Tuesday, June 30, 2009

If you understand Atlatl you kick from your toes

Bob Perkins and nice science

Frey Rolf gave licenses in German savate in 1986

Frey Rolf - mysterious savate trainer from Germany (30th of January 1986)

INSEP certificate - signed probaly by DTN Bob Alix (16th of March 1986)(source from comments)

Initiateur - Instructeur(3 months)

In times of FIS president Jean-Marie ROUSSEAU 23 mars 1985 - 1989:
(do you have a picture of our first president :) ?)

Frey Rolf, Hohenackerstr. 77,71334, Waiblingen, Germany, Europe - Is this man savate instructor who licensed Buhlbron savate trainer Ari?

Comments say: Frey Rolf is unknown to Germany?

Our long savate history seems to be so weak? Why?

Slovenian K1 illusion

Miran Fabjan was a winner of the biggest K1 event in Slovenia called WFC. After WFC Rozle Jazbinsek said that all fights were arranged in advance. And after all no money for competitors. Maybe because they were all amateurs. Yes Coubertain, this time for real.

Oh my god look his techniques.

He is one of big hopes of ASD gladiatorum (brothers Petrosian train there.)
Please observe this KO. Did you see any contact. Maybe I am blind , but if there was something please report me in comments.

And what they say about him:
Miran is from Slovenia and has already fought many times in Europe. This is his first fight in Thailand. Miran won easilly with a 1st round KO. Miran plans to return to Rawai Camp (Charles Scarbowski training place) in October and stay for half a year to concentrate on fighting and training.

Slovenia is a place full of shit - part 1


Source: http://www.fisu.net/en/2009-SU-Update-Minister-for-Sport-announces-Australian-team-2644.html?idProduit=235

Kate Ellis, the Hon. Minister for Youth and Sport announced the Australian team for the Belgrade Summer Universiade.
The 185-strong Australian delegation, led by Chef de Mission Martin Roberts, consists of 19 Olympians attending as either competitors or coaches, highlighting the high standard of competition at the World University Summer Games.
The announcement by the Australian Minister further demonstrates the importance of sport in Australian university life. Government legislation to reintroduce a student services and amenities fee is due to be debated in the Australian Senate next week.
"As well as boosting student services, these reforms will help to sustain university sporting teams and facilities - promoting active and healthy lifestyles on campus and fostering the development of future Australian athletes" Ms Ellis said.
Australian University Sport CEO Mr Don Knapp has been vocal in his support for the reintroduction of a services and amenities fee. "Since the introduction of voluntary student unionism, direct funding for sporting clubs has been cut by 40 per cent. This has contributed to a decline in university sport participation of some 12,000 students since 2005", said Mr Knapp. "This legislative amendment must pass through the Senate next week so we can begin work on restoring vital sport services on Australian university campuses."
The Australian team leaves for Serbia from 25 June and will be competing in Belgrade from 1 - 12 July.

Monday, June 29, 2009

They shouldn't mix together

Bill can you remember your words about thai boxing and kickboxing? From 1989 April edition of Black Belt?

And these days - how can we see differences between thai boxing and muay thai?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Julie Burton - experienced fighter

Contact fighting sports - grown up countries realized many years ago that without cooperation between different types of boxing styles and martial arts there couldn't be any progress.

Julie Burton in kickboxing ISKA

and in English boxing

WC combat 2009, slideshow and video

This year, specifically on this day, a World Championship in Savate Combat took place in Novi Sad, Serbia.

The President of the FIS, Gilles Le Duigou and Mr Alain Guillard visited the Serbian federation in order to sign the convention of organization of the World Combat Championships, to be held June 18th,19th and 20th in Novi Sad. They also visited the proposed competition venue and the hotels (3 star) where participants will stay - they were pleased to establish the high standards. This World Championship will be a World Championship of high quality, due both to the number of countries participating and to the quality of the organization.

Following the qualifying tournament for the finals of the 2009 world championship that took place last week-end (20th June), there are 15 senior finals for men and women, to be distributed among the candidate organisers.

As 30 finals have been requested, some candidates may be disappointed! The Competition Commission will meet in July, before the summer holidays.

