Saturday, April 30, 2011

South African SAVATE - SASCA - Did you ever accept this new member in FIS?

15th to 17th of April 2011


Instructors training: 9 am - 12 pm (cost: R 500)
Open training - students: 2 pm - 5 pm (cost: R 300)

Presented by Warrior sports
012 653 8198
083 555 8018

WTKA - World traditional karate asociation - remember its Genoa, Italy annual Marathon of Martial arts - but actually kickboxing organisation in connection with SASCA- South African Sport Combat association organised South African savate seminar.

Who can really organise SAVATE seminars?
FIS or also some other sport organiation like Motorboating international federation? Does this also mean that WTKA and SASCA made some serious mistake and will be treated like some other cases by Sport LAW?

THEIR description:

SASCA is a Private Christian Based, Multi Style association. Our vision is to create an association of clubs within South Africa, Africa and around the Martial Arts World where instructors, clubs and athletes are free to participate in events that cater for Single and Multi Martial Arts events. SASCA stands for the freedom of choice - the liberty of Martial Artists to belong to various Martial Arts Associations and participate freely wherever they desire. This we believe is the way to develop our athletes and better prepare them for tournaments of International stature.
Because SASCA is a Private Multi Style Association, we are not entitled to offer National Protea Colours to our members. However, SASCA is extremely proud of the fact that we take a SASCA National team to the WTKA International, World Championships in Italy every year. Our Fighters have done very well over the past 5 years and have always brought back Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals. SASCA is private organization.

Old PhotoOld Photofacebookfacebook banner



17th September 2011
Berario Recreational Centre
SAVATE:- Assaut (Light Contact)
Only open to SASCA Registered members
Contact Mladin -  (Balcan boy? - Mladen Bobic)
(GLOVES :) - South African type)

and seminar of the same school

of the system!wsa-clubs

Giorgio Barbieri - La Gazzetta dello Sport, Italy, 6th July 1997



Vuol dire "ciabatta" e nell' 800 era il nome delle risse a suon di calci nei sobborghi di Parigi. Poi le regole della boxe francese, che e stata pure sport dimostrativo ai Giochi del 1924, sono state codificate. E oggi, in Italia, i savateur sono oltre 3.000

