Savate federation of Germany is part of some smaller regional WKA kickboxing federation.
This is good - because savate is not just in one kickboxing organisation called WAKO (like in Italy and probably everywhere outside France) but it is now also in WKA.
Yes savate is on the right way. You don't need your own organization - you should always seek for another one, different.
Gerhard Schmitt - savate
Landesbeauftragter für Savate
Gerhard Schmitt
But unfortunately - picture on this website is missing.
Yes savate is on the right way. You don't need your own organization - you should always seek for another one, different.
Gerhard Schmitt - savate
Landesbeauftragter für Savate
Gerhard Schmitt
But unfortunately - picture on this website is missing.
Kai Becker from Kickboxing club Plattling which is WAKO member - and very important in WAKO Germany is (source: Buhlbron Savate) also member of Savate federation Germany. And French federation of savate teaches his woman kickboxing fighter Julia Irmen boxe francaise technology. But as you see, Savate Germany cooperates with WKA. Strange thing is - that perfect cooperation of WAKO and WKA you can see in one of the German states called Thueringen (central part of Germany - known of good sausages in Erfurt) because just in this state WAKO doesn't have its representative, but WKA does.
What a coincidence... Oh my god.
What a coincidence... Oh my god.
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