Candidates for finales of World combat championship 2009

Requested Number of Finals:
1 La Motte-Servolex, France 6
2 Marseille, France 2
3 Longwy France 5
4 Eaubonne(Paris), France 2
5 Chatellerault, France 2
6 Tarbes, France 1
7 Creteil, France 3
8 Clermont-Ferrand, France 4
9 Colombes, France 3
10 Fed. Serbe, Serbia 2

Total 30

Savate combat championships are every year harder and punches and kicks are stronger. Everybody in martial art world wants to compete against brilliant and well prepared French team. And every year new boxers, new muay thai fighters, new savate beginners try their best to win in attractive fighting discipline in shoes. Believe me - it is not easy to face 203 cm tall Ivo Debelic or massive attacker Aurieng or Borovic with nearly 200 fights ahead.
In 2009 everybody can say without a shame: If you wanna compete in combat you should really have strong national team, strong financial support in your country and strong will to just step in ring with the best world fighters. And let's see what kind of support has the best team.

Junior finals: France vs. Russia

Hara (Japan) vs. Leung (Canada), combat -52 kg

Mariko Hara (Japan) vs. Valentina Balazinec (Croatia) - Women's savate combat -52 kg, winner: Hara.

Mariko Hara (Japan) vs. Heloise Thouroude (France) Broken nose bone - Heloise.

Mariko Hara (Japan) vs. Djendji Fleis (Serbia)

Thouroude (France) vs. Leung (Canada)

BENBALA Safia vs. GLISSET Ahlem - Women's savate combat -60 kg, winner: Glisset.

Goran Borovic (Croatia) vs Ludovic Millet (France)

Ozkan Kuyruk (world savate combat junior champion)

Savate Ilha Brazil, circle training

Training similar to Capoeira may unite basic principles and stronger savate in South America. Why not? Savate needs fresh blood and capoeira is still very hot.

JKS savate - Pavia, Italy

Presenting training of Alessandro Lamenta - trainer of JKS gym, savate. I like his way of teaching savate. Savate is sport. Savate should be spontaneous, open - minded and not mortal kombat as most martial arts wants to be. So Alessandro, your way of teaching savate is for my opinion correct way and very different from classic kickboxing.

Why you should love Italians?
Beacuse they are always ready for all kind of jokes, even if heavy combat fights are expected. But beware of serious and quiet ones, these are not kind of I am talking about and showing them in this video. One big hug to Italy.

Ubaldo Paschini - Capoeira - ACSI

Big savate supporter from Italy (honorable member FIS), working in ACSI. Savate is strongly positioned in FIKB - Italian kickboxing federation and ACSI may be someday also place where savate fighters will meet together. Like kickboxing and muay thai and others...


Balkan Kickboxing Federation


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Glorious - Wayne Jackson and NICE dancing interpretation

Savate Berlin, go on.

If you remove video of Bela this time, we will try to find justice at Gerhard himself :). Listen, this video is brilliant. Bela B. is great and if more savate videos would have also some background like yours in this case, this blog would be more attractive.

Great original:

Unplugged version:

My penetration eyes, can see through your disguise.
Your beauty mystifies and speaks in semaphore.
I hang on every word, your eyes like restless birds.
Scattered and disturbed on every shore.

Glorious, with every stolen line.
I feel glorious and the stars that shine are glorious,
Like the sunlight hits the sea,
You are glorious, glorious to me.

The fragrance of your skin,
And the way your dresses cling,
Devour me from within and leave me needing more.
The perfection of your crimes, it gets me every time.
Your courage is sublime, of this I’m sure.

Glorious, with every stolen line.
I feel glorious and the stars that shine are glorious,
Like the sunlight hits the sea,
You are glorious, glorious to me.

She’s tripping on high heels,
As she lets go of the steering wheel.

She, she brings me threes, a single ship,
And we sail on cubic seas.

Glorious, with every stolen line.
I feel glorious and the stars that shine are glorious,
Like the sunlight hits the sea,
You are glorious, glorious to me.

and training with Mickey Hardt (GAT 1 savate)

Wayne Jackson and Mickey Hardt training MMA

Modibo Diarra - dancing

Canne de combat club St Maurice de Beynost, France

Excellent video, crazy promotion. Congratulations. What about to VOTE for the best SAVATE video? I think this one is the winner of june 2009.

