, Croatian Kickboxing Federation, Ronin Do International and more then
14-th international federations, will be official World Championship in grappling, MMA and pankration (under FILA) for cadets, juniors and veterans.
IMPORTANT: Also, on the same event will be held Open World championship for seniors (grappling).
We expect more than 30 countries (Croatia, Russia, Portugal, Marocco, USA, Serbia, Spain,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Hungary, Nederland, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Slovenia,
Pakistan, Iran, Romania, etc.) and more then 800 competitors.
Competition Venue
Gym: Sports Center Gripe
Address: Osječka 11, 21000 Split, Croatia
Coordinates: 43°30′32.9″N 16°27′4″E
Sports Center Gripe is an indoor sporting arena located in Split, Croatia.
It is part of Sport Recreation Center (SRC). It features two halls.The capacity of the smaller arena is 3,500 people. The seating capacity of the larger one is 6,000.
It is used for many sports and concerts.One night clubs are incorporated in the center, as well as numerous shops, coffee houses and restaurants.
FROM SPACE: Bob Arum on Muhammad Ali vs Antonio Inoki
12/15/2012 11:00:00 AM Boxing, MMA, Muhammad Ali No comments
Bob Arum, one of boxing's most powerful promoters recently turned 81. He was profiled by Sports Illustrated. Check out Arum's recounting of one of the earliest MMA fights: Muhammad Ali vs Antonio Inoki...
Picture from

Picture from
In 1976, Herbert Muhammad approached Arum with an offer: A group of Japanese businessmen were willing to pay Ali $6 million to fight Antonio Inoki, a legendary wrestler who had dabbled in mixed martial arts, in Tokyo. At first Arum was reluctant: Ali was already planning to defend his heavyweight title against Ken Norton later in the year. But $6 million was $6 million, so Arum called Vince McMahon Sr., who offered to script the fight.
"The way Vince wrote it, Ali was supposed to come out and look like he was hitting Inoki with punches," says Arum. "Now wrestlers, they use razors to cut themselves. So Inoki was supposed to cut himself, and blood would be everywhere. Then Ali would turn to the ref and say, 'Hey, please stop the fight. Then Inoki would jump on Ali's back and pin him. Ali would get up and say this was just like Pearl Harbor, then we'd all go home. So Ali leaves for Japan. When he gets there he meets with Ron Holmes, the American liaison for Inoki. And Holmes thought everything was legitimate!"
"So I fly over there and me, Ferdie [Pacheco, Ali's doctor], Angelo [Dundee, his trainer] and Herbert meet with these Japanese promoters. I said, 'Hey, we have to figure out how to do this thing.' After about 20 minutes of negotiating the ground rules, these Japanese guys started getting pissed off. They started making all these threats about how Inoki was going to break Ali's leg, how Ali was not going to fight Norton. Then they wanted us to sign a piece of paper saying it was winner take all. When we left the room we had no f------ idea how this fight was going to go. But we had to do the fight. We had sold tickets to the closed circuit at Shea Stadium, with an undercard between Chuck Wepner and Andre the Giant. There was a lot of money on the line.
"So the bell rings, and in the first round, Inoki comes out and flops on his ass and starts kicking his legs out. I'm thinking, OK, this is interesting. Maybe he's playing possum. Second round, same s---. By the fourth round Ali is yelling, 'You bastard, get up and fight.' But Inoki, he's kicking Ali's legs and they start bleeding. Finally Inoki gets up, and Ali swings and misses him by a foot. But Inoki, he staggers back into the ropes like he just got shot. After 15 rounds the referee calls it a draw. Ali's legs got infected, and we almost had to call off the Norton fight."
JUDO: Judo in France became legal in 1937
Judo in France became legal in 1937. Before that only the police were taught and allowed to use judo.
Mixed martial arts: SAY NO TO UFC and UNFIT FOR CHILDREN
SAY NO TO UFC website
Cage fighting (also known as “ultimate fighting” or “mixed-martial arts”) is an extremely violent form of entertainment, in which athletes punch, kick, elbow and choke each other from inside cages and before live audiences.
Cage fighters at the amateur and professional levels have competed in public stadiums and on television bearing Neo-Nazi messages in their tattoos or on their clothing.
Extensive research has associated exposure to media violence with a variety of physical and mental health problems for children and adolescents, including aggressive and violent behavior, bullying, de-sensitization to violence, fear, and depression.
Studies have found that repeatedly exposing children to violent media is a risk factor for increases in aggression later in life, even into adulthood.
The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the leading promoter of professional cage fighting events worldwide, markets cage fighting to children through toys, video games, clothing and gym classes; and facilitates fighters’ interactions with adolescents.
UFC fighters have joked about rape or used foul and abusive language that is particularly demeaning to women. UFC fighters and company representatives have used homophobic slurs and other insults that are hurtful and offensive to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
Producers of alcohol products have sponsored professional cage fighting promoters, with logos of popular alcohol brands prominently featured at the center of cage fighting areas and at public press conferences.