L' abito, si sa, non fa il monaco, perche se cosi fosse i savateur potrebbero essere scambiati per dei ballerini della Scala. E neppure le origini rendono giustizia, perche la culla delle arti marziali e l' Oriente e i moderni sport da combattimento sono made in Usa. Ma Louis Vigneron , forse, tutto questo non lo sapeva. Lui, tornitore meccanico parigino di 100 kg di peso omogeneamente distribuiti in 198 cm di altezza, aveva speso alcuni anni della sua vita a studiare uno sport in cui le tecniche della boxe inglese ben si combinassero con i calci. Ci riusci tanto che, nonostante la stazza, esprimeva un combattimento agile e senza dubbio efficace. Il pubblico apprezzo gli incontri di piazza con Vigneron protagonista e in molti vollero imitarlo. Fu cosi che la savate (o boxe francese) pote farsi conoscere in tutta la Francia : fino ad allora era uno sport da combattimento riservato a un' elite della societa, quella parte della borghesia transalpina molto attenta al codice cavalleresco e allo stile di un combattimento, piu che allo scontro fisico. Una caratteristica che ancora oggi la savate conserva, premiando gli atleti che riescono a esprimere una certa "classe". E questa motivazione spesso e sufficiente a spingere i "cugini" della kick boxing e della thai boxe , discipline che maggiormente hanno beneficiato del traino cinematografico di Jean-Claude Van Damme e soci, a modificare lievemente la tecnica e le regole del gioco per cimentarsi anche nella boxe francese, poiche in sostanza sono tre modi distinti di praticare lo stesso sport. La storia La savate nacque all' inizio dell' Ottocento . All' epoca il termine savate stava a indicare in modo dispregiativo la ciabatta , e il primo a usare questo slang, per qualificare le risse giovanili nei sobborghi parigini fatte di grandi calcioni, fu un certo Michel Casseux , che cerco di codificarne gli schemi e le tecniche. Un suo allievo, tale Charles Lecour , ne raccolse l' eredita e ai calci abbino i pugni della boxe inglese e dalla loro sintesi nacque la boxe francese. Fu proprio con l' inserimento della noble art che pure la borghesia d' Oltralpe si avvicino alla boxe francese, tanto poi da condividerne le tecniche e far proprio un certo modo di combattere nelle sfide d' onore. Ma non solo. Non di rado, infatti, capitava di assistere a incontri pubblici dove i contendenti non erano solo savateur, ma anche praticanti di altre discipline, prima fra tutte la boxe inglese. Tra i piu abili savateur del tempo, le cronache ricordano il gia citato Louis Vigneron, che con le sue esibizioni fece parlare molto della savate. Ma occorre attendere Joseph Pierre Charlemont , qualche anno piu tardi, per assistere a una pratica di massa. Costui inizio a praticare la savate fin da giovane e quando divenne maestro d' armi, appena ventiduenne, la introdusse nell' esercito francese come metodo di combattimento corpo a corpo per i soldati. Fu proprio lui tra l' altro a pubblicare il primo testo, ponendo le basi del metodo che prese il suo nome: il metodo Charlemont. A lui segui il figlio Charles , che continuo nell' opera di divulgazione iniziata dal padre, anche se dopo il leggendario match del 23 ottobre del 1899, vinto sul pugile Jerry Driscoll , la savate agonistica di allora subi sostanziali modifiche. La massima popolarita la raggiunse con l' Olimpiade di Parigi del 1924, quando venne presentata come sport dimostrativo. La tecnica La savate moderna e composta da tutti quei colpi di pugno e di calcio specifici delle discipline da combattimento e delle arti marziali . In particolare, le tecniche di pugno derivano dalla boxe inglese: diretti, montanti , ganci, oltre agli swing, i classici colpi risolutori da k.o. e, proprio come nella boxe, i pugni (portati con guantoni di 8-10 once) non possono essere tirati sotto la linea della cintura. Le tecniche di calcio, invece, hanno notevoli affinita, se non addirittura identita, con i colpi della kick boxing e delle arti marziali. Pero i calci (frontali, laterali, circolari, dai suoni romantici come revers, tournant, chasse, fouette) possono essere sferrati contro l' avversario a qualsiasi altezza, dalla tibia al capo, a eccezione della nuca, dei genitali e della parte frontale delle ginocchia e dove la peculiarita e quella di colpire solo con i piedi, protetti da una particolare scarpetta , e non, per esempio, con la tibia. Gli incontri Tre sono i generi di competizione: l' assalto , ovvero il primo approccio al combattimento agonistico, dove hanno valenza soprattutto lo stile e la qualita della tecnica rispetto all' efficacia, tanto che non e previsto il k.o. (questo tipo di combattimento dura 3 round di 2 minuti ciascuno); il precombattimento o combattimento di seconda serie, dove per attenuare l' effetto dei colpi a contatto pieno e previsto l' utilizzo del caschetto e dei paratibie; quindi il combattimento di prima serie, dove e ammesso il knock out e durante il quale gli atleti combattono solo con i guantoni, oltre al paradenti e alla conchiglia: a questo livello gli incontri hanno una durata che varia dai 3 ai 5 round, e ognuno di 60", 90" e 120" a seconda dell' eta, del peso e dell' esperienza agonistica. Al termine dell' incontro i giudici (da 3 a 5) assegnano la vittoria sulla base di una valutazione generale, dove le tecniche di calcio, per la loro difficolta, hanno un' incidenza superiore. I gradi Al posto delle tradizionali cinture colorate i savateur portano sull' accademica (la divisa coi colori del club) uno stemma con un guanto stilizzato. Esistono i guanti colorati, che indicano il livello degli atleti (blu, verde, rosso, bianco e giallo) e i guanti d' argento , per tecnici e atleti di lungo corso, distinti in primo, secondo e terzo grado. DOVE PRATICARLO In Italia la savate e diffusa soprattutto in Liguria e in Lombardia, seguite dal Lazio, dalla Puglia e via via tutte le altre regioni per un totale di oltre 3.000 atleti di 300 club. All' estero, invece, oltre che in Francia la savate e molto praticata in Belgio, Russia, Olanda, Spagna, Ungheria, Polonia e Germania. Considerevole poi la presenza in Senegal, negli stati magrebini e negli Usa. Tra i migliori azzurri a livello internazionale vi sono Massimiliano Greco (campione d' Europa cat. 79 kg) e Alfredo Genchi (vice campione d' Europa, cat. 63 kg). Per informazioni sulle palestre italiane rivolgersi all' Unione italiana boxe francese savate (UIBFS), via Melzo 9, 20100 Milano (tel. 02/29409080). LE REGOLE D' ORO Ecco i consigli di Michele Greco, detentore del titolo europeo: 1 fate molto stretching, in modo da sviluppare un' ottima elasticita muscolare. 2 curate attentamente la base: guardia, pugni e calci. solo cosi potrete diventare degli ottimi atleti in poco tempo. 3 cercate di sviluppare le tecniche con qualcuno piu bravo di voi: si apprende molto di piu. 4 ogni tanto fate anche dello "sparring", possibilmente con il vostro istruttore, facendo sempre uso delle protezioni.

testo di Giorgio Barbieri

System of systems promotes its people

They just choose you. So it means you have to be chosen.

This great event will happen:
4th of June Japan - TOKYO:
Silvia La Notte (Italy) VS. Erika Kamimura (Japan).

K-1 Rules -48 Kg
Erika Kamimura 1992, Record: 17 victories (7 KO), 1 Loss.

Fukushima accident don't stop Italian best fighters. Brave.

WAKO PRO and Italian kickboxing federation (FIKBMS) - Savate Mondiale 2011 (second edition) - Parco Sempione, Milan, Italy - 21st of May

Silvia La Notte and Agron Preteni - traditional savate fighters will promote sports brand SAVATE under kickboxing organisations WAKO PRO and FIKBMS - Italian kickboxing federation.

FISa - Italian savate federation and FIS - International savate federation are not worried. They will allow Silvia and Agron also to compete on a World savate championship 2011.
FIS support digging their own brand and its selling to another kickboxing system.

I think FIS is the only one SPORTACCORD RECOGNISED sport federation in the world doing these stupid suicide activities.

Last year on Savate Mondiale (World savate - gala of savate PRO) there were also Christian Robert, Gilles Le Duigou, Alfredo Lallo...

This year we can expect again Giorgio Castoldi - WAKO PRO  director and leader of SAVATE MONDIALE projectto appear in the name of FISa on a World combat savate championship 2011, as he was present also on a World assaut savate championship 2011 after FISa left FIKBMS - Italian kickboxing federation.
So these days it is not very easy to understand the situation of savate in FIS - International savate federation, in French savate federation and in Italain savate federation.