Friday, June 26, 2009

FISU (the International Federation for University Sport) - FISU magazine (number 76) savate

In 2010, FISU (the International Federation for University Sport) has about 30 different major events planned, including the World Savate Championships for University Students in Nantes, 25th and 26th June.
In the current edition of the FISU magazine (number 76), the President of FISU George E. KILLIAN writes "I am further delighted to inform you at this time, that we have added the new sport of savate to our continuing and expanding program."

To read the magazine, follow this link: http://www.fisu.net/medias/fichiers/Mag_No76.pdf

Since the first day of this special year our FISU Sports Department has been hard at work putting the final touches on the 2010 World University Championships. Early indications lead me to believe that the 2010 program will be a banner year for our championships program, where we will again have the opportunity to host thirty individual championships. I am further delighted to inform you at this time, that we have added the new sport of savate to our continuing and expanding program.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Savate Gala Boxe Francaise 2009 in Luxeuil les Bains

Savate Gala Boxe Francaise 2009 in Luxeuil les Bains. Present also: Christophe CORNU, double savate assaut world champion.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Savate Spain and Arnaud MIMOUNI (Pole Espoir Savate, Vichy)

Savate ahoy! Jose Gil IBERNON was perfectly heard and understood when he invited people to participate in a Savate training camp in Mataro. However, it was not so easy to get trainees and trainers from all the country all together when the season quietly ends while the sun shines offering many free moments to chill out with fresh sangria and tapas. Never mind! Some trainees flew around a thousand miles to go to Mataro. Almost forty people - young and older males and females - accepted the invitation of Jose Gil IBERNON to participate in the camp run by Arnaud MIMOUNI, in charge of the Pole Espoir Savate in Vichy (National High Level Savate Centre for Juniors). The event was undoubtedly a success thanks to a high quality planning lead by the president’s wife and team. A warm and friendly home made welcoming! The traditional Spanish receipt! Despite their various levels, the trainees fully involved in the project as perfect students working hard on defence and counter attacks. Arnaud MIMOUNI really appreciated the perfect organization of the camp and could also estimate local fighters’ level which is good enough to predict they would soon compete in international Assaut events. This is the ambition and the dream José has. He is intimately convinced that Savate has pure and strong values. He really thinks that Spain could be a great nation in Savate. Let’s hope his wish comes true!

Representatives of International Federation of Savate in Tehran, Iran 2008

Source: http://en.tehran.ir/Default.aspx?tabid=5215&ctl=Details&mid=22486&ItemID=24148

Deputy head of the French Federation of Savate and member of presiding board of International Federation of Savate will arrive in Tehran on January 31 along with an instructor of International Federation of Savate.
ISNA reported that representatives of International Federation of Savate will stay in Iran for five days to hold an international technical stage course and negotiate with officials of the national Iranian Olympics Committee and Physical Education Organization about development and promotion of Savate in Iran.
At the same time, qualifying matches of Iran’s national women tae kwon do team will be held at the House of Tae Kwon Do on January 24. The top ranks in youth group will take part in an international competition in Izmir, Turkey, which is to begin on April 7, 2008.
Top ranks in adults group will also leave Tehran on April 11, 2008 to take part in Asian championship which will be hosted by China.

Armenian Savate team on World combat championship 2009

Armenian national kickboxing team to participate in world championship in Belgrade
11.06.2009 16:22

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian national kickboxing team will leave for the Serbian capital Belgrade on June 17 and take part in the qualifying round of the European kickboxing (French boxing) world championship between June 18 and 20.
According to the founder and president of the French box federation of Armenia Robert Rostomyan, the national team will be represented by 4 boxers:
  1. Smbat Haroutyunyan (65 kg weight class),
  2. Aram Margaryan (70 kg weight class),
  3. Gevorg Torosyan (75 kg weght class),
  4. Vahe Gevorgyan (60 kg weight class in the tournament among juniors).
“Our federation was founded in 2003. Since then we have been very successful. In 2005 we brought the Silver from the world championship, in 2006 we won Bronze in the European championship, and in 2007 in the international tournament in Greece 6 our sportsmen took first places, and two were awarded silver medals,” Mr. Rostomyan said, adding that he now has big expectations from the coming championship in Serbia.
Manager of the Armenian national team is Volodya Khalatyan, who has trained the team for the last half a year.
French boxing is a synthesis of French Savate and English boxing. Savate, which is also known as boxe française, French Kickboxing or French Footfighting, is a French martial art which uses both the hands and feet as weapons and combines elements of western boxing with graceful kicking techniques. Savate is perhaps the only style of kickboxing in which the fighters habitually wear shoes. Around 500 sportsmen are involved in kickboxing in Armenia.
According to Mr. Rostomyan, in the case of successful play in the qualifying round in Belgrade, Armenian boxers will obtain the right to take part in the final combats of the world championship, scheduled for November and December.
“We also project to held championship in Armenia. Belgium will host European championship and we have already been invited to take part in it,” Mr. Rostomyan said.