Therefore, children should not be permitted to attend live cage fighting events as spectators. We, the undersigned, demand that children under the age of 18 be prohibited from attending live amateur and professional cage fighting events in the City of Boston.
France Says “Non!” to Las Vegas UFC-Style Cage Fighting
The French Sports Ministry, which is headed by Valérie Fourneyron, reconfirmed recently the country’s ban on mixed martial arts (“MMA”), stalling for now hopes that UFC-style cage fighting events will become legal in France.
Responding to a question from a Deputy of the National Assembly, the Sports Ministry stated on July 2: “Free Fight, or Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), takes place inside a cage and allows strikes against the opponent while on the ground. The policy of the Ministry has not changed and remains clear. The practice of MMA is not allowed and its events/shows are not permitted.”
The ban was reconfirmed despite lobbying of the French government by Zuffa LLC of Las Vegas, whose Ultimate Fighting Championship (“UFC”) promotes violent spectacles of “free fighting” or “cage fighting” (so-called “mixed martial arts”). Last year, UFC CEO Lorenzo Fertitta called France a “massive opportunity” and said he was “encouraged that you’ll be eating croissants watching the UFC pretty soon.”
Carole Bretteville, President of the Women's Committee for Federation Francaise du Sportd'Entreprise(“FFSE”), applauded the Ministry’s response. “France works very hard to promote equality in all aspects of life, especially in sports,” said Bretteville. “FFSE promotes sport as a unifying force, where management and employees together benefit from shared recreation activities. I was appalled to find out how UFC was lobbying in France, especially when UNITE HERE informed me how UFC has tolerated derogatory statements and attitudes against women. We cannot allow such an organization to destroy all the work we have done to promote equality through French sports. I applaud the Minister’s courage to reject free fighting in France.”
UNITE HERE’s European Development Director Blake Harwell said: “We were not surprised. European attitudes toward such bloody displays date back centuries. Add in the anti-social issues and I'd say Zuffa and the IMMAF have a long way to go to make MMA palatable. No matter what name they call it, cage fighting still fails to meet European expectations for what counts as sport.”
UNITE HERE: U.S. Marine Corps did not renew sponsorship of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)
LAS VEGAS, Dec 19, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- After a nationwide public outcry, the U.S. Marine Corps did not renew its sponsorship of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the Las Vegas-based promoter of cage fighting events.
"We applaud the Marine Corps for taking this important step that respects the dignity of our men and women in uniform," said Beatriz Topete, a U.S. Army veteran and director of the Veterans Committee of UNITE HERE, a labor union that represents more than 250,000 workers in the hospitality industry in North America. "We believe it is time for other sponsors to follow the lead of the Marine Corps and sever all ties with the UFC."
The decision by the Marine Corps follows months of outrage and media attention. Military veterans, LGBTQ activists and survivors of sexual assault publicly called on the Marine Corps to sever its ties with the UFC over violent, homophobic, misogynistic and otherwise socially irresponsible remarks made by UFC fighters and its president, Dana White.
The campaign to end the UFC-Marine Corps partnership was supported by more than two dozen state and national organizations. They included the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, Protect Our Defenders, National Institute of Military Justice, Veterans For Common Sense, Veterans For Peace, Veterans United For Truth, Women in the Military Project, and Sanctuary Project Veterans, as well as individual survivors of military sexual assault.
"This action by the Marine Corps is a step in the right direction. Military culture for too long has permitted degrading, violent and hate-filled speech and behavior towards men and women," said Nancy Parrish, President of Protect Our Defenders, a national group that advocates for survivors of military sexual assault.
Popular UFC fighters have joked about rape on their public Twitter accounts, and made remarks that are demeaning towards women, gays and Latinos. In a disturbing video published in April on YouTube, UFC fighter Quinton "Rampage" Jackson pretends to sexually assault a woman in a parking garage using chloroform and zip ties. Jackson is scheduled to fight on the "UFC on FOX 6" event on Jan. 26th.
Other sponsors or business partners of the UFC include: Anheuser-Busch InBev, Edge Shaving Gel, Electronic Arts, FOX, Harley-Davidson Inc., MetroPCS Communications, MusclePharm SafeAuto, Toyo Tires, TapouT, and XYIENCE Energy.
SAY NO TO UFC website
Cage fighting (also known as “ultimate fighting” or “mixed-martial arts”) is an extremely violent form of entertainment, in which athletes punch, kick, elbow and choke each other from inside cages and before live audiences.
Cage fighters at the amateur and professional levels have competed in public stadiums and on television bearing Neo-Nazi messages in their tattoos or on their clothing.
Extensive research has associated exposure to media violence with a variety of physical and mental health problems for children and adolescents, including aggressive and violent behavior, bullying, de-sensitization to violence, fear, and depression.