I THINK SAVATE (as a sport) IS IN THE BIGGEST TROUBLES in all its history.
Savate is not attractive to any new sport group seeking new combat sport, and effect is that there is no new savate federations and no savate specialised federations.

SAVATE is becoming kickboxing - WAKO kickboxing.
French is now American.
And the process like this we call ROTATION of financial interest beetween amateurism and proffesional traders behind the courtains. They see bright future of their money coming from combat sports. And the washing of dirty money (prostitution, drugs, criminal in general...) through official sport systems like "artifical" savate is a just a smart way to do it.

Read in Italian language:

Cari Amici,


La 2°edizione di SAVATE MONDIALE è alle porte..SABATO 21 MAGGIO 2011 alle h 20.00 si daranno battaglia i migliori fighters del momento nella bellissima e suggestiva cornice del Parco Sempione di Milano, con stupende coreografie fatte di luci, musica e spettacoli di alto livello.In virtù del grande successo dello scorso anno, la ASD FIGHT and GLOVES MILANO, propone per la 2°edizione un programma curato nei minimi dettagli che, come sempre, non deluderà le aspettative. L'Evento verrà ripreso da una produzione televisiva e trasmesso su RAI SPORT ed ODEON TV a circuito Nazionale.

Il tutto si svolgerà sotto l'egida della FIKBMS-WAKO PRO con Atleti di alto profilo sia Nazionale che Internazionale. Apriranno la serata (unici due match dilettanti) i fighter della Doria Boxing Team BRUNO BONERA ed ELENA MANGIARDI rispettivamente nelle regole della Kick Boxing e della Savate, a seguire tutti i combattimenti Pro, tra questi vorrei citare innanzitutto la presenza della Pluricampionessa del Mondo, la Milanese della Doria Boxing Team SILVIA LA NOTTE impegnata in un Prestige Fight di Savate Pro con la Campionessa Francese di Chauss Fight Abdelaziz, e sempre nella Savate Pro, il Campione del Mondo dei pesi Massimi AGRON PRETENI della Pit bull di Spalato (Croazia) affronterà il nostro alfiere e Pluri Campione Italiano UMBERTO LUCCI di Roma attualmente allenato dal M° Storai.

Un'altra interessante sfida sarà quella tra il neo Campione Mondiale di Savate Pro (titolo conquistato proprio nella 1° edizione dello scorso anno) e Campione Mondiale di Full Contact MATTEO ROMAGNOLI della Profighting Bologna, che affronterà in un match tutto da seguire il forte LORENZO "the Prof" MOSCA della Profighting Roma del M° Smeriglio.

Passando al K-1 rules e alla Kickboxing diversi match Pro si susseguiranno nella serata, tra questi l'interessante sfida tra due giovani ma già affermati Atleti, OVIDIO MIHALI (Doria Boxing Team) e CLAUDIO CROCIATI (Profighting Cesena), e sempre dalla Doria Boxing Team avremmo il gradito rientro nella Kickboxing del forte LORENZO BUSA' opposto al guerriero MANUEL ALBERTI della Profighting Mantova del M°Milani per passare poi ad un altro interessante match tra il Milanese IULIAN IMERI della Thunder Gym che incrocerà i guantoni con il Russo della Profighting Bologna VADIM DEDOV, atleta dotato di una potenza davvero straordinaria.

Ritornando alla Savate Pro, una sfida tra due Campionesse è attesa sul Ring del Parco Sempione, la nostra beniamina di Bologna MARIA TZORZI, Campionessa Europea in carica di K-1 rules WAKO PRO, affronterà la Campionessa del Mondo di Kickboxing, la Croata ZELYANA PITESA, già vista in Italia in due super sfide con la nostra SILVIA LA NOTTE.Completano il matchmaking il combattimento nelle regole della Kickboxing tra il neo Campione italiano ZAKARIA MOURCHID della Profighting Lucca e MAURIZIO PAVONE della Bulldog's Gym Milano e nella Savate Pro l'atteso match tra LELIO RAMUNNI ,Campione Italiano Pro di K-1 (Profighting Santeramo), e Il Campione Italiano di Savate NICOLA RODIA della storica Mameli di Genova del M° Guiducci, un'atleta dal curriculum interessante visto l'alto numero di vittorie prima del limite.

Una card di tutto rispetto per questo Galà, che voglio ricordare è con INGRESSO GRATUITO.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi per godervi un grande Spettacolo e per tifare i nostri beniamini.

Non Mancate!

Giorgio Castoldi - FIGHT and GLOVES MILANO

Friday, April 29, 2011

FISa - Italian savate federation - CALENDAR - 2011

New International savate federation confirmed - Christian Robert (French savate federation) and Falsone (WAKO)

Using parts of savate history to create its own system called CHAUSS-FIGHT. They compete also in savate - boxe francaise and also in savate pro.

Is chauss fight to similar to savate where it actually was born?
I think that this is very easy case to decide on a court. You don't need special lawyer.
But FIS - International savate federation and also French savate federation are waiting and leave this man to build another savate federation.

Will they destroy FIS - International savate federation at the end and replace it with new one called Chauss fight?