Italian team on World savate championship combat 2009

-48kg Silvia La Notte
-56kg Manuela Massari
-60kg Alessandra Manfredini

-56kg Lorenzo Parodi
-60kg Andrea Rossi
-65kg Alessandro Caruso
-70kg Roberto Betta
-75kg Gianni Sciaccaluga
- Alesio Andolina (over weight)
- Oktavian Ryabtezeb (over weight)

- Marco Gilotti
- Luigi Ilengo
- Massimo Dragoni

- Maurizio Giacalone (delegato ufficiale)
- Paolo Traballano
- Nicola Guiducci
- Francesco De Vidi

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Savate club Ruma, Serbia

26 years old and the oldest savate club in Serbia.
5 times best sport club in Ruma,
4 years the best savate club in Serbia
7 years the best kickboxing club in Yugoslavia

Miodrag Rakic je president and coach of Savate federation of Serbia from 2003.

Trainings: "Small gym" Sport Center Ruma from 1992
Monday + Wednesday + Friday: 20:3o-22:oo (extra Saturday: 20:oo-22:oo)

Best fighters:
Dragan Hajdukovic
Stefan Radosevic
Minja Djermanovic
Strahinja Jovovic
Aleksandar Jurisic
Nikola Grcic
Sava Markovic
Miloš Golic
senior woman:
Sanja Tosic

German national assaut championship savate 2009

27 + 28th of June 2009
Konstanz, Germany (Switzerland - Germany border)

3 new silver glove - masters from IMAG savate, Berlin, Germany

IMAG Berlin Germany - savate and JKD school - http://www.savate-berlin.de

But there is another thing - http://www.savate-berlin.de/termine.html

Here they talk about:

16. Dezember: Nachwuchsturnier (Assaut) in Paris (nur Teilnehmer bis einschließlich Gant Blanc)
März 2007: nächster Lehrgang mit G.Schmitt in Gera geplant
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Teilnehmer, die am Lehrgang vom 11 u. 12.11 teilgenommen haben und ihre Handschuh-Prüfungen erfolgreich bestanden haben:

Gant Bleu: Magdalena Schrod, Elisa Spiess, Marion Konczalla, Stephan Prumbs, Denny Sander, Roman Rieloff, Andrei Schmelzer
Gant Vert: Julia Schubert, Nadia Handel, Stefanie Marquard (Vital Gera)
Gant Rouge: Ronnie Martin (Vital Gera), Frank Schneider (Vital Gera)
Gant Blanc: Marco Dunkel, Michael Hardt

Das IMAG-Team bedankt sich bei Herrn Gerhard Schmitt, dem Verbandspräsidenten,
sowie bei unseren Freunden aus Gera für den erfolgreichen Lehrgang und ein tolles Wochenende!

and on very similar site http://www.jkdberlin.de/News.html

Gratulation an Stephan Großmann, Mickey Hardt und Mario Dunkel für die erfolgreiche Prüfung zum Silbernen Handschuh im Savate!