Studies have found that repeatedly exposing children to violent media is a risk factor for increases in aggression later in life, even into adulthood.
The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the leading promoter of professional cage fighting events worldwide, markets cage fighting to children through toys, video games, clothing and gym classes; and facilitates fighters’ interactions with adolescents.
UFC fighters have joked about rape or used foul and abusive language that is particularly demeaning to women. UFC fighters and company representatives have used homophobic slurs and other insults that are hurtful and offensive to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
Producers of alcohol products have sponsored professional cage fighting promoters, with logos of popular alcohol brands prominently featured at the center of cage fighting areas and at public press conferences.
Therefore, children should not be permitted to attend live cage fighting events as spectators. We, the undersigned, demand that children under the age of 18 be prohibited from attending live amateur and professional cage fighting events in the City of Boston.
France Says “Non!” to Las Vegas UFC-Style Cage Fighting
The French Sports Ministry, which is headed by Valérie Fourneyron, reconfirmed recently the country’s ban on mixed martial arts (“MMA”), stalling for now hopes that UFC-style cage fighting events will become legal in France.
Responding to a question from a Deputy of the National Assembly, the Sports Ministry stated on July 2: “Free Fight, or Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), takes place inside a cage and allows strikes against the opponent while on the ground. The policy of the Ministry has not changed and remains clear. The practice of MMA is not allowed and its events/shows are not permitted.”
The ban was reconfirmed despite lobbying of the French government by Zuffa LLC of Las Vegas, whose Ultimate Fighting Championship (“UFC”) promotes violent spectacles of “free fighting” or “cage fighting” (so-called “mixed martial arts”). Last year, UFC CEO Lorenzo Fertitta called France a “massive opportunity” and said he was “encouraged that you’ll be eating croissants watching the UFC pretty soon.”
Carole Bretteville, President of the Women's Committee for Federation Francaise du Sportd'Entreprise(“FFSE”), applauded the Ministry’s response. “France works very hard to promote equality in all aspects of life, especially in sports,” said Bretteville. “FFSE promotes sport as a unifying force, where management and employees together benefit from shared recreation activities. I was appalled to find out how UFC was lobbying in France, especially when UNITE HERE informed me how UFC has tolerated derogatory statements and attitudes against women. We cannot allow such an organization to destroy all the work we have done to promote equality through French sports. I applaud the Minister’s courage to reject free fighting in France.”
UNITE HERE’s European Development Director Blake Harwell said: “We were not surprised. European attitudes toward such bloody displays date back centuries. Add in the anti-social issues and I'd say Zuffa and the IMMAF have a long way to go to make MMA palatable. No matter what name they call it, cage fighting still fails to meet European expectations for what counts as sport.”
UNITE HERE: U.S. Marine Corps did not renew sponsorship of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)
LAS VEGAS, Dec 19, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- After a nationwide public outcry, the U.S. Marine Corps did not renew its sponsorship of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the Las Vegas-based promoter of cage fighting events.
"We applaud the Marine Corps for taking this important step that respects the dignity of our men and women in uniform," said Beatriz Topete, a U.S. Army veteran and director of the Veterans Committee of UNITE HERE, a labor union that represents more than 250,000 workers in the hospitality industry in North America. "We believe it is time for other sponsors to follow the lead of the Marine Corps and sever all ties with the UFC."
The decision by the Marine Corps follows months of outrage and media attention. Military veterans, LGBTQ activists and survivors of sexual assault publicly called on the Marine Corps to sever its ties with the UFC over violent, homophobic, misogynistic and otherwise socially irresponsible remarks made by UFC fighters and its president, Dana White.
The campaign to end the UFC-Marine Corps partnership was supported by more than two dozen state and national organizations. They included the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, Protect Our Defenders, National Institute of Military Justice, Veterans For Common Sense, Veterans For Peace, Veterans United For Truth, Women in the Military Project, and Sanctuary Project Veterans, as well as individual survivors of military sexual assault.
"This action by the Marine Corps is a step in the right direction. Military culture for too long has permitted degrading, violent and hate-filled speech and behavior towards men and women," said Nancy Parrish, President of Protect Our Defenders, a national group that advocates for survivors of military sexual assault.
Popular UFC fighters have joked about rape on their public Twitter accounts, and made remarks that are demeaning towards women, gays and Latinos. In a disturbing video published in April on YouTube, UFC fighter Quinton "Rampage" Jackson pretends to sexually assault a woman in a parking garage using chloroform and zip ties. Jackson is scheduled to fight on the "UFC on FOX 6" event on Jan. 26th.
Other sponsors or business partners of the UFC include: Anheuser-Busch InBev, Edge Shaving Gel, Electronic Arts, FOX, Harley-Davidson Inc., MetroPCS Communications, MusclePharm SafeAuto, Toyo Tires, TapouT, and XYIENCE Energy.
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