We talked about this problem here:

On FIKBMS - Italian kickboxing federation's annual stage 2011 -
there was Christian Robert and Ludovic Fornes from French savate federation and they represented there savate and chauss fight to help FIKBMS to destroy all the work of FISa - Italian savate federation built in last years.
They also agreed with Fred Royers (Netherland), Marco Costaguta (CUS - Italian university savate) and Falsone (Italy - WAKO) to build another FIS - International savate federation called Chauss fight


If you read Italian language:

Si è appena concluso lo Stage Nazionale per direttori tecnici tenutosi a Cattolica proprio nel ponte di Pasqua che ha sancito, nel corso della riunione del Consiglio Nazionale, l’apertura della nostra Federazione alle MMA.

Inutile però negarlo, anche perché lo hanno visto tutti : la concomitanza ha nuociuto allo stage perché evidentemente è difficile scardinare delle tradizioni familiari molto sentite e radicate specie al Sud. Ma anche se i numeri degli stagisti sono leggermente calati rispetto allo scorso anno, resta il fatto che si sono avute 250 presenze a Cattolica. Ma soprattutto, è stata – come al solito – la qualità dei docenti la cosa maggiormente apprezzata dai partecipanti. E del resto, ce lo aspettavamo: Tomaz Barada, pluricampione di taekwondo in primis e poi di kickboxing (light contact), ha veramente deliziato i numerosi aficionados, così come è stato particolarmente apprezzato quel veterano di mille battaglie che è l’olandese Fred Royers, per la prima volta in Italia con la nostra Federazione.

Molto apprezzato infine anche il francese Lodovic Fornes, già campione europeo e mondiale di Savate che oggi è praticante di Chauss Fight che lui ha introdotto ufficialmente in Italia. Ludovic era infatti accompagnato dal suo presidente, Robert Chrostin , ex dirigente di Savate che però oggi è vice-presidente della Federation Française Des Sports de Combat (tra l’altro, lo stesso Chrostin ha annunciato, insieme a Marco Costaguta, che lancerà a breve una nuova Federazione Internazionale di Savate Pro-Chauss Fight e che rappresenterà un vera alternativa alla Federation International Savate).

Accanto ai personaggi e ai grandi maestri citati, abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitare Diego Calzolari nella Muay Thai, i tecnici Federico Milani e Riccardo Wagner nel Light; Gianfranco Rizzi e Emanuele Bozzolani nel semi (entrambe le specialità hanno ospitato i collegiali degli azzurrabili); Massimo Liberati e Donato Milano nel full (molto apprezzata la sua lezione sul Coaching!); Bruno Campiglia nella Kick-Light; Massimo Rizzoli e Riccardo Bergamini nella Low-Kick e infine Claudio Alberton e Giorgio Iannelli nel K1.

Insomma un corpo docente di prim’ordine che certamente avrebbe meritato una platea più ampia. Ma siamo certi che l’anno prossimo il problema della Pasqua non si porrà e pertanto, siamo certi, lo Stage annuale 2012 sarà preso d’assalto, come sempre.

Monday, April 25, 2011

FISU sports in Italy: Italian kickboxing federation (FIKBMS) VS. Italian savate federation (FISa)


Italian kickboxing federation (FIKBMS) is preparing
with a help of CUSI - Italian university sport - NON FISU recognised sport SEMI contact kickboxing WAKO national university championship - 19th of June 2011 - 1st Criterium Universitario Kick Boxing - Specialita semi contact - Maschile e femminile
Palazzetto dello Sport - Campus Universitario Baronissi (SA). Via Salvatore Allende.

while Italian savate federation (FISa) without help of CUSI - Italian university sport - prepare University italian savate championship - of FISU official and recognised sport called SAVATE
on 8th of May 2011 in Genoa.


Bazhataeg 2011 - Canne de combat - Erwan Souben

5th edition of Bazhataeg Canne de combat event:
It is national championship on 23th and 24th of April in Quimper.

WAKO PRO - savate - Savate mondiale 2010 (transl. world savate)

Let's say Italian combat sports bond - pugilistic type

Friday, April 22, 2011

Savate stage - Italy - Giorgio Ali and Max Greco - THIS TIME TOGETHER

Independent savate system's stage: 14th of May 2011 in Genoa, Italy.
Giorgio Ali and Max Greco.

CONI - Italian Olympic Committee in BIG TROUBLES about savate and muay thai

Finally there comes a time also in Italy to discuss positions of Sportaccord recognised sports Muay thai (IFMA) and Savate (FIS).
Kickboxing (WAKO) should operate only in the field of kickboxing.

But these are the last cryings of CONI before taking serious actions of cleaning the positions of savate, muay thai and kckboxing.

Just another try to buy some time ...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Italian savate hero of the month - May 2011 edition

We proudly present you Caruso Fioramante.

SAVATE - Gala Sankt Peterburg - French cultural days 2011

All FIS friends will meet together again in Russia in Sankt Petersburg on 19th of May 2011 where they will celebrate famous French cultural dates. Invited:
  1. France
  2. Belgium
  3. Italy
  4. Russia
This countries are on many meetings in a very constructive opposition to each other.

Thank you FIS to announce all the activities of savate.

Belgium Canne de combat seminar - 1st May 2011

Please report us about that Canne de combat stage.
For years we don't know nothing about Canne in Belgium.

And this is the secret Belgium man of Canne de combat. Does he really exist?

M. DE WASSEIGE (Moniteur Canne de Combat)

Tel: 0498.75.36.73

IFMA - Muay thai reports about big PARTY on a Sportaccord conference 2011

IFMA @ SportAccord Convention London – A Striking Success!!