Translation: Congratulations to new silver gloves

Stephan Großmann

Mickey Hardt

Mario Dunkel

Ministry of sport SLOVENIA and savate

BOXING (aiba)- 8.768 EUR
KICKBOXING (wako)- 116.004 EUR
KARATE (wkf)- 50.631 EUR
JUDO (ijf)- 282.701 EUR
JU-JITSU (jjif)- 42.279 EUR
SAMBO (fias) - 2.050 EUR
WRESTLING (fila) - 5.747 EUR
TAEKWONDO - 97.190 EUR (ITF - 63.951 EUR, WTF olympic - 11.097 EUR)


SKIING - 1.051.109 EUR

CLICK ON PICTURES ---> to enlarge

You can see flow of the money in Slovenian sport. For savate is reserved precisely 0 EURO. Savate is treated in Slovenia as recreational sport without competitive ambitions. In the middle of European Union it is possible everything. ALI G - please don't laugh. Some people must live in this country.

Idaho Falls Martial Arts - center

We are proud to present to you the creative minds of The Colosseum a complete product in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) gym industry in Idaho Falls. Our vision is to offer unparalleled fitness experiences through a martial art facility for Eastern Idaho. The Colosseum Mixed Martial Arts Gym is an 34,000 square foot mixed martial arts (MMA) training facility serving Eastern Idaho, including an altitude room, elevated boxing ring, a mma octagon, 5,000 square feet of Zebra mats, hanging bags, free motion weight equipment and a cardio area. Also Yoga, Hot Yoga and Pilates will be available at The Colosseum. The Colosseum promotes health, fitness, flexibility, agility and coordination through real drills. The Colosseum brings you top level instruction in various styles no matter what your previous experience is. Men, women, children, beginners, advanced, as well as the elite athlete are all welcome at The Colosseum. The Colosseum offers classes in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, cardio kickboxing, Muay Thai, Thai kickboxing, kickboxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts and a variety of conditioning classes. The Colosseum has a modernized approach to martial arts. Since all the martial arts have wonderful components, The Colosseum intends to produce students who are balanced martial artists with the skills of more than one system. By learning an integration of each of these styles, students will have the ability to defend and execute superior boxing skills, powerful kicks, and relaxed footwork, be prepared for any situation and benefit from the training of mixed martial arts. The Colosseum's system will not only produce well-rounded martial artists, with a respect for all styles, but well conditioned, strong, agile and shapely students. The Colosseum will be holding events in the attached 46,000 square foot event center. The 3000-seat center is an exceptional venue for a wide spectrum of programs and activates such as Seminars, concerts, dance competitions, martial an art competition, body building competitions, et...

1st World University Savate Championship - details

Nantes, France - June 25th to 26th, 2010

Men: Women:
up to 60kg up to 50kg
+ 60kg to 65kg + 50kg to 55kg
+ 65kg to 70kg + 55kg to 60kg
+ 70kg to 76kg + 60kg to 65kg
+ 76kg to 82kg + 65kg to 70kg
+ 82kg + 70kg

Each country may enter in each weight category: - one (1) competitor. The countries participating in the Savate competition must participate in covering the costs of the international referees and judges F.I.S. (Art. 5.3.1). The total amount of the referees and judges cost will be divided according to the number of the participants and all countries participating in the French boxing competition will pay on ration of the number of their participants. The Organizing Committee will announce the exact sum after the deadline for the Quantitative Entry Forms three (3) months before the World University Championship.

Each country is authorised to enter a maximum of seventeen (17) persons from which twelve (12) competitors (6 men and 6 women) and five (5) officials.

Age Brackets
The competitors must be born between January 1st, 1982 and December 31st, 1992.

Deadlines for Entries
General Entries: 25/12/09
Quantitative Entries: 25/03/10
Prepayment deposit date (25%): 25/03/10
Referees Entry: 25/03/10
Nominative Entries: 25/05/10

Karate - EKF Congress 2009

The Congress for the 44th European Championships was held on 7th May at the HQ Hotel in Zagreb. Mr Antonio Espinós, EKF President, opened the Congress honoring Mr. Faustino Soria, Spanish Karate Federation President, who unfortunately passed away last January. A presentation by EKF President on the work developed about the inclusion of Karate in the Olympic Programme followed. The power point presentation was focused on the social benefits involved in the practice of Karate Sport, considering Karate already has 10.000.000 practitioners all over the world.