IFMA’s presence at this year’s SportAccord Convention proved to be the most successful yet. This year’s edition of the SportAccord Convention was one of the most important to date, as it was held in London just one year before the 2012 London Olympic Games. So that’s why the IFMA international office worked tirelessly to ensure that the bar was raised yet again this year, to create and design the biggest and most attractive booth since IFMA’s first entry into SportAccord in 2006.

This was most definitely achieved, as the IFMA booth made a striking impact and received much popularity and interest from all delegates.

Other exhibitors included the Australian International Sporting Events Secretariat (AISES), Dubai Sports Council, Eurovision, Eurosport, Events Scotland, Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire (FISU), Generations for Peace, IEC in Sports, Macau Sports Development Board, Peace and Sport, the Qatar Olympic Committee, Singapore Sports Council, World Games 2013, WADA, Total Sports Asia and the Commonwealth Games Federation just to name a few. The exhibition also included a myriad of bidding cities, International Sports Federations and Event and logistics specialists.

The booth was lively throughout the 3-day exhibition, with delegates which included IOC members and dignitaries who were drawn to the booth’s displays and activities and showed a keen interest in muaythai and all the various aspects of this culturally rich martial art.

Visitors to the booth from host city representatives to IOC members and VIPs were also given the chance to don the traditional mongkol, fighter robe, gloves and even a championship belt for a photo op in front of a spectacular stadium backdrop! This proved to be a delightful activity for all!

The SportAccord Convention organisers once again delivered a first-class opening ceremony hosted at the world-renowned O2 Arena at which talents the likes of Elton John to Led Zeppelin to Andrea Bocelli have performed.

As always, the opening address was made by IOC President Jacques Rogge, followed by a welcoming speech from SportAccord President Hein Verbruggen.

The very charismatic and humorous Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, had SportAccord delegates roaring with laughter as he delivered his welcome speech announcing that because they are almost done all the venues, he feels it is important to call a “snap Olympics.” So guess what? The 2012 games could actually be happening in a few weeks! After asserting that he was just kidding, Mayor Johnson went on to suggest that if we couldn’t do a snap Olympics, there should be a politics Olympics. He thought Dick Cheney would be a star in the shooting events and Colonel Gaddafi should try the “high jump.” Needless to say, Mayor Johnson brought the house down with tears of laughter as he went on to have a dig at Sepp Blatter and the FIFA president’s claim that that China invented football!! A most memorable welcome from an unforgettable Mayor of London!

Delegates were then treated to exhilarating performances by the talented cast members from London’s West End who delivered a melange of numbers from popular West End musicals such as Chicago, Mama Mia and We Will Rock You.

Belgium combat savate championship 2010, 25th of April, Charleroi

ANG savate club Rixheim, France is near Switzerland and Germany border and not in Belgium.
And this club's fighter won Belgium combat tournament. He won the title Belgium national savate champion 2010 and the diploma of course. Look 11:12 in this video 1. Weird.

And normal competitions in France - of ANG savate club Rixheim

NEW structure of SECOND savate in Italian kickboxing federation (FIKBMS)

Did you watch V (2009) , and did you ask yourself which are the bad and which are the good guys?

The same questions apperas when you observe Italian savate:

New kickboxing - savate structure FIKBMS:

Responsabili Direttori Tecnici: M° Stefano Secci - M° Mauro Boido

Responsabile Nazionale Ufficiale di Gara: M° Domenico Rutigliani

Responsabile Chauss Fight: M° Marco Costaguta (responsible for student savate sport FISU also???)

Responsabile Nazionale Savate Baton Defense: M° Daniele Mannino - M° Luigi Gallo
Responsabile Nazionale Savate Canne Francese: M° Emilo De Alessandri

Responsabile Nazionale Savate Forme: M° Haxhiu Amarda - M° Glauco Pocobelli
Responsabile Nazionale Savate Canguro: M° Uriel Sicignano

Responsabile Regionale: M° Nicola Guiducci (ex MamamiaMeli)
Responsabile Ufficiali di Gara: M° Silvio Ilengo (brother Ilengo)
Responsabile Assalto/ Contatto Pieno: M° Adriano Barbieri
Responsabile Savate Defense: Istr. Massimiliano Serena
Responsabile Savate Canguro: M° Elisa Barbini

LOMBARDIAResponsabile Regionale: M° Stefano Gennaccari, G.A. 1°
Responsabile Ufficiali di Gara: M° Maurizio Faruoli
Responsabile Assalto: Istr. Gianluca Nardo'
Responsabile Savate Canguro: M° Nino Rizzo

Responsabile Regionale:
M° Paolo Ferrari
Responsabile Ufficiali di Gara: M° Andrea Sciacero
Responsabile Assalto: M° Marco Parodi

CAMPANIAResponsabile Regionale: M° Antonio Gallo
Responsabile Ufficiali di Gara: M° Ciro Cassini
Responsabile Assalto/ Contatto Pieno: Istr. Fulvio Panarella

Responsabile Regionale:
M° Domenico Iaia
Responsabile Ufficiali di Gara: M° Filippo Marangi
Responsabile Savate Canguro: Istr. Giovanni Carniglia
Responsabile Contatto Pieno: M° Nicola Iaia
Responsabile Savate Baton Defense: M° Enzo Ribezzi

FIKBMS (Italian kickboxing federation) - Italian savate assaut championship 2011



Cat . -56 kg cadets
1° place SOTGIU MAICOL ( New Fighter )
2° place BELLINZONA ANDREA ( New Princess )

Cat. -48 kg women
1° place BONOMI ANNA ( JSK Pavia )
2° place ALESSANDRONI DENISE ( Mameli )

Cat.-65 kg women
1° place BURGIO SERENA ( Mameli )
2° place ASCANI ALICE ( JSK Pavia )

Cat.+85kg seniors
1° place MONGIARDINO GIUSEPPE ( Mameli )

Cat.-40 kg boys
1° place CILIA MIRKO ( Mameli )
2° place GUARINO COSIMO ( Team IAIA )

Cat.-65 kg cadets
1° place BARBARO GIANNI ( Team IAIA )
2° place BISIO GIACOMO ( Savate Ovada )

Cat.-60 kg juniors
1° place GRASSO MATTIA ( Accademia Europea )
2° place TEGGI FABIO ( Team Galluzzo )

Cat.-80 kg juniors
1° place VIZZARI GIORGIO ( Mameli )
2° place PIGNATELLI ANGELO ( Team Iaia )

Cat.-56 kg women
1° place SCARPATO SUSANNA ( Accademia Europea )
2° place

Cat-56 kg cadets
1° place TOSCANO ALICE ( Team Galluzzo )
2° place

Cat.-65 kg seniors
1° place TRAVERSO DIEGO ( Savate Ovada )
2° place CARLIZZA DANIELE ( JSK Pavia )

Cat.-70 kg seniors
1° place GIRAUDO WALTER ( Savate Ovada )
2° place MIHAI GEORGIU ( Mameli )

Cat.-75 kg seniors
1° place MARCHELLI YADO ( Savate Ovada )

Cat.-80 kg seniors
1° place JANELLI ANDREA ( Team Galluzzo )
2° place OCCHIPINTI ( Rudis Torino )

Cat.-70 kg juniors
1° place CIFERRI FRANCESCO ( Mameli )
2° place MENDOZA BRYAN ( New Princess )

Cat.-60 kg women
1° place NOVELLI ANTONIA ( Mameli )
2° place D’AMBROSIO FEDERICA ( Rudis Torino )

Cat.-52 kg women
1° place VELATI SABINA ( JSK Pavia )
2° place MORA ELENA ( New Princess )

Cat.-80 kg seniors
1° place CARTA MARCO ( Ecole de savate )
2° place RODIA NICOLA ( Mameli )

Cat-65 kg juniors
1° place LEOPARDI MATTIA ( Mameli )
2° place DE MATTEO ROBERTO ( Mameli )

1. New Fighter
2. New Princess
3. JSK Pavia
4. Mameli
5. Team IAIA
6. Savate Ovada
7. Accademia Europea
8. Team Galluzzo
9. Rudis Torino
10. Ecole de savate (also FISa member of Savate federation Italy)

36 fighters

in this gym:

16th and 17th of April 2011 in Vignole Borbera (AL) under FIKBMS (Italian kickboxing federation - member of WAKO) there was national Italian Savate assaut championship 2011.
3 rounds - each 1,5 min and 1 min break.
Weighing: 13:00 and the beggining of cpompetition at 14.00.

Inscription: until 11th of April 2011.
Competition tax: 15 Euro and 5 € of caution if you don't attend the competition.
Medals, diplomas and cups/trophys with FIKBMS logo were delivered to competitors.
Mauro Boido national representative Savate FIKBMS.


Rosanna Miotti vs Sabina Velati - Semifinals -52Kg women

Yado Marchelli vs Francesco Forleo - Finals -75Kg men - Senior

Walter Giraudo vs Georgiu Mihai - Finals -70Kg men - Senior

Leonardo Manino vs Mattia Leopardi - Semifinals - Junior

Diego Traverso vs Daniele Carlizza - Finals - Senior

Raffaele Valpondi vs Erik Branda - Quarter finals -75Kg Senior

Giacomo Bisio vs Gianni Barbaro - Finals -65Kg Cadet

Silvia La Notte on Italian University Boxing (AIBA)

Source: Italian university sport magazine No. 128 (2009)

As a world savate champion she doesn't participate on a world university savate championships.

La vittoria della milanese Silvia La Notte dopa l'ottimo incontro con la pavese Simona Lucamo.


CUS Bologna poker tricolore

Lignano ' Certi docenti devono stare all'erta in sede di esami perchè affrontare una delle ragazze che si sono cimentate sul ring dei Palasport,
significa rischiare. Altro che gentil sasso, botte da orbi, a differenza dei colleghi maschi più portati alla ricerca dei classico, dei colpo da manuale. No, le ragazze al pronti via, partivano aU'attacco e alla fine baci ed abbracci e qualche occhio nero ma quanta soddisfazione, anche da parte delle perdentl. Soddisfatti anche gli arbitri, stilosi ed eleganti:
"Massimo fair play" hanno sottolineato e bisogna credergli.