AGFIS/GAISF - Mr. Verbruggen in 44th EKF championships

Saturday, 09 May 2009

On 8th May, the first day of the 44th European Senior Championships took place, Mr Hein Verbruggen, President of GAISF / SPORTACCORD and Ms. Laura Yan Shin, Manager of the Martial Arts Games 2010 attended the Competition and the Opening Ceremony, as this will be the first time the Martial Arts Games will be held, they were observing the development of the Karate Championships ; next June 13 delegates will be travelling to Bejing to attend a meeting where the exact dates for the Games will be decided and the technical details for each Martial art will be discussed.
Mr. Verbruggen participated at the Awards Ceremony, offering the medals to the winners at Kata individual female category.

Agron Preteni - 18 years, SAVATE world champion from Croatia

The best Croatian junior class fighter from club Pit Bull (city: Split, country: Croatia) was this time the most effective fighter also in savate combat. He won first place in a super heavy weight category on a World savate championship 2009 in Novi Sad, Serbia (Vojvodina).
In a third round he won with KO against 203 cm and 110 kg giant and excelent Serb fighter Ivo Debelic.
This valuable title brings Agron prestige place in fighting sports in Croatia - ALL TIME BEST junior fighter of Croatia.

2006 - 3rd place World championship WAKO - low kick, Zadar, Croatia
2007 - European champion on European championship WAKO - low kick, Portugal
2008 - World champion on a World championship WAKO - low kick, Naples, Italy
2008 - 5th place on a World championship of boxing AIBA in Mexico City (one of the best fighters in category).

Croatian savate team 2009 (19 competitors):

Senior man:

  1. - 56 kg Antonio Horvatic
  2. - 60 kg Predrag Simunec
  3. - 65 kg Miroslav Tustic
  4. - 70 kg Goran Borovic
  5. - 75 kg Luka Habek
  6. - 80 kg Zdenko Mirt
  7. - 85 kg Mario Bukal
  8. + 85 kg Mario Korican

Senior women:

  1. - 52 kg Valentina Balezinec
  2. - 56 kg Marina Horvat
  3. - 60 kg Marija Kosi
  4. - 65 kg Zeljka Jarec
  5. - 70 kg Ksenija Koprek

Junior man:

  1. - 60 kg Stipan Prtenjaca
  2. - 65 kg Tomislav Hunic
  3. - 70 kg Matija Godinic
  4. -75 kg Davor Kostelac
  5. - 85 kg Marijan Belic
  6. + 85 kg Agron Preteni
Thanks to Serbian exelent organisation: (Mr. Rakic, Odzic, Pletl...) there was excelent food, nice hotels, serb volunteers for every national team, sayonara party, first and I hope not the last cups for the winners, awards for participation, nice medal and photo-shooting place.

Preteni in kickboxing ring - PIT BULL club Split: (winner)

Monday, June 22, 2009

WBO professional boxing: Miranda (Argentina) vs. Zavec (Slovenia)

It is nice to see promotion of professional boxing in Slovenia. Match was in the second biggest city in Slovenia - Maribor.
Weird thing is - that boxing as olympic sport doesn't have any official BOXING GYM in a capital of Slovenia - city of Ljubljana. Sport authorities of Ljubljana say that boxing is not developed enough in Slovenia-Ljubljana to spend all this money for ONE AND ONLY PERMANENT BOXING RING. Boxers in Ljubljana usually do their trainings in a small public gyms or school gyms, usually (˝if school management allows˝) with one or even two boxing bags.
ALI G - you were right with your statement "GO BACK TO SLOVENIA".
Who is Slovenia and Ljubljana afraid of? Boxers? I doubt.

- alias: Jan Zaveck, Mr. Sympathikus
- date of birth: 13th of March 1976
- lives: Ptuj (Slovenia) and Magdeburg (Germany)
- height: 171 cm
- weight: - 66,678 kg (welter)
- job: professional boxer
- professional from: 2003
- club: SES Magdeburg
- trainer: Dirk Dzemski
- manager: Ulf Steinforth
- statistics: 27 win (15 with KO), 1 loss, 0 no decision

* Amateur CV:
- 7 times Slovenian national champion (AIBA - boxing)
- champion of kickboxing federation of Slovenia (Kickboxing club Ptuj - Vladimir Sitar)