Con quattro vittorie compressive il Cus Bologna ha conquistato il titolo
di boxe totalizzando ben 42 punti, cosa che gli ha permesso di superare nella classifica finale l'agguerrito Cus Milano (36 punti). Seguono Cus Roma (28). Salerno con 17 punti, Ferrara 12, Cosenza 10, Genova 9, Ancona, Chieti, Pavia e Torino 8, Siena e Came ri no 4, infine Pisa 2 e Bari O.

ln campo maschile quesli i risultati:
kg 57 Riccardo D'Andrea (Cosenza) batte Emanuele Panunzi (Milano).
kg 60 Alessandro Cherchi (Milano) batte Vincenzo Finiello (Roma).
kg 64 Hamed Ferchichi (Bologna) batte Federico Paglierino (Torino) .
kg 69 Alessandro Caccia (Ferrara) batte Emilio Desiderio (Salerno).
kg 75 Luca Arrigo (Salerno) batte Andrea Solaro (Genova).
kg 81 Simone Fiore (Roma) batte Andrea Marziali (Ancona).
kg 91 Gabriel Grosu (Bologna) batte Francesco Di Giandomenico (Chieti).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

If only Ticino (Switzerland) SAVATE fighter would come to World university world championship 2010

There were NO (nada) Switzerland savate fighters on a World university world championship 2010. But maybe there were well payed Switzerland judges?
Judge without his team on a competition? How could this be possible?


SUSF-President Andreas Csonka, Head of Elite sport Fredi Schneider, all the decorated winners of Swiss Students Sports Awards, and donator Arthur Eugster

BERNE - The Swiss University Sports Federation (SHSV/FSSU) held its General Assembly at the House of Sports in Ittigen, Berne, the Headquarters of the Swiss Olympic Association. Based on a very generous donation by Arthur Eugster from St. Gallen, the "Swiss Students Sports Award" was given for the first time to successful students at the World University Championships in 2010. Switzerland participated at 11 WUC and won 5 Gold, 4 Silver and 4 Bronze medals in different sports such as Orienteering, Karate, Equestrian, Rowing, Taekwondo and Shooting. The main award was presented to Matthias Merz from the ETH Zurich, double gold medal winner at the WUC Orienteering in Sweden. Sara Lüscher, Ines Brodmann, Caroline Cejka and Severin Howald (Orienteering), Eliane Waser (Rowing), Corina Sorg (Equestrian), Nina Kläy and Manuela Bezzola (Taekwondo), Patrick Zihlmann, Jean-Claude Zihlmann and Lars Färber (Shooting) and Aurélie Magnin (Karate) were also honored by Arthur Eugster and the Swiss University Sports Foundation. The Swiss Students Sports Award will be given to the best athletes from the Winter Universiade in Erzurum and the Summer Universiade in Shenzhen later this year in another ceremony.
13 of the 16 University Sport Organizations of Switzerland, the statuary members of SHSV/FSSU, representing more than 140,000 students, participated at the General Assembly in Ittigen. They approved not only the annual report of the SUSF-President Andreas Csonka, but also the financial report of Treasurer Olaf Frost who retired from his position. He was replaced by Stefan Schneider, University of St. Gallen. A main topic of the agenda was the international sport events of 2010, including the successfully hosted WUC Chess in Zurich and the participation at 11 WUC and 8 EUC. The results were considered as very successful. This was also the case for the 2011 Winter Universiade in Erzurum, Turkey. The Head of Delegation, Erich Hanselmann, presented a colorful and interesting report. After being HoD in Harbin and Erzurum, he retired from his position and received also an honor from the SUSF like the Chairman and Vice-President of the OC of the WUC Chess, Bernhard Burkhardt and Walter König. Finally the delegates accepted to participate at both 2013 Universiades in Maribor, Slovenia (W) and Kazan, Russia (S).

(Source: Leonz Eder)

Rafal Tichanow (Cambridge) VS James Southwood (London)

Great Britain Savate Federation (GBSF) Savate Assaut League event, held at the Leys Sports Complex, Cambridge, on Sat 16th April, 2011.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WAKO kickboxer Agron Preteni again in SAVATE

look at this perfect muscular definition.

In savate dress he looks much more casual.

He will come to World savate combat championship 2011. He likes savate. I am sure.

Albanian language is the language that also speaks Agron Preteni. Albanian language site called Kosovo boxing talks about Agron Preteni.
We know that there is still no savate in Kosovo.
Why don't Agron Preteni try to compete for Kosovo state? There would be another member country in FIS? More countries, more savate?

We see the so called WAKO trend in FIS savate last years - especially Balcane countries and Italy. What is WAKO trend in savate?
99% of all fighter's activities is kickboxing and once a year or in two years this kickboxer decide to compete in savate. Nice.
And don't forget - this fighter becomes World SAVATE champion after all.

So what is the BIG MESSAGE, that FIS send with that kind of actions to all their real savate countries?
It is better to practice WAKO kickboxing because you have more tournaments, more chances to become world champion. You can also arrange result with your friendly neighbour kickboxing WAKO countries and fighters. And nobody can blame you because there is no evidence. And don't try to specialize in savate because there is no future for savateur.

In FIS savate we don't have any (member's) passports, we don't have any member's competitor registration lists, we don't have anual fixed registered fighters in certain categories... but we are in WADA.
And how will WADA operate when we won't have any evidence when this MUSCLE fighters are actually kickboxers belonging to some other martal art systems. Will WADA acuse for example WAKO? This fighters spend most of their competitive time in his system - for example WAKO.
Will FIS take all the load of inspections from WADA if some kickboxer will be tested on steroids?
There were last years many cases in Croatia about positive kickboxers after Anti-dpoing testings.

And Croatian Olympic Committee took it very seriously...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Canne de combat CUP 2011, Reunion - Africa, (Europe - France)

Almost 600 readers per day

Thank you for your every click.

1992 - Canne de Combat, Paris

4th of April 1992 - French Canne de combat championship in Paris - Salle Japy

Nimes - France Elite - B - Finals - 2011

Slowly but surely grows savate in France. Stabil progress means also slowly growing popularity. And time, time works for savate.

14th of May 2011, Nimes, France.

Kung fu - Wushu - IWUF - 2011 Sportaccord Convention


The 2011 Sportaccord Convention was held in London, the United Kindom from April 3 to 9, 2011. Mr. Wang Xiaolin, IWUF Secretary General and Mr. Patrick Van Campenhout, IWUF Treasurer attended the meeting on behalf of the IWUF. They attended the ARISF Annual General Meeting, IWGA General Assembly, and Sportaccord General Assembly. The IOC Sports Department also held a meeting with the IWUF representatives regarding wushu.
During Convention, Mr. Wang Xiaolin and Mr. Patrick Van Campenhout met with the Organizing Committee of 2013 Cali World Games and discussed matters relating to wushu competition. The preparation for the Games are well under way. It was announced that the 2nd Sportaccord Combat Games will be held in St. Perterburg, Russia in 2013 following the successful organization of the 1st Games in Beijing. 14 martial sports will participate in the 2nd Games.
Sportaccord is the annual international sports convention. It is jointly organized by Sportaccord, ASOIF (Association of Summer Olympic International Federations) and AIOWF (Association of the International Olympic Winter Sports Federations). The IOC Executive Board meeting was also held during the Sportaccord.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Anthony Mezaache (France) (ex savate) vs. Aristides Perez (Colombia)

Professionaly managed.

8th of April - Boxing result from France

Anthony Mezaache (20-6-3, 5 KO’s) defeated Aristides Perez (19-5-1, 12 KO’s) by unanimous decision to claim the vacant WBA Inter-Continental lightweight and IBF International lightweight titles.
The newly crowned 32 year old champion dominated in front of his home crowd, taking the decision by scores of 118-110, 116-108, and 117-110 over his Columbian challenger

Farid Khider: Arrested by the FBI with $ 1 million!

The former candidate for "The Farm Celebrities in Africa," Farid Khider, recently took some vacation days in Los Angeles, to find friends with the West Coast of the United States.
And big amount of cash in his "investment" hands opens also some questions -what about savate in this story. Is this positive information for savate sport in France or?

End of an era of savate old masters: Roger Lafond, 1913-2011

Golden glove savate - last known early savate master.

The funeral of savate master Roger Lafond (1913 - 8th of April , 2011) was held in his home town of Le Perreux sur Marne, France. He was 97 years old.
He had commenced training in la boxe Francaise/savate in 1921 at the age of 7 years with his father, Eugene.
Roger served five years in a German prisoner of war camp and trained many POW colleagues under the attention of the guards. He resisted efforts to stop teaching, confirming that it was a sport. At one stage he was asked if he would teach some of the officers and guards. He declined the suggestion as fraternizing with the enemy.
After the war he revived savate schools all over Paris. In 1955 he created "La Panache", combining traditional French martial arts and some Japanese hand to hand combat. He was also among the trainers for the cast of the classic '60s British TV series, "The Avengers".
Maitre Lafond was still teaching students at the age of 95 years. "Lafond Savate" consists of boxing, open hand skills and is now the only syllabus in Paris to teach the traditional savate style of kicking. The impact weapons covers five lengths from 20cm through to 175cm.

Here is Roger Lafond in his prime:

and here he is a few years ago, with the crew from "The Human Weapon" TV show:

He was truly one of the last of the old-school savate masters.

and this website stoped forever

May he rest in peace.


(WKF) - Karate - Antonio Espinos re-elected as Sportaccord Executive Council member representing ARISF

2011 Sportaccord convention was successfully concluded last week in London.
The WKF President, Mr. Espinos was unanimously re-elected by acclamation as Sportaccord Executive Council member representing ARISF (the IOC Recognized Federations). During his stay in London, the WKF President along with the WKF General Secretary had a meeting with the IOC Sports Department where they discussed issues concerning the candidature of karate to the Olympic Games.
Finally, during the various meetings of the Convention it was decided that the next Sportaccord Combat Games will take place in 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia while the next World Games will take place also in 2013 in Cali, Colombia where the programme for karate will only comprise individual and team kata competition, as kumite will not be included in those Games.


Frederic Bellonie (savate) defeated Ivan Strugar (kickboxing)

On April 15th a Low Kick World title defense Kg - 88,600 took place in Sanski Most (Montenegro) between IVAN STRUGAR - title holder - and FREDERIQUE BELLONI (France).
With decision of Judges 2-1 won Frederique Belloni becoming the new World champion in Low Kick Kg - 88,600:

Ratko Roganovic (MNE) : 48-47
Ferradj Chaouqui (FRA) : 46-50
Vedran Badjun (CRO) : 46-48

France vs. Montenegro. Ivan Strugar should be one one the best Balcan fighters.

Another lesson to Balcan kickboxing from tactical french savate.
Match was promoted through WAKO PRO system of financing (that means that stabil countries like Montenegro helped to organize this professional event with time - money.)
And Goran, Goran Borovic from savate also was there. And he won the Hungary guy in kickboxing of course.
And typical for Balcan region - yes ... very typical ... that we won't see the video in case of their national hero defeat. But this is also kickboxing type of behaviour.