* Professional CV:
19th of June 2009 Jorge Daniel Miranda, hall Tabor, Maribor
15th of May 2009 Arek Malek, Bordrlandhalle, Magdeburg
15th of June 2008 Marco Cattikas, hall Tabor, Maribor
19th of January 2008 Pietro d'Alessio, Burg-Waechter Castello, Dusseldorf
13th of October 2007 Albert Starikov, Herrmann-Gieseler-Halle, Magdeburg
17th of February 2007 Nicolas Guisset, Hotel Maritim, Magdeburg
23th of May 2006 Andrej Jeskin, Sport hall Center, Ptuj
25th of March 2006 Joel Mayo, Turm Erlebnis City, Oranienburg
29th of October 2005 Serge Vigne, Turm Erlebnis City, Oranienburg
20th of September 2005 Mihajil Bojarskih, T-Mobile Arena, Praga
18th of June 2005 Joseph Sovijus, Amfiteater Arena, Pula
02th of April 2005 Danilo Alcantara, Ofen Stadthalle, Velten
15th of January 2005 Martins Kukuls, Bordelandhalle, Magdeburg
18th of September 2004 Jurijs Boreiko, Herrmann-Gieseler-Halle, Magdeburg
17th of July 2004 Arthur Nowak, Anhalt Arena, Dessau
05th of June 2004 Boubacar Sidibe, Hotel Maritim, Magdeburg
17th of April 2004 Viktor Baranov, hall Tabor, Maribor
21th of February 2004 Nikita Zajcev, Ballhaus Arena, Aschersleben
29th of November 2003 Rožalin Nasibulin, Lausitz Arena, Cottbus
17th of October 2003 Andrzej Butowicz, Usti nad Labem, Češka
20th of September 2003 Leonti Voroncuk, Hotel Maritim, Magdeburg
05th of July 2003 Kamel Ikene, Anhalt Arena, Dessau
14th of June 2003 Artur Drinaj, Bordelandhalle, Magdeburg
21th of May 2003 Nikita Zajcev, Hradec Kralove, Češka
25th of April 2003 Patrik Hruska, Hotel Maritim, Magdeburg
21th of March 2003 Nico Salzmann, Sportcenter Jumps, Weissensee, Berlin
01th of March 2003 Zsolt Toth, Ballhaus Arena, Aschersleben

* Lost: professional boxing
29th of September 2008 Rafael Jackeiewicz, hall Spodek, Katowice

* No decision: professional boxing
12th of June 2007 Jorge Daniel Miranda, hall Tabor, Maribor

Oldest Finland's martial art magazine's FIGHTER diplom and trophy to ITF Finland president


On Saturday 6 of June 2009 in capital of Finland, did oldest Martial Art Magazine: BUDOKA give diploma and trophy for ITF Finland President, Mr. Jean Feller, 5th dan.

First time ever, this honour did come ITF Taekwon-doist. This trophy has been given since 1987 in Finland. This annual "FIGHTER"- diploma and trophy will only given person who has literally sacrifice their lives for development own Martial Art in Finland and has always respect all tenets of own art. This honor was given by Mr. Peter Schild, who is Head Editor of Budoka Magazine.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Demonstration and a bit of sparring in Silambam, in the end a bit of something extra :)

Silambam, Poornakupam village near Pondicheri south India
Silambam Palanivel master, poornakupam Tamil Nadu.

C V N Kerala Kalari Wadi Veeshal

Glimpse of boxing best moments

Davide Vitaloni Vs. Andrea Bascapè - Savate Assaut

The fight between David Vitaloni, trained by M° Nino Rizzo and Andrew Bascapè, the Shadow of Pavia. The result of these two men was tied.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bernard Laporte watched Canne de Combat

French Ministry of sport observes Canne de Combat - Bernard Laporte.
Championship of France 2009 - Canne de Combat in Rodez. Demonstration canne : Nicole Chane Foc vs Kevin Colin. Demonstration baton: Luc Cheynier and Roland HOFFBECK.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Romanian Canne de Combat - Calusari

1. Calusarii dance performed at 40th anniversary of JOC Dance Ensemble. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRDtP1
2. Black and white clip from '70 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo8zPY
3. Romanian folk dance performed by Ariesana-Fiii Motilor folk ensemble from Turda and Mihai Viteazu.
4. Professional folk band "DORUL" - PITESTI - JUDETUL ARGES-Romania - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Iw4Fh

Canne(de combat) francaise:
1. canne de combat - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHC9ed
2. la canne techniques - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1-Z5d

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jerome Huon - savate competition biography 1994-2004

Starting with Friedrich Nietzsche's words - What doesn't kill us makes us stronger...
MGM background. Symbolic?

Savate-assaut World champion - Bulgaria (- 70 Kg)
Technical champion of France - Marseille (- 70 Kg)

½ Finals Elite

½ finals Elite (-63)

vice Champion of France ELITE - Coubertin (-63)

Champion of France honneur - Pouchet, Paris (-63)

vice Champion of France Honneur (-60)
Winner, France vs Espagne - Pamplune, Espagne (-60)
University Champion of France - Strasbourg (-66)

European junior Champion - Zagreb, Croatia (-60)
Junior champion of France - Paris (-60)
Winner, Tournament of Indian Ocean region - La Reunion (-63)
Winner, France vs. Croatia - Zagreb, Croatia (-60)

Champion of France technique - Paris (-60)
Winner, criterium Ile de France - Paris (-60)
Vainqueur de l'Open de France - First contact - Paris (-65)

Cadet champion of France - Gagny (77)

Cadet champion of France - Cergy (95)

Savate film - "les boxeurs"

producer of "les boxeurs": Solange Grenna
Film was presented on a film festival in Montpellier.
Prof: Stephane Gougne


France (Europe) - Cameroon (Africa) savate relations

Joel Dhumez, President of the International Development Commission, in Cameroon.

Joel Dhumez at the Ministry of Sports of Cameroon with Ali ADJI (President of the African Savate Confederation) and His Excellence Mr Augustin EDJOA, the Minister of Sports of Cameroon.

Stefano Gennaccari - savate, Pavia, Italy

- 1976 - First boxing trainings in gym "brothers Sconfietti", FPI (Federazione Pugilistica Italiana) in Pavia.
- Three years later teached savate by Maestro Emilio De Alessandri.
- In 1986 after 7 years of praxis, he got SAVATE diploma in savate organization called ENBF (Ecole Nationale de Boxe Francaise SAVATE) from savate master Manusardi pionir of french boxing SAVATE in Italy.
- At the end of 80's he attended many seminars in Doria Totip gym in Milan and cooperates with many fighters as Andre Panza, Fred Royers, Rob Kaman, Tom Harinck, Peter Aerts, Ramon Dekker.
- In 1994 he got diploma from savate organization UIBFS, that was recognised from FIS savate.
- Grades:
1995 Shotboxing - FENASCO
1996 Jeet Kune Do - WKA
PFS - Paul Vunak (Vinicio Del Beccaro, president Combat Dept)
- Nowadays he works (attend seminars) in Jeet Kune Do with great names - Dan Inosanto, Paul Vunak, Tomas Cruise, Mark Danny the Dog Brothers and Roy Harris.
- Works with savate group in JKS Pavia http://www.jksgym.it/
and his pupils achieved 4 titles of Italian BF SAVATE combat champions and WKA, ISKA regional titles.
- Worked with Claude Alberton and Stefano Sirtori from University of Fighting - Milan
- Now active in Combat dept - http://www.combatdept.com/

Monday, June 15, 2009

60 years of FISU and 50 years of Universiade

My comments:
WHY almost all countries don't recognize FISU sport results, but on the other hand they invest money to satisfy students (travel) needs? ... was the question that some trainer of olympic sport asked me. And I didn't find an answer. But FIS savate tactically chose FISU before AGFIS recognition. Can you imagine why, with all those WAKO member countries?

FISU Poster Design Contest Results - Thursday, 11 June 2009

From December 2008 to April 2009, FISU held a Poster Design Contest for University students across the globe to commemorate the 60th anniversary of FISU and the 50th anniversary of the Universiade.
The FISU Poster Design Contest winners were selected at the last Executive Committee meeting held in Brussels, Belgium on May 23, 2009. The results were as follows:
- First Place, from Iran, 5th year student in Graphic Arts at Elmi Karbodi University;

- Second Place, Mr. Roque Teixeira from Portugal, 4th year student in Engineering at the University of Minho;

- Third Place, Mr. Chenxin Zheng from China P.R., 1st year student in Management at the Beijing Sport University.